







一旦你測到自己會頭痛 (噴甘斯水後的情形),感到胸腔緊縮,或你做上述自我篩檢的憋氣十秒會咳嗽的話,五分鐘內你要做下一步。就是放甘斯水在兩肺的其中一個 (註:放在貼布還是怎樣的容器,沒說…..)。它的作用是把(肺部的)病毒轉移到(你放的)這個甘斯水裡。病毒會散逸到空氣中,到你衣服上。這樣病毒的能量會消耗掉。這是你能做的。


●然後頭部,不是用洗的,是用噴的,噴灑頭部周圍,為的是提升靈魂,因為有鋅。同樣的道理,你把能量轉出去,同時也把能量轉進來以滿足靈魂。 (1:00:07)
●每15分鐘~ 1小時,喝大約50毫升的甘斯水。





奇怪的是,你會停在某個地方 (就不想再做了),這是當靈魂得到滿足之時,它會通知手臂不需再給我(任何甘斯)水了。





當你做一杯一命,裡面有鹽,這次不清洗 (you don’t throw the water away.)。這個水可以拿來噴灑屋內各個地方,門把啦等處,因為甘斯能包住留在物件上的殘留物,擄獲病毒的能量做個消毒。(1:07:00)




準備一個容器倒入甘斯水,把(用過的)口罩放到裡面,因為你得消耗它裡頭的能量。有人放到塑膠袋,我說過,會用塑膠袋是缺乏整體了解。因為你記得,你看到某種連結,塑膠會變成留住病毒的地方。永遠不要用塑膠袋放口罩 (註記:但英文說成gans,可能是口誤?)。紙袋OK,是活的,在控制範圍內。






Reiterate how the virus function (3)~3
How to take care of yourself
【If you go, not aware, and overlooked, start the next process】
This is your head This is your body These are your arms You have to follow this procedure without failure, as you understood this disease affects the soul and the lungs, in that process, the soul of the physicality, which is the heart of the man is in-between.
【on condition you are infected, what would you do?】
So the minute you are infected, the chain has been built. The separation of the physicality from the soul starts, because they are aware what is to come. You need to support both.
The process has to be in this way,
★the first thing you do, you spray your chest, wet your chest, with gans water from one cup one life, every hour. This is on condition you are infected for prevention. Every hour.
★Once you’ve tested you have a headache, you’ve felt the tightness of the chest, you did the test you’re coughing, this is your next step within five minutes. You put gans water on either side of your lungs. What it does, it transfers the energy of the virus into the gans of what you put in. and this will dissipate into the atmosphere, onto your clothing. So you’re depleting the virus energy. this is all you can do.
Don’t forget the heart is in the center of the tour, if you look at it, in reality, with a brain, you have made a star formation, in a way, give a chance for the soul to take its right. Then what you do? after you cover the body,
  • immediately you cover your face with a spray, which is to take the energy from affected, or landed on your face.
  • Then, please do no wash, try to spray gans water around your head, which is to elevate the soul, because of the zinc. Again, by the same principle, you transfer energy out. While at the same time, you transfer energy in to satisfy the soul. (1:00:07)
  • The third step is to take immediately gans water to wash any possibility of any material contaminated to be present. At the same time feeding the soul.
  • Every 15 min to 1 hour, you take about 50ml of gans water.
★Now the next step for you is to put gans water in hubble bubble, or something like coca-cola bottle (or some other similar container) put in stick in a pipe, a straw at the bottom, and one straw go up, and fill it up with gans water, and you inhale and release, 10 minutes in every hour. In doing this, you take the energy inside, by having the other energy which is weaker outside on the skin, you deplete the energy of the virus.
Body temperature will decrease, the temperature should come down within the one hour, or 3 to 4 hours is the maximum.
If you have a coughing, depending on how bad lungs have been damaged, or repair itself, in over days. You might lose most of the irritation rapidly, too. the sweating will go.
Once you’ve gone thru’ the process, you’ve carried on for 2 to 3 months.
The strangest thing is you’ll stop somewhere, this is when the soul is satisfied, to inform the arms not to give me any more water.
We see this with all the technologies. When I used to help people, I always tell them when I give them the system,
they said, “when do I stop?”
I said: “it would come back soon.”
The day you’ve said oh, I’ve forgot to drink is the day you’ve reached the steps of completion. You bring the system back. Because when you are not hungry, you don’t eat. When the body doesn’t need it, you’ll find out you’ve forgot of doing it. Because there is no need for it.
【This is for recovery.】
  • Spray your body, lungs, and back every hour.
  • If you have seen the positive signs of the breathing, then spray the face first. Every hour.
  • Then spray the head, every hour.
  • You do this for three days, after that, you step down to prevention, that is you keep yourself safe. 2, 3 times a day.
  • Then, you drink water every hour.
  • Then, you inhale every hour for 10 min each time, directly with the gans water.
※Please do not drink the gans itself.
If you follow this process, you stand a good chance of surviving the situation. (1:05:00)
Those of you who do not see 10 seconds problem, 90% with the gans you feel ok, I’m not, for prevention, You spray body every morning and evening just when you get up, and before you go to bed.
  • You spray your face every morning and evening,
  • You spray your head the same
  • During the day, you need to drink gans water, at least 300~500ml of the gans water, in stages.
  • You need to inhale one or two times a day, 10~15 minutes.
This is recipe for your prevention.
But you have to do this with all members of your family, cat and dog. You spray the house, everywhere in the house.
When you make your first ganses, when there is the salt in it, you don’t throw the water away. You can use that water to spray in the house, to spray the handle, because that residue absorbed will keep some of the gans holding the energy, and this can disinfect, gets the energy of the virus. (1:07:00)
【Wearing the mask】
You wear a mask, always spray the mask before you take it. The gans will go inside and change the position of any contamination.
One of the worst thing people keep on telling you, when you put a mask on your face, don’t touch it, because if the bacteria comes, and sit on it.
But the biggest problem is the other way, you have breathed into the mask, if you have an infection, the mask is infecting the others. When you get the mask, make sure you drop in the gans water of CuO, or of one cup one life.
Make one box, and put gans water in it, and drop these masks in it, because you have to deplete the energy of it. If you put it in a plastic bag, as I advise you the plastic bag to do comes from the lack of understanding of totality.
Because you remember, you see the connection, plastic has become the breathing ground for holding to the virus. Never ever to use your plastic bag to put your gans. Paper bag is OK, because it’s still live, we can control it.
【Washing hands】
On the other hand, remember, to wash, to disinfect your hand with the gans water.
  • You get on the plane, spray the plane.
  • You get on the bus, spray the bus,
  • Because not only you disinfect yourself, and you disinfect others
And be very very calm, because this is one thing, using the technology, you have most probably protecting yourself.
We (might) get infected, but we continuously use the material (gans related material), you protect yourself.
A bottle of gans water in the fridge, and a bottle of drinking water in the fridge, you need it.
    創作者 妙妙貓 的頭像

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