








有些甘斯是用在物質方面,我們說的生命方面,有些是用在能量的方面。很多知識尋求者沒有弄清楚兩者用途的分野。在醫療用途,進食用途,通常用到Cu,Zn; 在能源應用,與太空運行,用到氫,氘,氚。我看到有人會想跨過界。這很難。你記得宇宙過渡的物質狀態,當你在這裡的甘斯狀態運作,(凱史把物質甘斯圈出來),有時那樣很難回得去。除非你知道如何玩這個遊戲。






代表什麼呢? 還是宇宙逆轉的科技,人類必須學會飛翔。你不需要強大的場強創造物質,甚至握緊該場所所需的甘斯。如果知識尋求者理解這一點,不消幾秒他就成了太空旅人。(1:15:40)


這是我長久以來看到的情形,知識尋求者在玩的方式,我放二氧化碳,放鋅,放這個那個。如果你看中國的飛行系統,我們什麼都沒用,只用這三樣東西。 氫,氘,氚。(在白板寫出來)



正如我們說的,馬匹在不同的跑道,不同的人在不同的進度。知識尋求者越早知道篩選的範圍,以及兩者之間的連接與轉換(Cu / Zn和H),就能非常順利地取出。如果你看地球的條件,你有進來的能量,在與銅的慣性能量過程中,就會變成銅。在鋅的磁引場中,就會變成鋅。這些是能量包,這些是慣性包,取決於結構的磁引力場,你決定在那個反應中,在這一點會創造出什麼來。









