耶穌走出十字架的故事 (下)
巴哈歐拉的書, 靈魂之語
了解運作的原理,不要去讀基督的書,後人寫基督的書。去讀基督在世時講過的話,所集結的書。感受他情感的本質,連到他的靈魂,如果你想知道更多,有關存在運作的真實,靈魂在生存的運作,到網路上尋找隱藏的話語,了解來自巴哈歐拉(祝福祂之名)所寫的書,人們靈魂的本質,當你讀到(譯註: 1817~1892,出生於伊朗德黑蘭,1863創立巴哈歐拉,意味上帝的榮耀)
#了解自身就有能力轉換。 #副甲狀腺的工作
你只要打開維基百科 #有關甲狀腺的說明,看到並了解物質轉換的機制,轉換到你需要的物質。#你甲狀腺的一部分在為你的靈魂做工,副甲狀腺的功能之一在提升靈魂,將情感轉換到靈魂。是你生命裡,身體裡,唯一的器官連到情感。另外,副甲狀腺負責物質狀態的轉換,磷到鈣等等等,金屬到其他
How Jesus walked off the cross (2)~2
Some unknown Facts about Christ and Resurrection
【Enlightenment, comes from giving, not from taking, and we give freely.】
Understand the process, understand how simple, how simple Christ walked away from the cross, and ask yourself, for the third time, I repeat, because shall not be denied, “If he could give life to a dead man to rise, without giving a hand and walking him, by elevating his soul, couldn't he do the same to himself, because he knew the path?"
Instead of what happened to Moses, which he learned, going and massacring everybody for what they did to him, he knew with what Moses did was wrong, he chose the path, “I delivered my message, I'm going, I'm just a postman."
I've said this many times in my Teaching, (clears throat)
【the path of Christ】
"You want to find the body of Christ? Look in the South of France." He became a common man, and those who knew his Teaching, they were touched by his soul.
Ask yourself, a very simple question:“Where most of the people do the long walk between France and Spain, how, why there? "This is the path of Christ. He walked, amongst people, knowing he's done his job, he's another common man.
You've got to understand, if you understand the strength of your own Soul, you know how much you can give, and you know you don't expect for receiving, because you know inevitably, for your Soul to exist, it receives what it needs. You shall never find the robe of Christ. He does not need knights and, he does not need people who can rob the others, by the Soul of their name. I put this question to all those man of the robe, and we have a few of them listening to us.
Ask yourself a simple question, and you will see how idiotic is, and this is the message from the Christ:“Open your eyes, you've been fooled enough If I could save the life of people I touched, couldn't I save my own life, using my own soul?
And I did!”
【Mr. Keshe shared his own healing experience from fracture】
It took me 7 days to overcome multiple fracture, and multi damages, into my organs.
On the 25th June, 14 days later, I gave a 6 hours lecture, 5 hours lecture at Louis House in Brussels.
We know how to heal ourselves! We know the secret of the Creation! You all know how to do it, it's very simple!
【When people are in great grief and despair】
What happens when you go into grief? What happens when you lose someone?
Understand your emotion of loss, and then you understand why, we get enlightened in our griefs. Where we find the strength? Those who are truly grieved, it means they suffer from not being able to give.
They don't look, that, “Why I couldn't, ... I can't receive any more love, from the one that's gone.” The true believers, the suffering comes from, that “I cannot give”! And, in trying to give more they find out, because, in the background there is an intention of, “I don't receive that I could receive from him, ...” there is no elevation.
When you start learning you can go through the front door you don't need to go through the back door, then you'll find out, every knowledge in the Universe is open to you. We pray for their Souls, we give from the Souls, because, when they are elevated I don't need to give, I can give to somebody else which is needed.
These people (pedophile ring) don't come into our life, for us to suffer. They come into our life, for us to understand the strength of our own soul. And the elevation of our own Soul. They are the test, how we can elevate ourselves, by elevating them.
