we are one of the most advanced nuclear systems.
Ksw 230
Rick: there was a question about the kidney, and if kidney is removed, how should we address this, how can we improve it with some kind of gans, you’ve mentioned earlier the important idea in the way the universe works, and in terms of the flight system, and perhaps that idea can be incorporated into there somehow,
Are we talking about the same principle? When you talk about the kidney?
Keshe: what do you mean? Can you explain?
Rick: you mentioned the working of the kidney, the way it interact with the removal of our waste, and that kind of thing, and….
Keshe: you see, sorry about that, Rick. To me, from where I sit, from the knowledge of human body, and all knowledge we have, kidney failure doesn’t exist. Unless we are involved in an accident with massive doses of poison. The dialysis machine should become historical items. The process of creating a stone kidney and then the operation, he should have been closed by them.
So it goes back to the kidney and the rest. The technology, if you understand it, it brings you everything you need.
Look at the structure of the kidney, the dialysis machines today are on a squeezing machine, they are not the way the body of the man works, the way of the body of the man works in a perfect way.
That’s why after a while of dialysis, people run into problems. Because the system doesn’t work. The system squeeze the material out of the body, it doesn’t convert it. So in so many ways, if you look at the kidney, if you look at even the larger intestine of the human body, you will understand the secret of the conversion. Conversion of the energy, into the gas conversion of energy into order, which we call “diamond structure” conversion of the energy, back into a nuclear composition, conformation, and gathering of all the energies together,
One of the things the world of the science doesn’t understand, about the bigger intestine of the body of the man, is how the last part of the small intestine and the large intestine have created conditions of creating nuclear material.
B12, when you lose energy, in the process of going thru’ the body, it absorbs the energy back to become nuclear, stay B12, and then what do you do, we fertilize the food and plant with it, and we eat it back again.
So in a way, as if we look at our own human body structure, we are one of the most advanced nuclear systems. What they call, and trying to call “fusion”, in your body, fusion is complete, you eat food, you take the B12, you convert the energy to the level that becomes radioactive, you deposited in certain glands, and when they lose energy, your body release again the energy back as a matter in intestine, and then, it energizes it back, infuses energy to it. That it goes back to become the level that the body can use.
But at that point, it cannot feed itself back, most probably, if we go thru’ evolution of the system, our body will find a way to feed B12 back to itself, that it doesn’t need to go out to gather it. You leave it at the experiment. You plant it, you give it to the plant. And again, thru’ the same energy conversion, you eat it back again to the animals, to the food.
So, there’s a lot for us to learn. If you learn this, and understand this, you can do a lot of things, that look very magical, as I said. But they tried to discredit the technology, they’ve stopped many people to carry on this work, but, now which was reversed.
You have to go back to the point to understand. You have to go to the point to understand how the process whatever you’ve been taught is part of yourself.
If you look at what I’ve told you in the past 5 years, in my books, in all my teachings, I have not taught you anything which you don’t know. Which you are not made of. It’s the what I called the knowledge seekers, who have to start unravelling the truth, the way it is, the way it’ll be, the way that it has. 01:04:24
So when you speak about the kidney, nobody should die of kidney failure, no one should die of liver failure, no one should die of massive obstruction of the liver with the liver cancer, where calcification stop to flow, Doctors, like Dr. Rodriguo said, others should be able to do it in a flick of a finger.
What is calcification? What blocks the liver that expands so big, and then, you die of it, liver failure. We’ve seen how you transmute energy into the matter, and the matter into energy. Doctors in Keshe foundation they know how to remove calcium, large livers that expand due to blockage, and there’s a backlog of liquid, you tried to find the biggest channel somewhere else.
This goes back again, you’ve got the calcium, make it plasma (calcium gans), let it transmitted thru’ body of the man, take it self with the energy of it, arrives in the other side, in another dimension of calcium of the lower, we should take the calcium out. No one should die of these diseases anymore.
Couple of days ago, I’ve the pleasure of looking the video of my father, he said to me, last year this time, in June, they’ve sent him home to die, on an oxygen machine, with 2 liters, 4 liters capacity that he just barely live. A year later, no oxygen, and he travels, just using the technology on his own accord.