







我想要好好理解...如果我加了苛鹼,因為我手邊還有尿素,亞硝酸鹽的備料。 顯然是一種結晶狀態,是加了苛鹼的一種液體,我不確定是否能做出氮的甘斯或只是來自肥料填料的甘斯?





凱史:我們做法不同,我們用的是硝酸銀(silver nitrite),出來的(甘斯)是黑色的。



























Lisa from Australia would like to make gans of nitrogen
Keshe: is that Lisa from Australia?
Lisa: that’s right
Keshe: Good morning, Lisa (2:24:54)
Lisa: Good morning, Mr. Keshe, and I wonder if you please help me better clarify. I’m busy trying to do the gans of nitrogen. I’m trying a few of different types.
and I'd like to get a better understanding on… if I add the caustic, because I've got urea and I've got nitrite. And obviously in a sort of a crystalline form, which are of a liquid of adding the caustic, i'm not sure if I'm creating the gans of the nitrogen or just making the gans of the fillers that come with fertilizer (2:25: 58 )
Keshe: Ah…is it the material black?
Lisa: no
Keshe: what color is it?
Lisa: all of them all are sort of very flaky whitish and I've tried to put a little calcium and nitrate, and tried with the urea, I've tried with a mixture of urea and they all just come out a very sort of a whitish fluffy top gans
keshe: we do in a different way, we use silver nitrate, and we see black.
One of the easiest way to do is nitrite, if you want to do it as a gans. is go back to what you did with orange. Create a CO2 and place the nitrite on top of the CO2, that Co2 carries the energy of nitrogen, and that usually works (2:27:08)
but you can do it with the vegetation, if you can find vegetation with high nitrates, or do the same. Lisa: and i've also tried it with the water from our eco-pump system could be very hard try on nitrite level. yes I've got gans actually, but as a setup, doesn’t know if it's actually part of nitrogen.147:27 - 147:32
Keshe; if you have a problem with these things, very simply, go back to the original Teaching, if you ever have a problem to produce something you cannot produce , yea? Go back the teaching of how you makes the CO2.
Look at the choice of the two metals that it created gravitational-and-magnetical field of carbon, so now you look this way, you cannot make nitrogen on its own , it's got to be oxide of it.
nano coat the lightest one
So, choose two plates, nano coat the lightest one, don’t nano-coat the heaviest one. If you look the zinc and copper, zinc is much heavier than copper, this is how I always choose the material for nano coating, and creating the fields of it. So, let’s say, you take a metal, what is aluminum, or look at a metal with the gravitational-and-magnetical mass is 14, in respect to other metal.
Nano coat the lightest ones. Put it in the salt water, you have nitrogen oxide. Because you create the gravitational-and-magnetical field of the nitrogen in the liquid, this is one of the easiest way to make sure you have what you're looking for (2:29:25)
Lisa: so the aluminum is 14? 14 plus 13, 27,
Keshe: ok, now you need to add 14 to it. It’s 41, 42, Look at the potassium, or look at one after 41, or 42. That’s an example. You understand? So choose, you can use potassium. There is lot of sparks and fireworks.
So this is the way you create the gravitational mass between the two, and hopefully some of the materials has that spectrum of the fields inside it. Now between the two, you’ve created the magnetical of nitrogen. You have created an environment of NOH, now what you get at the bottom is pure nitrogen oxide. (2:30:54)
Lisa: how come the numbers have to be? To the 14
Keshe: you have 20% play time, either way, that’s why you have isotope. Somewhere in between you go to 26, 24, and somewhere on the next metal ,you go to 44, 45, 39, 38, so…between the two, there is always the spectrum of molecular structure, in one or the other, which creates that between the two. What you are looking for a nitrogen. (2:31;39)
Lisa: thank you, I’m just looking for 14. Oxygen, just pop up on its own.
Keshe: uh…you won’t pop up. and you are doing in salt environment of NOH, and you have nano-coated now, you are going into salt with water, is the energy of the salt which is coming.
But there is another trick with the nitrogen. Nitrogen, if you have a spectrum of different materials in it, and the bandwidth is about near enough, as you found the gap between some to create nitrogen, and different spectrum of strength of it. Nitrogen is 14. Oxygen is 16. Carbon is 12 So, when you play with these kinds of bandwidth, you create not only nitrogen, you create some oxygen, too. Some of the atomic structures between one lower and higher, is the level of oxygen of 16. (2:32:48)
So partially the nano-gans state of nitrogen oxide is created inside the system itself, due to the composite, mixture of the different strengths of the materials of what you used.
You don’t have to go to the iron, as 14 to it. See it as a matter to it, sits the zinc as 14 to it, or take 14 away from zinc, you look at this allows 20% of plus or minus. At that ratio is about 30%. Nano coating means to create the environment of, it’s making things easier, that’s the nano-coating of the two.
Lisa: Thank you. Mr. Keshe
Keshe: Thank you very much. We tried to understand softely things, the understanding of the conversion is important.
This brings to us as part of teaching, which is we were touching in this respect with the medical application. When you look at the medical applications, you allow the death of the understanding, in that, everything has a spectrum. You can use it. And how you can use it? It makes it very very difficult. Everything started to be ambiguity in understanding of the science.
The important of the conversion
We need to be able to translate the information, the knowledge in the way that we need to do, to reach the point of being able to maintain and hold on to what is expected from our system. (2:35:42)
In so many ways, what we have to learn is find the replication of it, or find parallel to it. Try to add to the knowledge, in the depth that explains a lot of things. The conversion of the materials,
how is the body converted?
what’s the reason for conversion?
How does it come to the material behaves like the other one?



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