


賈勒拉:現在我們知道有引力和磁力(斥引力),取決於你。如果你想抓住磁力與它互動以便給予; 或你要引力與它互動以便給予與接受。但通常,通常,你在人的行為看到的,當他給予,他以右手給出。當他接收,通常他以左手拿取。所以,如果你使用雙手,注意當中的場域,你會發現雙手當中大有文章,場域是那麼不同。(2:25:38)



關鍵在你如何使用你的結構?部分是因為這因人而異。但我分享我的經驗。我用左手移動,跟用右手移動,感覺是不一樣的。如果你注意到,即使在教學中,你如何捲線圈?右轉以及左轉,其中一個是引力,一個是磁力。教學中,你現在知道引力是給予者,磁力是接收者。(註: 講反了?引力是接收者) (2:27:40)















像德國總理就訓練有素。我看過很多,甚至女性的那位總理也受過訓練。正如剛剛賈勒拉所說的,德國人透過『確認存在的心理模式』訓練他們的高階政治人物。你看到他們所有人都是這樣,前一任總理也是非常強大,握手時總是強而有力重重地握手,握手當中,已經收到有人繳交的訊息,是我要給你,你是接收者,不管你本來想扮演什麼角色,我可以財務上支援你,我有工業,我有實力可以做這樣的事。 (2:40:28)




The give and take of the right hand and left hand

Jalai: now we know there is a gravitational and magentical, and it’s up to you. If you want to grab the magnetical and interact with it to give and take with it; or you go to the gravitational, and you interact with it to give and take. But normally, normally, you see in the behavior of the man, when he is giving, he is giving with the right hand. When he is taking, normally he is taking with the left hand. So if you put your hands, and you notice the fields, you will notice so many things in your both hands, so different fields. (2:25:38)

From my side, when I practice it, I’ve noticed that the left hand is more sensitive for all these fields. When I interact with something, and want to move it, we’ve done it in one of the private teachings. The left hand is not so stronger as the right hand when I want to move something. (2:26:54)

It’s how you use your structure? Partially everyone is different from the other. But I am telling you from my side. When I go with my left hand it’s different when I go with the right hand. And if you notice, even in the teaching, how are you winding your wires? Right turn and left turn, which one is gravitational, and which one is magnetical. From the teaching, you know now that the gravitational is the giver, the magnetical is the taker.(remarks: is it correct? on the contrary?) (2:27:40)

By the way, Rick, you’ve mentioned the eyes, and the smell, and the soul, I came through this before with one of my relatives, she was 10, or 11 years old. She all has this in the beginning. That was a superpower. Because we don’t understand, we said this is a gift from God. But, without her knowing, she can see things, know things with her eyes. Because the soul is showing itself in this position. But now you are practicing simply with the hands, because the hand is the most simple and powerful one, because we are killing with the hand. And as you said we are grabbing and taking everything with your hand. You cannot kill with your eyes, nose, mouth. ( Remarks: this phrase being corrected by the audience as well as Mr. Keshe later on, people do kill with other senses….)

So this is the part which needs in the beginning to know about, and what is capable of. So we put it in the peaceful way, that you interact with the fields only. You do not need to touch anything. You can give and take everything. Simple and dangerous. (2:29:22)

Keshe: you remembered that old song, which said he kills me softly, goes back to 1970. If you noticed Jalai drew pictures of the hands, and the nose, the mouth, and everything else. Scientifically, the size and the use of each sensor, or each part of the body dictates the space used in the brain for that part. And this is one of the reasons when we get amputation, we lose operation of the arms, it’s harder to go. If it’s done another time. (2:32:02)

So when you look at the hands, the hands of the man takes a very big part of the brain, on the side just over your ears. Where, for example, the upper hand, lower hand, take very small space compared to the hand itself. But we are talking about the hand from the wrist on, we are not talking about the lower arm, upper arm.

