






因為你得到滿足連到古柯鹼(上癮)的情感自我掉落。甘斯水滿足(取代)古柯鹼讓人滿足的那一點。就是這樣。這是擺脫成癮的最簡單方法。 你正好連到古柯鹼或海洛因連結的地方。





※純為知識分享請斟酌閱讀 ※出自哪一次的知識尋求不知道




This is a solution, in a way, with a drug addition.

If you add to the same zinc oxide (gans water), you satisfy the emotion, and people walk away from drug addiction. I’ve taught that many months ago, but people overlooked it. If you have cocaine, or somebody has cocaine addict, or heroine addict (something like that), you take 80% or 90% zinc oxide plasma water, you take 20% CO2 plasma water, and a drop of gans of cocaine (or heroine, or whatever that person addict), and then you connect to the emotion, and people just walk away from it. The addiction is over within days.

But, because you satisfy the emotion, you have connected to cocaine, then it releases itself, that it’s got to satisfy the point where the cocaine was satisfying. And that’s it. It’s the easiest way to get rid of addiction. the way you connected exactly to where the cocaine or heroine was linking to.

For the addiction, you have to give what exactly you’re satisfied. because when you get addicted, it means you are satisfying a certain need. You have to pinpoint it, and just give one drop of the gans of the cocaine, or heroine embedded by the man of the science into 80% zinc oxide and 20% CO2 will stop the people. Even they see cigarettes stop whatever.

But I give advice to the people who want to give up smoking, you have to realize for the heavy smokers for a long time, 20, 30, 40 years, understand just you satisfy the need, you have to change the physicality. Because giving up the smoking itself so many years, create new dimensional problems in the physicality. But, in so many ways, you can get rid of the addiction, in a matter of seconds. You can stop the whole addiction in every direction.

Even if you are addicted to pharmaceutical tablets, or medicine. Volume (dosage?) is one of the, we can come off very very rapidly. So if you have people in your family, your friends, without their knowing, giving them a glass of water, you can walk away from addiction.


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