

史蒂芬:我叫史蒂芬,來自加州。碘能夠讓情感進化嗎?(does iodine evolves the emotion?) 這樣的說法對嗎?






凱史: 嗯,里克,可否打開維基百科?不要找我的名字,不存在,哦,找自由能源,人們比較知道。哦,找海藻?









凱史: 碘?我想來自加州的史蒂芬,對嗎?上面說海帶跟碘吃過量的話….

史蒂芬:我在,我原本在找素食者的健康,上面有一堆資料,因為有些顧慮,素食者缺碘之類的。我想 日本人,韓國人的日常飲食,確實吃很多海藻的東西。







凱史:???啊! 可能是部分,你有同位素,而且嗯….我們能看一下同位素嗎?還有碘的衰變情形?如果你能找到,碘的衰變,就放同位素與衰變,沒有!!耶?現在我們想看衰變,它們會衰變成甚麼?





凱史:我們在找一個半分裂衰變?好!如果你以那樣的方式看,你要看它們,它們分裂成甚麼?如果你看,放,56,加61,62,56是鐵,是人體,60, 61,你看到117,118,就在你眼前。然後你就知道這連結,身體血紅素的一部分,鐵,然後你看到跟情感面的連結,把兩者連在一起。你的靈魂,跟情感在互動,鋅,身體跟鐵有關連,發現新大陸!







凱史: 我正等著你自己回答?









凱史:你有所有的信心,不然你不會在這裡 (背景: 卡羅琳娜笑~~)







Iodine, its Isotopes and its connection to emotion of the Soul

Steven: Err. This is err, Steven from California.

Mr. Keshe: Yes, Steven?

Steven: Does Iodine evolve the emotion? Is that a fair statement?

Mr. Keshe: Explain yourself. I think from now on, I sit back and let you lot to teach each other, and I sit and listen. I've done enough Teaching, explain what you see?

Steven: Well I was thinking about the intermediary layer, as the emotion, and how we could evolve that, or support, use zinc to support it, Can we use Iodine to help it, like focus it? Which for some reason brought to my mind, umm, seaweed, Iodine and seaweed, that's, I made a GANS of seaweed and I was just trying to see. Trying to understand how, if there was a connexion there.

Mr. Keshe: Why seaweed?

Steven: Something about, it spoke to me, like there was, err...A plant in the sea, so, Kelp that has a lot of Iodine in it, because I was looking for something that, was a natural source of Iodine.

Mr. Keshe: Hum, Rick, can you open up Wikipedia? Don't look for my name it doesn't exist, err, free energy people made sure of it. Euh, and look for i, seaweed?

Rick: Ok! Let me, err, just get that set up here. Ok, seaweed. Do a screen share.

Mr. Keshe: (“Can you make me a cup of tea, please?” Ask to Carolina) 02:25:00

Mr. Keshe: Ok! Can you? Can you open up what is the Iodine in seaweed? Would you like to take over, because, it is your, err, understanding, and I guide you?

It says, “Rotting seaweed is potent source of, hydrogen sulfide, a highly toxic gas, and has been implicated in some incidents of apparent hydrogen-sulphide poisoning. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea." This is very true!

Umm, those who live around the coast of Italy with us, in our area now, in err, Bari area. Err, the coastline is closed by the coastguards, they advised people not to go into the sea, because the seaweed has turned orangish-reddish and releases this huge amount of sulphur dioxide, and creates eye irritation and vomiting. And, it's on the motorways, when we drive we see it, it says there, you cannot go into the water, more or less.

So, you have to understand it has a lot of sulfide, and then I'll explain this later on.

Sandor: Euh, there is a group of, err, seaweed, which is called Kelp. They, mention the content, of, err, nutritionals, like vitamins, minerals.

Mr. Keshe: No problem. Ok! Ok! It says Kelp and Iodine overdose.

Steven: I was looking at vegan health, I think, they have a lot of, because there's concerns with lack of Iodine with regards to vegans? So, I think, um, that's where, um..and Japanese, Koreans really have a lot of seaweed in their diet too, I think.

because you, I believe you said, umm, you asked a question, and Armen answered with Iodine helps elevate the emotion, I believe?

Mr. Keshe: No, iodine, elements are...You've got to look at what we were talking about. We are not talking about Iodine as a Matter-state Iodine, we are talking about Iodine as a Plasma, in a GANS state, as the matter converted Iodine, into amino acid level. it's, it's, is one which connects and, It is division of consistency of the field structure conversion, Zinc , in that level connects it to the emotion of the man.