We see scientifically if you draw a man like this, the less parts of the man, have activities or part of activities in the brain of the man. This is something scientifically proven. We know what’s up. So, the more we use something, an organ, the more space cells are allocated for its function in the brain of the man. And that’s why we see it amplify certain muscles in their body, because their use in, the brain allocate a lot of cells to it. That’s why when our muscles tissue get damaged in such place, it takes such long time, just within few weeks are back on track. Because the brain has already allocated a huge number of cells for that, so it’s already ready if we become damaged, I’m ready. Because it’s used too much. (2:33:36)

【the left hand accept energy more, creates a bigger left loop of the brain】

This is one of the reasons we see this, so the size of the brain in allocating area for each use is there, so when you start using your left hand to feel energies, to feel the energy transfer, you will get into a very strange position. Because the left hand accept energy more, it creates a bigger left loop of the brain, by large, they said the two sides of the brain are the same. But practically, the left side is slightly more. Because it receives more energy. That’s why they said the people left-handed have different characteristics. Because everything goes thru’ the left hand.

【But our heart is in the left side】
But on the other hand if you look the heart of the man is on the left side. You have to understand when Jalai speaks about you feel in your left hand, more than right hand, which means the left has to be the weaker, not the stronger. Principle of the energy in the plasma transfer is the stronger always gives to the weaker, because the heart of the man takes a lot of energy in the left side. So, it demands energy. This is why our left hand is more what we call “receiver”. (2:35:20)

【The left side is responsible for the right side.】
Scientifically we understand the process, but at the same time, being closer, it radiates more out, but, on the other hand, because the growth of the energy transfer, because it doesn’t just go thru’ the hands, energy transfer right across the environment. The left side is responsible for the right side. So, with the higher energy, we give more energy to this side is transmitted there, it receives its energy thru’ the environment of the left, but it gives the energy towards the direction of the right. Because that’s what it does.

So that’s why we are the giver on the right side. We understand the process. And that’s why the energy of the right is stronger. And it travels back to the left. (2:36:30)

【we take everything from the left.】
So in a way if you look, we understand the process of the creation, for an organ to receive, has to be weaker than the environment, which creates it. That is why we have such a motion between the left and right as the energy. Because the left hand is weaker, always but the weak, so it gives energy to it, I’m weak, I need. That’s why we take everything from the left.

And the reason for the left hand to be weaker, because the heart is more on the left. And to run such operation of the body, it takes a lot of energy. And it needs to absorb. The right is a little bit too far.

And in that process, as the fields travel to the upper layer, you understand you create an energy which is absorbed, as it’s a field by the left brain, because now the left brain receives direct energy, it doesn’t go thru’ the neuro system, and partially it does. It becomes stronger, so it has more energy, but the left side is responsible for the right side, it creates a stronger right hand.

【why do we shake hands with the right hand?】
In a way, if you look at it, why do we shake hands with the right hand? Because it’s where the strength comes. It’s stronger, because it can give more.

Have you seen the battles of the president when they stand in front of each other? They shake hands with each other, understand somebody submits. Because in that handshake, we measure each other how much are you taking from me? How much am I a giver? Is like putting 2 north poles against each other. And you see which north pole makes the condition for the other one to receive more? Because now you are weaker, I give it to you.

You see this, German chancellors are trained for this. I watched many, even German chancellor, as a woman, she’s trained in, as we saw with Jalai, German trained their politicians at a high level through thru’ the psychological patterns of confirmation of the existence. And you see all of them, we saw last chancellor, very strong, and heavy handedly shaking, because in that handshake, they already receive the submission, I’m me to give you are the receiver, doesn’t matter what you want to be, and I can financially support you. Because I have the industry, I have the strength to do it. (2:40:28)

We are fully aware of the process now, it’s good for knowledge seekers to understand why you receive, and then, when you become in that process, detached from it, then you will see some strange phenomena. You will find out carrying with what Jalai was trying to explain. As you use your left hand, and you transfer more energy to the left side of the brain. Because the energy doesn’t go thru’ the nerves. Most of it go thru’ the environment of it. You create a condition for the soul. When your soul (here) has a different energy recipient with the circulation of the blood to the brain of the man.

【Thru’understanding this, can dictate the condition of the emotion】

And in the future, I’ll teach you a lot of about this. You can literally dictate the condition of the emotion. Because in giving more, we dictate the soul, the condition of the soul to one other side. It’s weaker compared to, so it gives to. And then you understand how some psychological patterns of disease, we call it, appear. Because when you take with the left, and you force a condition, do not forget, this thing works with a pump, the soul of the physicality, and the soul of the man to. (2:43:26)


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