Two plasma create 4 filed forces
(JB) Mr Keshe? I got that video, if you want to...
(MK) Yes. Go ahead! Please share it with us.
(JB) Okay! This is a very short video. ... It was, earlier in the testing. ... We have... We had one of our transformers was down, but, we still generated significant fields. ... Let me show you what..what we found in this particular test.
It was kind of unusual understanding.
Let's see, what we see. Okay! So, we're here in Arizona and David's measuring an anomaly in the field, from all the reactors, that have been going, for a couple of days now. They're all spinning.
We have the booster cable, or the booster unit on there and what David is finding, is that there is a void... about... he's... He's on a eight-foot ladder. He's all way, up the top, so he's probably.. 15 feet high. no, maybe ...maybe 12 feet high.
And right there, there is a void, but show him now in the middle, how that void...See it's on now, and it's off.. So now.. but in the middle, it goes all the way up to the top. This, it goes way high. As high as it can go in the middle. But then, it has this point here, where it's shut off. But if it goes back. Now, pull it backwards David. Backwards. And it goes off again.
So, there's like a void, right above the magnetic ring, at about 12 feet high, but then it goes back out again. So, it's very interesting. So, that was that. So, I don't know exactly know how to explain it, but that void is gone away since we've gone back to the other configuration.
(MK) .. Yeah! This could be because of the condition you create, because of the fields in... The field in there, that you don't see, because of the turbulence of the magnetic field flow. There are a lot of things which I have to ...
It's important, that we understand these things... How ... what I've seen, partially missing in the... or not understood in the... in the teachings. In understanding the part of the teaching.
And... And this is, if I can share screen, please. I'll explain to you what I mean. In most of the teaching, we've done up to now, we always looked at ... some... aspect of the flow of the flux. But in fact, we haven't understood some of it.
When we have two magnets or two plasmas, in our teachings, we always refer to ... the flow of the magnetic fields from North to South. And the same, vice versa, here. But I think part of what you haven't realized, what we show here, in reality this.. this operation, here, is very much, it's this here, operation we show, this is the gravitational magnetical conversion, which is the separation. 109:32 - 109:36
But in fact if you go back to the teaching, and understanding it from the beginning, there is a field repulsion between the North and the North, and the South, and the South, too. It's this field force, which keeps the separation
Go back to understanding of the field of the Plasma. where we speak about, when you put North and North together, they separate. When you put South and South together, they separate. It's no difference in the Plasma when it's in this shape and this context.
These fields, not all go to the other, some spread, and the interaction of what comes here and what comes here creates the separation from the North pole. And what comes from here... and what comes here creates the separation on the South pole.
Not all the fields are... The field confirmation and the pattern is like this.
It's these fields which create the separation of the positioning. And these fields create the attraction. And when these forces come to balance with each other, this is the position, where the two entities take their place.
This is what...I explained in some of the teachings and I carry on explaining just we make more understanding of it. The four field forces we talk about, the two gravitational, are these two which are here, and these two here are the two magnetical the separation. And we have to understand this, this is the backbone of the science. If one of these positions is slightly wrong, the distance will change.
The one Plasma will tilt towards the other. This is the position of the Earth, because we are in a way, giving more, or taking more on the gravitational, and this gravitational in respect to our environment has tilted the Earth into an angle. The four field-forces are the gravitational, the two of each, which they pull in, and the two magnetical. So, if we go back on the whole understanding, so it becomes very easy.
You have two Plasmas, and you have the four field-forces which you have created.
The repulsion,
and the two of the attraction.
These two create the separation,
and these two create the attraction.
Now you see, this is what we need to understand. That’s how Plasmas stay separate from each other. That’s how the positioning is created.
And, if we change something in here deliberately, we tilt one in respect to the other.
→Your spaceship Angular lift.
→How much we let gravitational to become the stronger than the magnetical,
→this decides the angle of takeoff, or the angle of landing.
These are pieces of the knowledge which has to be understood, complete. And that’s why you see gaps in positions
You have vortices of interactions of different coils, and, in some places you see gaps. These gaps, these are what you call, like a 'black hole'. You can fly through, you can use it.
You look for them in certain specific conditions, because they have a strength beyond your detection strength. So, it means they are tuned to somewhere else that they exist, and in the existence they are connected to something somewhere else, where you want to be, if you need to.
So, when you look at this maybe you understand more, where the repulsion comes from, where the attraction comes from. This goes back, and then into a lot of interaction and attractions and a lot of things has to be explained.
One of the things that was ... I was.. I've been trying to bring up in the teachings, maybe you can keep this picture, because it's very important. 114:50 - 114:53
It's part of the teachings,which you have not understood and what I keep on referring as to, the four field-forces.
This is number one,
this is number two,
this is number three
and this is number four.
Something which is important! Now, that we are entering into the different dimensions of understanding of the technology.
It is important for us to ... take to the next step, in understanding deeper, the science of the creation. I have spoken of this in couple of teachings and I think it will be important for us, to be able to understand more after three years in what were and where we come. 115:37 - 115:4