耶穌走出十字架的故事 (上)
現在你知道 #如果一個人能發自靈魂深處給予,那正是耶穌基督所做的。以全然純粹的意圖,從自己的靈魂深處給出,給到另一個靈魂,他不想跟他的肉體有任何關係,我們說的,低的自我價值或身體的錯誤行為
史蒂芬:那是好大一段補充 (凱史先生接著海藻甘斯問題之後,所做的好大的補充....)
我來這裡度假,我選定70或80歲的人間歲月度假, 在度假期間,我教你們,你們稱我為傳訊者。我是彌賽亞,你也是。但我是較高階的彌賽亞,你是入門的彌賽亞。你是你自身靈魂的彌賽亞,而如果你能教導,你就成為其他人的彌賽亞,當你給他人,他們靈魂的自由
How Jesus walked off the cross (2)~1
Some unknown Facts about Christ and Resurrection
Mr. Keshe: Let me explain to you something very easy, Christ - blessed his name - is one of the most misunderstood prophets of the past, because he brought a lot of magic, due to the lack of understanding of the people around him, where, he actually explained a lot.
When we talk about rising a dead body, everybody looked for the physicality of the body to move, but he elevated the Soul, which, the Soul moved the physicality. He didn't give a hand to take the man up, put him on his shoulder, and teach him to walk. This is where the misunderstanding, and lack of understanding causes a lot of problem.
Now that you know, if a man could give from his Soul - that's all Christ did! With the purity of intention, he gave from his Soul to the Soul, which did not want to have anything to do with his physicality, because the low esteem, or the misconduct of the physicality. When the Christ gave from his Soul, he gave to bring balance to the Soul in respect to his physicality, and that's when the body arose.
Christ did this to himself, this is one thing never understood. Maybe, I can explain then if you understand, you'll find a lot of answers. Christ became excellent understanding of self elevation.
If I explain about his work, you all hang yourself, you flatten every church on this planet. Maybe today's the time to start and that's why you are here to ask this question?
【Jesus didn’t die on the cross, he walked out of Jerusalem.】
When they put the Christ on the cross, understanding the connection between the soul and the physicality, and as I showed you the shape of the brain, and how it's not a sphere, one part belongs to the physicality. When they took from his physicality, he took from his physicality to elevate his own Soul, that repaired the physical damage.
He walked out of Jerusalem in a physical life. He understood the man cannot
understand the message he has, he never went back to Jerusalem. This is what is not written in the books of the history of the Christianity. That's why you're waiting for Resurrection, and he disappeared. He didn't disappear, he understood the connection between the emotion and his Soul, and through the elevation of the Soul, when the physicality was weak, he gave enough from his own physicality to elevate his soul that he could repair the physicality.
And he walked out of the Jerusalem. There is no Resurrection. He understood exactly the question you're asking. You do it in a small ways, you walk, you decide, and you understand, and today you have a cancer, you don't have a cancer tomorrow. Or if you don't, now we elevate with the power of the soul to receive it, and then you walk away from it, because we give and take, but it's not as natural as you do it yourself.
【Jesus lived a common man life, as a natural way he died.】
There was never Resurrection, Christ, the way he rose the dead, he did the same thing to himself. He went to take from the physicality of himself, which was on the cross, which was no use for it, instead of waiting for it it to decay, he took from it to elevate his own soul, and then through it he fixed the physicality, and he walked off.
He left Jerusalem, never came back, he never mentioned his own name. Because, he understood that man cannot understand the message of God. And he knew his punishment he'd received was for what he did wrong, and he never repeated it.
He lived a common man life, as a natural way he died. You'll find the remains of Christ in South of France. This is what has happened.
This is what the knowledge you have, you can do what Christ did, if you are sincere enough, and understand the weakness within your structure, that you can take from your physicality to elevate your own soul to repair. This is what I did with cancer, and breaking of the bone. The rest, the pads, and everything else is a magic show, because, that's what you understand.
【Find the replication from Jesus story】
You asked the question, understand the implication, and find the replication. When the pain is so much, you detach yourself from it, and you get Esla, ILS. Christ understood this, but he used it in a rapid way to heal himself, heal the physicality using the emotion and the Soul. 02:50:00 - 02:55:00
He said it in one last sentence, and nobody has understood: “Oh God, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing". When he forgave, it means he received, and that receiving elevated the physicality to the emotion, and to the soul of the man, and he walked off. He never disappeared, he was never resurrected. This is what you will do, what Christ did walking away from the cross, you have to learn to do in deep Space, because there is no doctors to help you.
【This is my philosophy: “The last man standing".】
Christ was the last man he stood for his correct conduct, in the belief of the messenger of the God, and he received. The singleness, “The last man standing” is the replication of the Creator, you cannot do wrong to no one, and you cannot do wrong to yourself. You cannot take, unless you are given to have.
My terminology of one man standing in the Space, is the replication of the Creator.
But you don't understand, and when you think what's going to happen with the medicine, and who's going to help, because when you get to that stage, he was the last man standing on the cross, there was no one there to help.
He found his own salvation by understanding what he did to the man who was dead. Because he knew he elevated the Soul, he could ask for elevation, but he knew his misconduct. So, knowing he knew he can take from his physicality, in the point of the strength, and used it to elevate his Soul, and he never misconducted, he walked away from Jerusalem. The rest is made up to cash money from the rest of you, and imprison your souls.
【Jesus had a child】
Just ask yourself a very simple question, and then you'll see how correct I am.“If the man could raise a dead, couldn't he do the same to himself with the knowledge he had?”Yes, he did, he had a child and he wanted to be the father to the child. He forgave the humanity for what he could not deliver to them, to educate them further.
That was his forgiveness.
Steven: It's a lot to take in.
Mr. Keshe: Christ never died on the cross, he elevated himself. I do that, I've done that three times, and the people around me know, I talk about it openly, and I Teach it openly, but you have to understand.
【Everyone is messiah, but there exists some difference】
The structure is to understand one's Self, the structure is to understand the
connection between one's Self and the rest. I'm here on a holiday, I've chosen a 70, 80 year holiday gap, and in that process of holiday I Teach, you call me the messenger. I am messiah as much as you are, but I am messiah for a bigger, you are messiah for a smaller. You are messiah to your own Soul, and if you can teach you become messiah to the others, when you can give them the freedom of their Soul.
The problem with me is, I know how to handle the totality. The problem with you is, that you have to learn how to handle yourself first, then you can handle the totality.
“I made man in the image of myself”, which means once I understand myself, I understand the totality.
This is the problem, this is what you have to learn, this, ... ask yourself a very simple question, I repeat it because it needs a lot of understanding, and a lot of detachment from the attachments we have made to false promises.
Ask yourself, this is what I put to Christ so many times, I said to him:
“How come you did not show what you showed the others? How come you resurrected a man, but not yourself?"
Answer is simple, “Forgive them for what they did not understand, what they are doing."
You have to understand the process, and then you understand the process is the same across the Universe, has no exception. The pope will burn me down in every way possible, now that people know the truth, but I'm not afraid. They can come in Masons, in Knights of Malta, in the shape of the Pope, and Ayatollah's. We've seen the truth, we shall prevail, because we are part of you, and you are part of us.