

































How the matter is created
How you manifest yourself

So, in a way, as the field comes at a given strength, the field as a particle has already forwarded. So, what we get, this is a moving photon or particle, but, with it, in advance of it, higher order has been sent ahead.

So, in a way, this particle is chasing to reach this point. Because if this has order of magnitude of 10, this has a magnitude og 100 or 1000.

So, move faster ahead, because comes from the stronger inner center.

In a world of cosmology,
(√)We call them cosmic rays
(√)We call them neutrinos
And then, as the particle tries to catch up in its environment.(57:12)

So, in a way, I shoot the arrow of a higher order,and as it loses strength to one, now I try to catch up. And I create direction of the fields of the motion.

This is how we see magnetic fields move, because in our process, how the original motion started.

Now the universe is full of fields. In the process, we don't see this operation so visible, but in a way, we see it in macro and micro, both the same in the motion of the creation of #light at upper atmosphere and its attraction, due to its strength to fulfill the need of the centre of the planet as light.

And, then, in that process, particles themselves, according to change of the strength in trying to reach the centre of the planet in interaction with a different field strength if the field of inside the planet, lead to the creation of the matter, and then, as matter has both gravitational-and-magnetical field forces, it becomes matter and inertia of the matter.

Now we understand the process,
Now we are aware of the reality of the creation, which maybe, up to now, were not understood. (59:14)

In that process, now we come to one thing
This light
This particle,
Now, by slowing down in the point of arrival creates its own plasma.
And, if we create enough magnetic fields by pulling from different dimensions and directions of the same strength, which mostly exists across the universe, we create the seed of a planet.

This is what we call #principle_matter.
This is what we call #center_core.
This is what we call where the field interaction brings gravity and magnetic fields.

Now, this is your first point.
First point of reference.
What we call #magrav
You create the gravitational-and-magnetical field of it.

Now, in the rest of the universe, as interaction with the fields of the sun, which continuously feed into it, and other sources if the cosmos, which continuously feed it.

Now, the fields in slowing down will create matter state. This matter state expands the size of the planet, expands by interaction of the fields of the sun and the earth. 

Now, these themselves carry as the fields and convert into the matter state, create transition of the inertia.

So, now, you have not only magrav, you have inertia, too.

Then the rest of the interaction of the inertia with the gravitational-and-magnetical fields, and the fields around the planet, in a way, you have 2 fields, plus, now, the environment which they have created leads to creation of the matter state.

So, now, in the matter state has a condition, in the solid, liquid, or whatever, depending on the interaction of the inertia and magrav of the system.

Then, in our process, depending where this matter stays, sits, and its centre leads the creation of the soul of its own physicality. 

And, in total interaction of the fields in different mixtures leads to the totality if the soul of physicality, in respect to interaction of totality of the matter state and the fields.

Now, we understand why we have 5 cups.

So, if you understood this, understand the theology, and the point of creation, becomes very easy to understand how you create, which one gives you what you need.

If you create the strength if the gravitational-and-magnetical field of the earth, anywhere in the universe you connect to earth, if you create gravitational-and-magnetical field of the inertia of a given location of the earth, you go to that point.

It's universal GPS system.
Not only for the position, but for exact condition and the strength that you land on.

The reason why we put 5 cups was the stepping stone for you to understand the start of the creation of the life, anywhere in the universe, you want to go to planet Mars, you have to create a conditional magrav of the Mars in your system.

Now, the same as light. 
As you saw matching with the light of its pass, you travel to that position, to that destination.

In that reference, we saw how everything moved to reach to that point. Now this point for you is this, what the interaction of the environment of the fields create give you this one. You want to land Tehran, you create not only GPS, position, a magrav gravitation of the earth, you create the inertia, where the total fields of the matter state of Tehran was made of.

So, not only you come to earth, but you end in the position of Tehran, be New York, be Beijing, is all the same.

Because the inertia is different, that's why we have different matter state and everything else.(1:06:10)

Then you want to appear or produce in the position, in a dimension ot the man's physicality, the soul of the man has a spectrum range. So, you come from the planet whatever, you have a different structure, 
you create the soul of the man.
You take the features of the man.
Then, you decide in what soul and physicality, #you_manifest_yourself.

This is the beauty of the creation, if you understand it.

Those who tell you to throw the 5 cups away, means throw the knowledge of the creation away, of course. We've seen this from the enemies of the KF, because they know you are creating the point of maturity, and by slaving you as they've done for centuries, thousands of years, they can still rule you.

The knowledge of the creation is simple.
The knowledge of the creation is so beautiful, that now we have plasma technology that we can create 
(√)different strengths of magravs.
(√) different strengths of inertia
(√) different strengths of the matter state
We can produce anything, any position, travel to any destination in the universe. (1:08:20)

To be continued 😊

Last session


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