









間隔下,居然測到電壓 58.7 毫伏。證明奈米層的磁引力場確實存在,而且穿過了白紙。



上圖,把白紙用鹽水弄濕,兩片銅箔之間的電壓有 160 毫伏。我們在做奈米塗層的時候,使用了象鉀 40 c14 這樣天然無害放射性材料他們的半衰期以千年、萬年計,所以凱史說做 2 萬根奈米銅線埋在建房子的水泥裡面可以做 3 千瓦左右的發電裝置永久使用。

白紙用鹽水弄濕,兩片銅箔之間的電壓有 160 毫伏。.jpg





所以,相鄰兩片奈米銅箔層可以用超薄的水泥層隔開,奈米層可以按照說的從水泥中吸取能量,永久使用。)試驗中發現 ,多種、多層納米金屬片之間用鹽水紙隔開,電壓雖小,但是電流大,我做過電壓 900 毫伏,電流 10 毫安培的。其體積不到一個萬用表的


9伏電池,還加上厚的鹽水紙。我們其他的方式做的奈米層發電,絕大部分基本測不到電流,哪怕 1 毫安培。奈米層串聯做出 12 ,再多組並聯,再用變壓器變出我們想要的電壓電流,就可以永久免費使用了,說不定可以傳宗接待代。



做細緻了完全可以做個家用LED手電筒,帶動 5-10 LED完全沒問題。效果可以如這個圖:

(:這個電池不是用我的笨辦法做的) LED燈是並聯的,說明這個黑盒子電壓並









利用上面的技術做能載 5-10 LED 的小手電筒,可以淘寶上賣錢了。永久使用,噱頭不小。



這個 1.47 伏的小瓶子是我用氫氣爆炸產生的效果做出來的,說明納米層可以吸收各種輻射,小新用銫輻射做出 1.5 伏的可樂瓶。另外,要注意, #奈米層形成後好像只接受一次的加工,加工次數多了會破壞掉奈米層的“場”。





#超導有什麼用? 儲能。

目前超導儲能電流密度:100A/mm2(1 平方毫米 100A 電流!那一平方釐米是

10000A 電流。可以自己計算一個玉手鐲那麼大的超導儲能環電流密度有多大。)。一個80V 20A 的電動車, 5 16V 20A 的電池,把所有的電池都充滿電,大概才要耗掉 2度電。







圖三,密封並加了 4 個電極,變成白色。








Use Keshe technology to product home-use free energy (3)~1
Shared by Keshe knowledge seekers in China
Sun Xiuwen

(1) Several photos to prove magrav field of the nano layers by Keshe technology actually exists
★Photo above: two non-nano coated copper foils with one white paper in-between, no voltage detected
★Photo above: copper foils with one nano coated, one non-nano coated; with one dry white paper in-between voltage detected 58.7 millivolt, which proves that magnetical-and-gravitational field actually exists and penetrate white paper.
Photo above: the white paper is wet by salt water, between two copper foils, can detect Voltage 160 millivolt. We use potassium 40 or carbon 14 to do the nano coating. Some natural harmless radioactive materials like these, their half life is thousands, tens of thousand years.
That’s why Mr. Keshe said that 20,000 nano-copper wires buried in the cement of the house, can produce around 3 kilowatt power for permanent use.
But that’s too waste of energy and time.
If you replace what Mr. Keshe said, 3 kilowatt of 20,000 copper wires for permanent power device by nano-coated copper foils, as the photos shown above, it can be miniatured to the size of a secondary battery, in this way, to apply into the house, that’ll be more practical. Some small electrical appliance in the small factory even can be run. (How long the power generates by Gans switch box can last, I have no related data)
So the two nano-coated copper foils with very thin cement layer in-between, the nano layers can absorb the energy for eternal use.
You can find thru’ the test, that varied kinds of layers of nano-coated-metal pieces to separate with salt water paper in-between, voltage is low, yet the current is big. I detect the voltage is 900 millivolt, electrical current 10 mA. Only the size of multimeter
9 volt battery, plus thick saline paper. Most of the other ways of nano layers we’ve done are basically unable to detect the current, not even 1 mA. The nano-layers in series made into 12 volts, with adding multiple nano layers, connected in parallel. Then use the transformer to change the voltage and current we want. It can be used forever at zero cost, may be even you can passed on to your next generation.
After you become skillful, you even can make a household LED flashlight, which ddrive 5-10 LED should be no problem. The effect can be like the photo
(Please note: This battery is not made with my stupid way)
LED lights are connected in parallel, indicating this black box voltage is not high. Graphene pulled out from the battery and nano coated is the best material for power generating.
To make Keshe technology more friendly, the best way to do is to cut from the corner, making small gadgets, reactor is too violent (the author personally thinks).
Now, this device can cover completely the electricity generated by gans box on that table. To do home free energy device, 1 kilowatt coca-cola bottle, and oasis system, and reactors are the right way, mainly because the cost is low.
(3) how to save the cost and avoid the trap of original battery
Copper is expensive, only iron and aluminum are comparatively economical. It’s feasible to save cost by using iron and aluminum to do the nano coating. So that can replace nano copper, copper electrode such combination. Nano coating with more than 2 metals can produce bigger electrical current and voltage, compared with single one. Nano coated metals can give energy continuously and avoid the trap of original battery.
Use above-mentioned skill can make into small flashlights loaded with 5-10 LED, you can sell thru’ the major stores on internet. Permanent use sounds quite competitive and attractive.
(4) how to increase the energy of the nano layers
This 1.47 volt of small bottle is made by explosion with Hydrogen, which indicates that nano layer can absorb any kind of radioactive, but be careful for 1.5 volt coca bottle with cesium element. Besides, once nano layer is formed and taken shape, it can only accept one time revision, once you re-do several times, will spoil the field of the nano layers.
(5) except drinking into the body, what’s use of the gans?
We’ve done so many ganses, putting into the bottles and jars, looking very beautiful. But I bet you 100% forget it’s biggest use: superconducting effect in the normal temperature.
What’s good for superconducting? Saving energy
Now effect for superconductor energy saving, current intensity 100A/mm2 (which means, 1 square millimeter 100A current! 1 square centimeter is 10000A current. Then you can know by calculating how amazing a Superconducting energy storage loop current density can be.
An electrical car with 80V 20A loaded by battery with 16V 20A, estimates only consume 2 kWh.
People who know how to do ganses can explore more towards the superconductivity. Once you can do the superconductive loop device, you can definitely have nice profits by selling thru’ Taobao stores on internet.
6. Gans is in the constant state of converting
Figure 1. For the first time, make Gans and obtain the blue liquid.
Figure 2, pour the blue liquid into a large bottle.
Figure 3, sealed and added 4 electrodes, turned white.
Figure 4, take out the milky white substance at the bottom, seal it, add two nano-electrodes, only get a little black substance, don't know what it is. there is tiny black crystal on the bottom.
If the graphene materia,l based on what Mr. Keshe said, is made in this way, then everyone will make a big fortune.
Try one thing. Add nano layer electrode onto the gans you made, seal it, put it aside for a while, there will be a surprise.
to be continued
this article, it's just shared by Keshe knowldge seekers, doesn't equal to Keshe teaching itself.
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