凱史:對,對,對,在歐洲曾經非常普遍,現在很少看到。以前用在軍隊(消毒?) 抽取出任何東西
凱史:現在正進入夏天,很多人用CO2甘斯來舒緩曬後紅腫的皮膚,他們回報說改變非常非常大。我們在小孩身上看到。當你把二氧化碳甘斯(水)擦在他們臉上,或曬傷嚴重的人皮膚上。即使脫皮,之後不留疤痕或傷害。 呃......所以,新的等離子體應用是非常不同的。(03:11:01)
Old traditional treatment by Epsom salts
Rick: It was common in the older days to use, what is called, the poultices . And might be an Epsom salts whatever, the other kinds of salts of, whatever to draw out the poisons for example…um… some sort of splinter, or form in the body, that gets infected, you can put the poultices over which is a cough soft liquid, set on top that tends to flow out the the toxins, the toxins…
keshe: yeah yeah yeah in Europe, the they used to use it in a very commonly, now you don’t see that usually very much they use them armies, …..extract everything else
Rick: They used the poultices in the wars (03:08:00) Before it came up with antibiotics. And that it took over from using the poultices. The poultices were much simpler.
Rick’s personal experience For me,
I personally I had an experience, I had infection in my knee from a tiny piece of metal. That’s gotten stuck on my knee, Just tiny piece, a little swelled up,
I went to the hospital . And the doctor and the nurse said that if you got. You know it’s very serious, it was a blood-poisoning situation. They wanted to put me in the hospital bed with antibiotics for a week before they would even treat it or try to remove what is in there. I was sweating at that thought of being in the hospital bed. Needle stuck on my arm (03:09:00)
I ask how can I have, I do not want to. And well they said you have sign a release so they wouldn’t be responsible. You know you are risking losing your leg or life and so on. I was pretty scared.
And I left, I went home, I went to my wife’s naturopath, he suggested the Epsom salt poultice, he told me 30 seconds in waiting room, has to see an appointment to see what to do. Within 2 days all the infection was gone and whatever caused it was gone. And no trouble ever since. Before that I could barely walk. So it’s amazing some of the old technology. And it works (03:10:00)
I think, The CO2 pads might work in a similar manner by pulling out the fields and withdrawing infection or pain.
Keshe: it’s getting….we are coming to summer; there are many people using the CO2 GANS on skin againt sunburn, they are reporting huge huge…uh… changes.
We see it on the children . When you rub the CO2 on their faces for sunburn or people with bad sunburns. Even the skin comes off, there is no nothing, no scars, no damage Uh…so, the application of the new plasma is very different. (03:11:01)
Does what we’ve been saying the three layers of our skin and now you add the 4th layer on top become with the 5th layer, because the burned skin is in the middle and the body just rejected its plasmatic condition without bleeding. Because now it works on its own system. Now you get the skin, There is a picture on the got the skin on his hand. More or less of getting it out. Without any bleeding.
Because now we’ve created new layer with the CO2. But the body understand it is on the same strength. And it separates the skin layer to go away and without the Bleeding where you reject the skin so much
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