But how do you bring silver to behave in the body of the man, as in the gans state? Very simple, when a metal enters the body of the man, does not behave as a matter anymore, it behaves as a gans. This is why we've been infected in extraction of the radiation from the work of Fukushima (2:50:59)
Now you understand this simple principle. This technology is so perfect that the men have taken centuries to understand the totality, maybe thousands of years.
Now we can explain what ancient Egyptians or the others with using the silver. Silver, why if you get what we just heard from Lisa excellency in the regards of nitrogen, we use nitrogen oxide or silver nitrogen, or silver nitrite, you see what it is, how you can use it. you have a nitrogen which itself connects to the division of the cell of the amino acid.
then in contributing in connection with a silver, you delivered directly voila! parasites microbes, anything you like, that in the trap. (2:52:00)
Up to now as I explained in teaching last week, we could understand the work of the CO2 and viruses, because viruses are energy packs, we just need to extract a little bit, they collapse.
But the microbes, the bacteria, the parasites, they have an internal built-up structure of the amino acid. so now you have to tackle the amino acid weakening, at the point of weakness, depends on the strength of the infection (2:52:50)
Voila, one second they are there, one second they are not there. the depth of the knowledge, the operation of the whole chain has to be understood, not in part bits.
Then you have a problem.
So those of you, who've been fighting for the final solution for Malaria, you have a solution in front of you, but you have to understand how to fight.
You have to understand how to operate the balance of the energy, that you can not just to destroy the other cells, but you target at the cells which the body has already marked it as more energy of parasite.
and now you have more energy, you put in the calcium , or you put in a silver oxide with connection of silver nitrite, connection to the structure. it's very simple.
When you want to bring a building down, you don't go and try to bring the strongest leg up, you bring the lickers, where there is more weakness, the one which give more. In the structure of the amino acids, the weakest link in the operation, because it always gives and takes through this centralization release of radiation, it is nitrogen (2:54:22)
if you work on the level of argon with silver or argon with the calcium, you'll find you have a better success. But argon is an inert gas. it releases a lot of energy because it holds back on one condition of the vacuum of the body of the man. (2:54:42)
This is exactly how the creation of the fair cells on upper atmosphere are created. Read the book number one, read the pattern.
It is centralization on the upper atmosphere will release the heavy energy which causes the ionization of the hydrogen and creation of establishment of the amino acids, where a life which the man is not aware of has been existing, because it does not need the structure of the physicality part, the matter part of state of the body as we have, and attached to this
So the creatures which are created in the upper atmosphere have a structure. but they don't need to have physicality of the matter state of the metals of the planet.
Have you ever thought for a second how we get infection in the air and viruses, don't we suddenly start eating a bunch of poison or bunch of energies which come from the upper atmosphere and down the all inhale it or breathe it in from remnants of whatever life is created above us
Have you thought of that which has a lot of to do with it. It is so much energy in it that we cannot absorb it be called the virus.
Do we get part of our infections from upper atmosphere, creatures? The answer is yes, the way we infect the fish, which are lower at the bottom of the sea. when we dumped, God knows what's in this.
So what you see on the screen unravels one of the biggest mysteries in the world of science.
★how does immune system works with amino acid?
★how effective the silver is
★why is it effective is the doubled strengths. of course it works.
it still gives a beta ray, still gives a beta plus or minus, but the beta from the calcium to potassium is half strength of the silver (2:57:04)
you've seen this with cesium and cobalt, you take vitamin B12 which is a pure gamma-ray, the cobalt, and then you still have the cesium, which creates still gamma ray, but at a higher strength which can pass other things
And as I tell all the time in the teaching, we have radioactive materials, bla bla, it’s gonna kill us. And you go to the shop and buy B12. You are very proud on taking, I'm getting folic acid.
As I say the first thing you get pregnant, you go to the doctor as a mother, the doctor says congratulations, you're pregnant. But do you mind to take so much of the folic acid? It’s good for your child.
Madame, I'm giving you're radioactive material, but in that strength, it is just about right to create a division. In this is strength with the calcium and amino acid, and in the beta ray, with a silver is enough to the structure of the parasite, the structure of the germ, the structure of the micro. (2:58:23)
this is what we have to understand, horses for courses, how and where, how come
★the body uses gamma-ray to divide cells, and keep healthy,
★uses beta ray for killing, or destruction, or division of another life .
★uses alpha rays intensively for the cross multiplication in the physical structure of the body
But what is alpha rays? the helium is a balancing, it allows two cells merge without any damage, division of the cell comes to it, because the two stay balanced, one doesn't destroy the other. that's the beauty of helium in a vacuum condition body of the man. (2:59:35)
So you see they frighten you, the guys the terrorists because he uses potassium and does that. That's how we came as a terrorist organization with the stupidity of the police in Belgium, with the ignorance of the knowledge of the top scientists are doing , nothing but killing scientists, the policeman at the head of the European agencies as a director, where is ignorant knowledge of creation
★Gamma ray is used to create life,
★beta ray is the inner energy not to hold on one, but not allow the one which is over. Parasite is not fitting into it, because it looks at the totality.
★You give them alpha radiation in a combination in the structure of the body of the man to create a balance.
If you look at many gamma rays, many cobalt sources in the division, they work two ways. They drop immediately to alpha, which means in division they secure life or in other part of the body like the creation of the sperm immediately come to beta, which means they destruction of what they already created when it's not needed
the illustration used is for image only, doesn't mean silver gans present such color...