That’s your body.
This is your lungs
This is your heart
The virus enters thru’ two channels, breathing thru’ your nose, or breathing thru’ your mouth.
Go back to the teaching, this is the soul of the man, in so many ways, if you understand the depth of the knowledge the way we do, as I told you the virus is a living thing. And it has a soul It has created itself an emotion.
In passing your breathing channels, it transfers its emotion to the soul (human’s), and then soul understands and tells it ready to go. Because the soul cannot show the pain or the feeling of the virus, so they create your arms, your legs, then it tells where it’s needed. How it can show itself suround the pain to the body itself.
Now you understand how you absorb it.
How the brain and the soul have decided, this is where we create the condition for it to find the place.
In this process, as it takes the position, your lungs, according to the scientific data, is flooded, as it tries to create food for itself, change the condition of the lungs, and then it lives.
As I’ve explained to the doctors before, we know each lung works on one is on, one is off, even they work operational exchange the energy for the blood is done on these sequences. Depending on when the virus enters the lungs, which is active; or maybe, the lung which is inactive, at rest, not really, really defend itself, allows the virus to set in, so it grows. (47:00)
And by the next breathing, the change of time, the second lung starts transition of the virus. So what you have a more advanced working against a weaker one. The two lungs starts to exchange energy to build up to support each other. And we see the lungs getting flooded, and change the condition.
And strange thing is from the Iranian doctor, who has been witnessing many deaths, report that these people are extremely healthy, they are young, they came from the mountaineer, and out of nowhere, they see cardiac arrest. In the last 5 hours, they died from cardiac arrest. All the patients with this virus died of cardiac arrest.
【lung take turns to operate】
As I’ve said before, as this exchange of the energy, which is in the 2 lungs, as they get everything, now they lock into the energy of the heart. And the heart brings the energy from rest of the body. And they consume it. And the heart cannot cope with serving the body and the virus. It goes to overrun, and heart attack, and death.
Now we understand the process, we are dealing with the energy transfer emotionally, and with the capability to meet it. With the traditional medicine, we know not. With the keshe foundation and plasma technology, we know how.
In the cup of life (one cup, one life) which I gave you, specifically when I did, accommodate this,
【I gave you the copper, nano copper, and a zinc.】
- some of the copper is at the element of zinc, so you produce hidden amount of ZnO.
- The copper and the copper create the CuO.
- The copper and the zinc gives you CO2.
Now you understand why this water works, and why we insist
- 50% CuO, which is to take the energy from the virus. 30% CO2, which is to create the connection.
- 20% ZnO, which is elevating the soul, so it’s taking, breathing and covering, you keep on strengthening the soul, for it to strengthen the soul of the virus to give satisfaction of life. This is how most of this process of reversal comes,
Now you understand why we set this process,
【how you can check first if you have the virus. 】
★the matter state testing
If you do not have the ganses, you test what is known as 【10 seconds breathing trial,】
Every morning, or in the day, you hold your 2 nostrils, you close with two of your fingers, and hold your breath for 10 seconds, if you do not cough, or you do not run another breath, 90% you are ok; but if, within these 10 seconds, you are forced to cough, or you see irritation of your throat to cough, or you see you cannot hold your 90% chance of have received a kind of infection by the virus, depending on which state you are.
Then, you will see sometimes on 10 to 25 days, from the first day when you test it, your nostrils, you’ll show fever, or (syndrome) of the rest of the virus infection. The reason is that this virus takes its own route to stay away in the lungs. So the lung is already carrying the virus, but you don’t see it. This is matter state testing.
【With the plasma testing, the process is different. 】
If you make yourself the gans of ZnO, and CuO, and CO2,
you do two things:
If you spray the gans water of this combinations, one cup one life, on your head, on your chest, on your back once a day, twice a day, if you’re worried.
And if you feel pain, or headache, or pressure, you are 100% infected. Do not go for psychosomatic, and placebo, because you’ve done it you have a headache, but try to understand if there is a pressure. It’s a magnetic field pressure, which is the pressure you feel energy transferring inside you. This is what we are looking for, not the headache, so you take aspirin.
If you feel on the head, it means the energy transfer from the gans to the soul which is taking place at the high level. And that energy transfer creates heat, or magnetic pressure. If it wasn’t there, it cannot make it.
The same is between your lungs and the gans water you put outside. And we told this before, you feel a pressure. People said there is a pressure, they cannot breathe. Even in china, we’ve seen people who report pain and they used the gans. This is the procedure that will be used in the hospitals by the doctors, when they start using the gans technology for identification of people if they have the virus or not.
- First, physical (test)
- Then, the thru’ the gans (test)
- And, if both are positive, you got it. (55:16)