
#甘斯具有輻射性嗎? 該次教學最後一節
(√) 地球上(人體)需要(維他命)B12
(√) 在太空另一個層面,B12對人體是危險的,也許你需要的是B14的能量,這個到時你會明白。
最初,人們開始想到叫B群的維他命,實際上有「生存("B"eing)」意思,是你以生命存有所需的東西。你會了解這個過程,這個標準,是生命的基石。 #沒有全方位的輻射場域就沒有生命。你不可能存在,不可能,你會固體化。
某個方式, #宇宙射線的場域是你食物的種子。你會越來越了解。很多方面,沒有它們,你無法造就這些。但不要讓任何人耍弄你,因為我們打開政府的太空知識,很多製藥廠會知道這些,利用這些來保護他們的資產。
在地球你是受到保護,生活在地球的磁引力場,產生這些場域,要保護你並做轉換。 (1:17:16)。
Gans has radiation? (4)~4
In a way, universal fields of rays are the seeds of your food.
So, when we come in the depth of the universe, understand the difference between a knife and a life, don't want to cheat the life is the knife, because you see it as a knife.
One thing mankind will learn ver very fast is:
On earth B12 is needed
In another dimension of the space, the body of the man, B12 is a hazard, maybe you need the energy of B14, which you come to understand.
Originally, people start thinking about vitamins called B, it came actually "B"eing, is what you need to exist as an existence as life. You'll understand that this process, this criteria is the cornerstone of life. Without fields of radiation in all dimensions, there'll be no life. You cannot exist, is impossible, you solidify.
You need to divide.
You need to share to exist.
So, what do you call radiation?
It's cornerstone of life.
But, you have to understand primarily
What is a ray of gamma?
What is a gans of gamma?
(√)ray of gamma will divide the cells
(√)gans of gamma creates life and cell
One thing mankind will learn ver very fast is:
On earth B12 is needed
In another dimension of the space, the body of the man, B12 is a hazard, maybe you need the energy of B14, which you will come to understand.
Originally, people start thinking about vitamins called B, it came actually "B"eing, is what you need to exist as an existence as life.
You'll understand that this process, this criteria is the cornerstone of life without fields of radiation in all dimensions, there'll be no life. You cannot exist, is impossible, you solidify.
You need to divide.
You need to share to exist.
So, what do you call radiation?
It's cornerstone of life.
But, you have to understand primarily
What is a ray of gamma?
What is a gans of gamma?
(√)ray of gamma will divide the cells
(√)gans of gamma creates life and cell
This process will come ahead with you, when you travel the depth of space. Understanding the conversion of the fields of the universe, what you need in the plasma in the gans of your body.
In a way, the ganses are converters.
You'll see gamma radiation, because it's as field strength.
It's very much like vaccination.
You put vaccine in strong,
then it becomes weak,
that it protects the other,
and becomes part of the other.
So, be aware in the coming time, many enemies in the foundation will try to use this, because they use your ignorance, you have to wise enough to explain it then, they become dust of the earth. Betraying the creator is worse than becoming whatever you can call. You take the love of God from that soul, and make it available to the rest that there will be no sign of it left.(1:12:22)
In that process, there shall be never no one to divide to their own benefit.
Without the cosmic rays and radiation from the space, you'll not receive 80% of the food you digest daily without eating.
You have to thank the fields of the universe that it feeds you so freely, otherwise you will not have the other 2weeks of holidays a year, because you have to work 52 weeks a year just try to cover, maybe part of this.
For 20% energy you receive to carry this physicality, you work day and night to keep it going. If you would have left the other 80% to you to count, there will be no sleep, there would have been no life.
So, when you come to understand
Radiation in matter state is big different from radiation in a gans state. Because without it, life do not exist. When it goes to smaller, you have to grow it to become bigger.
So, you see the analysis data, which was delivered the universal fields gradually grows this bigger and bigger to make them available for the body of the man to be able to absorb.
In a way, universal fields of rays are the seeds of your food. You'll understand more and more. In so many ways, without them, you cannot make this. But don't let anyone fool you. Because now we open this into space of knowledge of governments. A lot of pharmaceuticals will come to this, because they want to use it to protect their assets.
And then, when you can explain, you'll see it. We'll see a lot of people who don't understand the totality will claim the same.
So, be very aware, when you talk about
(√) gamma rays in a space,
(√) gamma rays within the earth
(√) gamma rays within the cells in human body
(√) Gamma rays in atmosphere, you call it cosmic rays of higher order
(√) When it enters the earth atmosphere, it becomes gamma rays and alpha rays and whatever else in the strength of the atmosphere.(1:15:48)
When it enters the gans or the cells of the man, is energy of the same. It's still the same, still the same. But you can see how it reduces in strength, then becomes food. Without it, we cannot exist.
And in the coming time, when the scientists open the ganses, they will understand more of this.
Then you understand the process of creation.
If you don't understand this, don't get on UFOs, or soul travel, because you will be in a big trouble.
On earth, you are protected, life with a gravitational-and-magnetical field of the earth has created these fields of protection for you and the conversion. (1:17:16)