About Wu Han virus
Dialogue between Mr. Keshe and Wang Lin in China (1)
Keshe: I’ve noticed just before we started, Wang Lin was with us from China, she’s head of the Keshe foundation operation in the whole China. And it’ll be nice to know what’s happening with the one cup one life, and how we hear from our Chinese knowledge seekers. (6:47)
Wang Lin, would you like to join us, would you like to speak? can you explain to us what is happening in China now? It’s the concerns from the foundation and the world. And how do we see in China. What is the position? You have to translate for both sides, because they are waiting for you on the side to learn.
Wang lin: so you want to know the one cup one life, or the whole situation?
Keshe: the whole situation, we have to know what’s going on.
Wang lin: after Chinese new year, it’s supposed to go back to work. But the control is more tight, the general situation is out of province of Wu Han, the cases reported became decreased every day about in 1 week. But the numbers in wu Han has jumped to 15,000 something (people get infected). That’s because before there is lack of hospital resources, and lot of people being diagnosed, have no place to go. No hospitals, no beds, no treatment. They have to find a way.
【Some doctors go on line to guide how to use Chinese medicine】
It’s good there is lot of Chinese doctors, they are on line to set up groups to guide people how to utilize Chinese medicine to save their lives. Actually they have good effects. In China, it’s western medicine dominate, but they don’t have the effective medicine so far. Even though they have American medicine, but that has lot of side effect, just some internal information, uh… So at this moment, Chinese traditional medicine has taken more role, there are some groups of doctors teams from Chinese Medicine hospitals go there to support the province in Wu Han.
Hopefully we can control (epidemic), but the government extend the vacation, some of the (cargo) delivery stopped operation, so I think most of the factories are still closed. They block the community, such as my community, there is one family, the son has taken flight from Taiwan to Wu Han to transfer the flight, and fly back, he caught the disease (virus), in fact, his parents got first, then he was diagnosed, now our community is locked. We are only allowed to go out once every two days, and only person in one family can go out to buy some daily necessary food, and goods. Older (grocery) stores are closed by the government. Only one supermarket is open. (12:06)
【one cup, one life, one successful exampe】
we have some cases, we’ve managed to fund one lady in Wu Han city, after we released such way of doing, her mom now is recovering, at that time she even have to call the ambulance to take her mom to the hospital, but was turned down by 5 hospitals. She had to bring her (mom) back.
At the moment of almost in despair, she heard we have the solution, she wanted to try. So we got one knowledge seeker as volunteer in Wu Han city to make gans, and make way to deliver to her. She started to spray, feed, and breathe a little bit. Most of the time, she sprays the body. They hesitate to drink (gans water), also her mom’s lungs are damaged so badly, she need the oxygen machine to help breathing. She tried to change the filter water with our gans water, but her mom’s response was she couldn’t breathe.
All of her family have tried to drink something (gans water?) but most time is by spray, include face, mouth, lungs, and the back of the body. Also all the furniture, all the in-house environment. The next day, she tried to find the Chinese doctor to give her mom some recipe of Chinese medicine, and feed her mom these medicine. Now her mom is almost recovered, and has good appetite, she can get up and walk by herself. That’s good news. (14:56)
Keshe: what is the situation with the promotion on the internet with the one cup one life?
Wang lin: on internet, we got support from older institution of Beijing opening university, they help promote our one cup, one life on their website. And also reach the platforms.
【Getting attacked】
On the other hand we are getting attacked by lot of people who don’t believe, even include one chemistry professor in Chin Hua university, he wrote an article to say that our technology is fake science, on internet there are many posts to say we are fake science, we met a lot of problems to promote. Also when our knowledge seekers tried to spread the information in some groups, they got kicked out, or been cursed, or even dirty words, or even warned by internet police to refrain from release such information.
So actually we feet a little bit frustrated. Although we have good intention, try to help the nation, and the people. Since the technology is not accepted by the mass audience. (17:13)
Keshe: what is the position with the government, the military?
Wang lin: we actively approached the government side, you have signed the letters to president and prime minister, when we deliver the documents, they pass to the health authorities, and asked them to evaluate. We also approached the officers in health authorities, they tried very hard, they said they guarantee the expertise to evaluate the technology.
Keshe: what’s happening in Shanghai hospitals?
Wang lin: they (shanghai hospitals) said they can’t accept that, the most updated information is they don’t want to give it a try. And one Chinese doctor, he’s been using our gans water to mix the Chinese herb medicine, he felt very good, he already managed to cure several cases, like disease at the early stage. He is confident to move ahead with our technology. So there are two (chinese medicine) hospitals expressed they would consider to try….
Keshe: what’s the position with the knowledge seekers?
Wang lin: actually the knowledge seekers are very active recently, they produced more and more ganses, we also tried to teach more new comers, they make their own ganses for the first time. We have a qq group, having 1100 members, exchange information about the technology, like how to make the one cup, one life ganses,
Keshe: you was in a position with Ten Sen news?
Wang lin: yeah, that’s funny, because the click rate of the article and the video of this one cup one life reached more than 10,000 clicks in only couple days. Then we suddenly found the Ten Sen news, which said we have one cup one life, solution for the virus, but because the professor of Chin Hua university said it’s a fake science, the next day, the discussion became it’s a rumor, it’s fake science. Keshe: but, did they take it out, or still there? Wang lin: yeah, it’s still there, people spread more and more at different platforms that we are fake, that’s very pity. (21:38)
Keshe: how is the population taking it?
Wang lin: some people believe, some don’t. but I think most of the knowledge seekers they come back, because they utilize this technology for many years, they know it does work. Now we are carrying out a program to collect signatures, and the testimony, we planned to deliver to the government, to collect thousands of people’s voice to make known this technology can help people. Why a professor who knew nothing about plasma technology, he said one word, everybody buy in it, that’s strange thing.
Keshe: so one man has done that?
Wang lin: in China, people believe in academic thing, believing professor in the university. It’s normal. (22:52)
To be continued