two levels of ganses.
matter state of gans, and energy state of gans.
One of the problems that knowledge seekers have is that you have not realized that there is a massive critical point. None of you knowledge seekers have understood one of the cornerstone principle of the technology. This has become a mayhem for a lot of you. (01:00:52)
What does this mean? Today’s teaching is trying to sort out, we have to understand what’s involved. A lot of you have worked, but have not understood. Or lot of you have understood some of it, but could not connect.
two levels of ganses.
Let me explain to you what I’m trying to say and then we take it further. You have to look at something very important in our technology, in our teachings, we have continuously referred to two levels of ganses. Matter state of gans. We have a matter state of gans, and we have energy state of gans. These have to be understood.
Many of you haven’t come to the level to understand that that matter energy gans, leads to the condition of the life. CuO, Zinc, CH3, (1:05:03 due to some screen arrangement)
Most of you have not separated the two sides of the science, the technology has universal part, it has light part, and it has matter part. In the matter part, which is the life of the man. You use CUO, Zinc Oxide, and everything else, and then you try to get this small energy from the matter part to create lift and motion. (1:06:10)
This means that the knowledge seekers have to understand the total process, not part of the process. Lot of people go between one or another. Or they mix together. This is part of why you do not achieve, or can not achieve many of the things you set out to do. (1:08:45, again due to screen sharing problem)
Many knowledge seekers have not understood the difference between the using of these two.
The ganses which we use is for life, the ganses which we use is for energy. Many knowledge seekers have not understood the difference between the using of these two. In medical application, in food application, we use usually these Cu, Zn; in energy application, in space movement application, we use H, H2, H3. I’ve seen people trying to cross line. This is very difficult. You remember the universe transition matter state, when you work in the gans state, which is here, sometimes it’s not so easy to go back that way. Unless you know how to play the game.
But if you are in this stage, you can calm down and make the matter state. It’s easier. In this process, you release energy. Majority of time, in this process, you gain energy CO2, CO2, set them all. If we look these are all alkaline, or gravitational. These are all acidic, or energy giving.
In the coming time, anyone work with these systems, especially with magrav systems, dynamic system, energy or lift, you have to understand what you set as your system for. (1:11:23)Many of you make a coil, and cover these kinds of things, you get different results.
Hydrogen, Deuterium, and tritium, have different needs,
You’ve got to understand Hydrogen, Deuterium, and tritium, have different needs, and they can be used in a specific way for gravitational-and magnetical turn. The energy released from these can lead to the creation of these. From plasma, we can create matter, we can create energy of the matter, we can create the condition of the energy of the matter. With the elements, we have problems to achieve.
People explore in the space area, need further knowledge
People go towards the understanding of the motion, and travel in the space, you have to understand a further knowledge. If you look at it in a matter state, the gravitational field forces are tight to keep a molecule in its position. Strong and tight to give a atomic structure into molecule structure, to keep so many atoms or so many electrons, or protons, whatever together.
But if you look at the structure of the planet system, solar system, the energy is very weak, extremely weak. There is a star there, galaxy here, another force on the universe there. Billions and billions of kilometers away. The fields has had many bottles on its way without the fields to get to us. Tantalizing weak, tantalizing it beautiful to play.
What this means? Or the reverse technology of the universe, mankind has to learn to fly. You don’t need the strong field forces to create matter and hold onto even the gans you need strong fields in the location. If the knowledge seekers understand this, man become man of the space in a few seconds. (1:15:40)
The mistake made by most of us, they are still in the camel bird story. They think they are in the rocket propulsion, but they want to work with the gans technology. fill it up, and pack it in to what you like. Sorry, there is no star so close with this power.
This is where I’ve seen a long time, knowledge seekers play, I put gans of CO2, I put Zinc in, I put this, or that in. if you look at Chinese flight system, we have not used anything but these three. H, H2, H3. (write on the white board)
In your medical system, yes, you have to use this or that, to be the light of the sight. In the space technology, you have to understand what you are doing.
it’s no use to mix this and this, and expect something miracle.
This is the problem which has been sitting around the foundation for some time, and I’ve always thought that one day they are ready to go to space, I’ll explain it, it’s no use to mix this and this, and expect something miracle. Because what it is energy conversion. You hit a high energy to a solid body. You know how to take the energy out. You might create a few watt. . (1:17:56)
As we said, horses for courses. The sooner the knowledge seekers understand this criteria, and connection and conversion between these two (Cu/Zn and H) , then we are in a very smooth way to take out. If you look at the condition of this planet, you have the energies which come, and in the process with the energy of inertia of the copper, they change to copper. And in the gravitational-and-magnetical field of zinc is there, they change to zinc. These are energy packs, these are inertia packs, depending on the gravitational-and-magnetical field of the structure, you dictate in that reaction, at this point, what is created.
So gravitational-and-magnetical field of the earth, in conjunction with the energy which enters the earth, thru’ plasma fields of hydrogen, dictate in that point, what is to be made. (01:19:44)
Very few elements on this planet are made out of volcanic eruption, or other things. The rest of the material on this planet have entered this planet this way, become part of this planet this way. Because if there was an iron and something else, and the balance energy was zinc, still build which come in now create zinc. If there was an eruption, and everything else that creates the condition of the field transfer, what-so-called “heat”, then it could be a copper. (1:20:30)
If you understand this, and completion of the work, that in the direction of the energy field forces transfer, and a weak field somewhere we might find a match for planet zeus. And somewhere for moon. It’s very faint compared to the magnets which we hold in hand in the matter state. We have to start measuring these.
And at the same time, we have to know at what strength our planet is giving to the moon. What is the return factor? What strength you are weaker in the magnetical, at the point of arrival. We are stronger at the gravitational point, where magnetical has come in. because my loads of plasma, the stronger feeds the weaker. Is the matter state of the planet has the weaker state compared to the moon, which the moon can affect it?
At the same time, the earth creates the same pressure to give, because now, the gravitational is stronger for the moon to receive.
If we, the knowledge seekers, the man in the space, understand this principle, you don’t need to burn any fuel, all you need to do is to interaction of the fields in your system, if you can create a friction in that, or distance, gap of energy, a strength enough, to be of this as strength of source. What it might be?
Because I receive this, I know this always has the same reflection back. But on the weaker of the strongest strength to feed, and voila! I am on the sailing water of the universe. Magnetic field. (1:23:23)
In the matter state, we measure the strength of the wind, in plasma state, we measure the strength of the magnetic field in the line of connection. Then, we can fly. (1:23:41)

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