This is what we were talking about, this is what the Teaching has started with, and I've brought an indication that the soul and interaction, and communication line of the soul of the man sits with Iodine strength level.

We are not talking that you go and eat Iodine, and you increase your soul, no. You lack of it, no.

We talk about Iodine, that allows the totality of the emotion to have interaction with the next level of the highest energy, which is the emotion of the Soul.

This is what I said, people who went and bought Iodine tablets and said, Oh now we can do! I said, “This doesn't work!” You have to look with Iodine, which is already converted into the protein link connection.

Steven: Yeah, and I thought that would be found in the GANS of Kelp?

Mr. Keshe: GANS of?

Steven: Seaweed, Kelp!

Mr. Keshe: Ah. Possibly part of it. You have isotopes and, umm...Can we go and look at the isotopes and decay of Iodine, please? If you can bring it up. What Iodine decays to? Just put isotopes and decay. No!

Rick: Mentions there's 37 known isotopes of Iodine. Err...

Mr. Keshe: Yeah! Now, we want to look at the decay, to what do they decay to? Err, there, yeah! It say's their decay 129 half-life of 15.7 million years, which is far too short for its ...(to exist as a primordial nuclide. ... Cosmogenic sources of 129I produce very tiny quantities)

Let's look at all the isotope decay of err, Iodine?

Sandor: I found only one, Iodine 131, err, has a beta decay to xenon 131?

Mr. Keshe: We are looking for half division decays. Ok! If you look at it that way, you have to see what they, they split into.

If you look... put... 56 plus 61, 62 ... 56 is iron, which is the physicality of the man, 60, 61, you see 117, 118, (typing in background) it's on there in front of you.

Then you understand the connection between the physicality, which is part of the haemoglobin, Iron, and then you see the connection with the emotion, which connects the two together. Your soul, in the interaction with the emotion, the Zinc, and the physicality, which is to do with the Iron. You found the jackpot!

Steven: And, by adding some Zinc oxide?

Mr. Keshe: Oxide doesn't count, oxide is the holding of Oxide, when you have oxygen, is linking connection, to hold onto, to the structure of the physicality of this planet.

You don't have a Zinc oxide in the Space, doesn't exist, unless there is an oxygen somewhere with it. Zinc exists as a mono-atomic, err, plasma.

The oxidization, or acidic, is the connection which, we've said, end of the strength of this planet.

Oxides don't exist in the Universe.

If you connect to the hydrogen, you go on the end of the acidic, if you connect on the oxygen you go on the alkaline, which means you become gravitational or magnetical, you're taking from the environment in connection with, or you're giving in environment in connection with?

Steven: So, by, by adding…..By making the GANS of seaweed with, using the water of the liquid plasma of Zinc oxide GANS, does that elevate the condition of the Field Plasma, that could be drawn upon. ... Hello?

Mr. Keshe: I'm waiting for you to answer yourself?

Steven: (laughs) Ok!

Rick: (laughing) That was good.

Mr. Keshe: Because I've done enough answering, and it's become easy, I give you, you take, and you just walk away with it. Thinking, makes the man wise, and wisdom makes the man rich, I would like you to make rich with your knowledge.

Rick: And dead air time makes the man think too, so when it gets quiet..

Mr. Keshe: Pardon?

Rick: We call it dead air time, makes the man think too, when it gets quiet like that and you're expecting an answer, but you put it back on them, and that dead air time, that quietness, allows the space for us to formulate our own thoughts, and try to come up with something. You're right, otherwise we listen for the answer from you all the time, and...

Mr. Keshe: Yeah, it gives me a chance to have my Italian coffee too[f1] !

Steven: I'm just trying to support my confidence, so that...

Mr. Keshe: You have all the confidence, otherwise you wouldn't be here!

Steven: I'm just trying to find an equilibrium state between my beliefs and my behaviours? Just trying to...

Mr. Keshe: Ay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! You start judging yourself.

“If what I believe is correct with my emotion.”
“What I've been made to believe is correct, is in line with my emotion!”

You have the knowledge, you know, most of the knowledge with the physical life is, more or less, been taught here, it's for you to understand, to make the connection with your emotion and the physicality.

Steven: It's peaceful!

(special thanks to Richard Gans for his transcription for ksw134 teaching.)


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