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what makes salt gravitational?
Rick: Bente brings up one outstanding question, she is wondering what makes salt gravitational, and field wise, how does it help make life, and make gans in the gans box, or gans in the body? (3:22:40)
Keshe: the salts are gravitational, that’s why the body of the man absorb more energy from his environment than he gives.
Rick: so, what makes it gravitational?
Keshe: because of the mass of it. This is the mass compared to its environment. This gravitational field strength. This is one of the reasons which I always said, man takes most of his energy, 80% from the environment, and 20% by feeding himself. Because of carrying different amount of salt in our body is so gravitational, that we pull everything which is in our environment, and environment draw itself to us. And we feed back to.
When you are heavily gravitational, you have to give them feedback somewhere . You just can’t hold onto everything, you change ganses. So in a way, if you look at it, the salt content of the body of the man, different kind source of salinity, is in a way absorbed by it. The energy, now you understand where the 80% energy comes from.
Rick: that’s where also she mentioned you also say that life starts as a gaseous plasma, and that salt environment basically allow it pulls in, and allows that to Coalesce or to congregate.
Keshe: if you test the sperm, the egg, and the salinity with them, then you understand why. Even the interaction of the two is this condition of the salinity in trying to mix to make a point, and that creates a dynamic position. Because one is absorbing more from the environment from the womb of the mother than the other. And in that process, trying to give to the other one to balance itself, it creates its dynamic system. They call it once got one more chromosome than the other one, that difference is small amount of the difference is very big for the two.
This is the line of the creation, maybe for the first time the science has to understand the sunrise. And then, if you can divide it, make it gravitational or magnetical more, then you decide the sextual dependency.
And some source can decide which one to be at the point of the need, that’s why some animals who have reached that point of position of understanding. Man is not the ultimate intelligent creature on this planet. They can become man or woman, male or female to condition, if you understand further you are the son of the virgin, that’s the natural process. If you reach a special condition,
These are the taboos which man has to get rid of it, once he understand more of the creation. This is very much if you go in the line of the scientific than you see a lot of disease at the older age, and other diseases are at certain age. We can now explain it.
The salinity has a lot to do with the emotion, too. Because it’s what you give, what you hold, and what you don’t share, and while you give too much, you cannot remember where the depression come from. Where do the other disease come from?
【Keshe Foundation will announce hospitals in China (only) for people to consult with】
Next week, most probably, the foundation on the website, and through the keshe foundation worldwide, we release the locations, and the hospitals in the next few weeks. You can go to, or recovery process monitored by highly qualified doctors and scientists for the different disease. We concentrate this session only on Chinese territory for the time being. Then you can commit, or you can travel and speak with them to receive the edge of the technology science in different aspects, from cancer, to coma and the rest. Thank you very much. (3:28:10)