


很多方面, #這裡面有個秘密,藏在磁場本身形成的秘密裏頭。人類或宇宙任何的生物仰賴他們自身場域產生的強度,




雖然場域在我們看來,往某個方向移動,但它本身,有我們上次討論過的「一種傳承的特性」, #光子波_粒子波動。






所以你看, #它比它自己先送出一個隱藏的場域,然後,藉由粒子結構裏傳承的一致性條件,以及場域的互動,想要餵食它,某個方式,如果你聽得懂的話,很像你射出一支箭後,馬上想要接到它,就是那麼簡單。











某個方式,在新的方向追逐自己的尾巴,但這次尾巴跑得較快,因為高階強度的關係,隨著它強度降下來,會成為抵達目的地的 #參考點。










#CreationABC (3)~1
Secret of the creation in the flow of magnetic field, create emotion and transportation

As we've said, the whole structure that the world of creation comes from the movement of magnetic fields, which only travel with one way, and, that is, if the field strength from the stronger point, it creates gradients that the stronger field trying to reach the weaker point, it creates its movement.

In so many ways, in the history of science of men, no one ever understood why and how magnetic fields flow and travel in a direction, at certain speeds. And how this speed is seen by detection system, but not by the eyes of the man.

There has been a secret, which is actually within the secrets of the creation of the magnetic fields themselves.

Mankind or any creature of the universe, depending on the strength of their own field, 
(√)only can see what is visible to them.
(√)only can see what is or has physical manifestation.

But, mankind and the totality of the universal knowledge sits and lies in what the mankind cannot see, what is not and has not been visible to him.

In a way, the work in the background, which humanity and the rest of the creatures of the universe do not see creates the puzzle of motion of the magnetic field.

In the universe, in a conditional creation of magnetic fields, magnetic fields and creation of motion in them has and possess an invisible field dimension, what you call atmosphere, what we call magnetosphere.

What does this mean?

Even the field look to us, and is moving in the direction, but itself, due to inherited characteristic of what we brought into the discussion last time, the wave of photons, and particles. The particle itself creates a massive atmospheric condition around itself, in the atmospheric condition, higher order fields in the depth of it much faster than the light we see.

So, in fact, we are puzzled why a light moves in a certain direction, where is a gradient from gradient, is created by its own internal magnetic magnetospheric condition, which pulls it in that direction.

If you look at it, the rays of the sun expand beyond and create Jupiter and Saturn, and decease for the future generation of the planet.(46:15)

What the world of science has not understood is that the light, as you called "particle" create s a massive magnetosphere, which is far beyond the vision, sight of man and other creatures.

So, it has by inherent condition of its creation has created the field forces within itself, that allows the light to travel within that magnetosphere.

So, if you look at it, it sends a hidden field, ahead of itself, and, then, by inherent coherent condition and interaction of the fields within the structure of the particles, tries to feed it.

In a way, if you understand it, it's like you are shooting an arrow and running to catch it, as simple as that.

The creation of the motion, and expansion of the universe is done on these bases. And to the point, where the field can keep interaction of gravitational-and-magnetical field force, with its origin. 

Then, the fields become emotion.
Magnetic fields become emotion.
Then, the structure finds movement.
This is how universe expands.
This is how everything else moves within the universe.

In this process, now we understand how the light is created, in a way, the plasma of the source trying to reach the field which has created by higher order gravitational-and-magnetical field of itself, create the condition of the motion of the fields in a particle.

If this is understood, everything else about the world of creation becomes much easier. 

In a way, it's a magic show, that now we have opened a secret, in a way, what happened, the whole creation started with one field interaction with one existence, the creator. 

And, in spreading the field itself in the dimension of higher order traveling faster than the physical dimension of the matter state or plasma state made the light, or the fuse to manifest and show its direction, trying to catch up with the arrow.

For the first time, in the world of science, we understand the principal of motion of the light.

If this is hard for you to understand always find a copy, always find a replication that it makes it in easier interaction of the fields.

In upper atmosphere, plasmas are created
some as potent,
some as particle,
some as wave, 
In that process, in being pulled by a weaker arrow, which has already arrived in the centre of the planet, the photons travel to ut, and in that process, not only release photons, but release the condition of creation of the material in the motion of its own plasma, leading to creation of the matter state.

Once we understand this,
Once we grab the science behind it, intellectually analyze it, we'll find that mankind has opened the door to new way of transportation. (50:45)

I throw the arrow, this part of me tries to catch it. I arrived, but, you have to understand, this process of transportation needs massive amount of understanding.

Some of the travellers of the universe already achieved it. It's for mankind to reach that point.

In a way, chasing your own tail in the new dimension, but this time, the tail moves faster, because of the higher strength, and as it loses strength, it becomes a point of reference for you to arrive.

In so many ways, mankind needs to look in a direction and a position, and that direction and position becomes its destination and the speed of travel into it, and arrive at the zero time in the space.

In so many ways, those of you who are in understanding of the space technology and space travel should have seen this coming to you very easily.

In this process, once you arrive, what is surplus of the position of the fields you left behind in the gravitational-and-magnetical fields you have created becomes the matter state and creation of matter around you.

So, now, at the point of reference, you become the centre, and if you need, one will collect what you have left behind, as they arrive to you in different strengths as copper, zinc gans water and the rest. (52:33)

In a way, by release and approach to the point of destination, you have created all matters, that is in the strength of your own consumption and use.

(√)Now, you understand the process of creation.
(√)Now, you understand how the planetary systems are created
(√)You understand how every other structure in the universe is created.
Start with one, and in being able to send higher order fields, which is not visible to us, in losing the strength, in interaction with the fields of other parts, particles, waves, and photons and fields in the universe, in slowing down.

Now they have a gravitational-and-magnetical connection with you. And you're trying to arrive to it, 
you become the centre of it.
You become the totality of the principal section of it.
This process brings a lot of new conditions and understanding.

To be continued 😌


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