We pray we give from our Souls to what they call themselves our enemy, because we have no enemy. We have the testers of our soul! And the test comes when we can elevate theirs. These are the people who hurt the others, but they see it as their right. These are our testers.
These are for us to know our weaknesses, that become our strength. In giving, that we get rid of what is not needed and become strengthened [by] what is given to us in full.
Don't read the writing of the Christ, with the writing of the man. Read the writing of the Christ, the word of Christ. In the essence of his emotion and connection to his Soul. If you want to understand more about the reality of the existence, of the operation of the Soul. Go on the Internet. Look for “Hidden Word" and understand the writing of Bahá'u'lláh - blessed his name - in the essence of the Soul of the man, when you read it.
You open the Realm of the Creation and the message of God to man, to elevate to the understanding of the promised one. It's not written for the man, it's written for the Soul of the man. That's why it's hidden! When your own Soul, it's own operation is hidden from you, the knowledge is hidden from you.
When you look and understand the writing of Bahá'u'lláh - blessed his name - in the word of the essence of the Soul of the man, You'll understand the World and the connection between what is to come and what has been.
And, the elevation of the Soul of the man ready for the progress into the Universal Community. It's very important. Those of you who are not familiar with the writing of Bahá'u'lláh, especially his Hidden Word. The rest is for physicality.
The only transition book we have between the man and the next development is a Hidden Word. But, when you read it, read it in the understanding of the work of the Soul. and elevation of the Soul, and then you understand the message of God has been with you for a long time. Over 200 years, nearly.
★And it's the same message, as was given by Christ.
★The same message which was given by Moses. But, Moses lost his way. Moses pleased himself. So, he became back to being the elevation of being a man of physicality and he has no status.
★Buddha understood more but he could not connect.
★Mohamed lost his way not by his own, but by his followers. Pleasing the followers, brought him the demise of himself.
Christianity, the way it is now, does not exist. And it was never the intention of Christ.
【Understand your own Soul, the way you receive it.】
You don't look for it in vegetation. You don't look for it in the seafish. You understand your own, then you have the ability to convert. Look what it says in part of the knowledge you just opened up on Wikipedia.
【Thyroid gland,】
Thyroid gland, look at, understand the operation of the conversion of the Matter into the Matter's you need. Part of your Thyroid gland is for your Soul.
【Parathyroid gland】Parathyroid gland, one of them, is the elevation of the Soul and the emotion to Soul, is the conversion. It's the only organ, in your life, in your physicality which connects the emotion to. Another, Parathyroid gland, is responsible for the conversion of the Matter-state. Phosphor to Calcium, metals to the others.
A man has never understood the work of Parathyroid gland.
Is the electron in the nucleus of the Plasma of the brain, in the centre of the brain of the man. And when it's misplaced, misconduct appears. You've got to understand, How and why? And don't look into vegetation or the food. We have to guide you, because you're physical, that way involved. You have to have something to receive it. But, it sits within you and inside you. This is the beauty of it. 03:15:00 - 03:20:00
【How Jesus walked off from the cross】
If you understand the work, of your own physicality and the connection between your physicality and your emotion and the interaction between where physicality does not need the emotion to interact with it's Soul, you have managed to understand the secret of the work of the Christ on the cross.
Man for 2000 years have not understood, how the man on the cross walks off. And, that's why, they made a mystery out of it, because nobody could do this. So, he's gone we can make whatever we like. People watched him healing himself. His disciples watched him, that everything was healed. You have to understand the process of cross.
When they hang you, it's the weight of the physicality which goes down, which literally tears the organs apart and you die. Separation of of the physicality tearing apart from the emotion and the Soul. He could manage to hold it, because he knew he has the strength through his emotion. It took him a very short time to replenish because, he tapped into the Universal energy, to receive receive what he could not receive from the food of the man.
I can go step by step from the time he received the first nail to the time he landed in France. He lived as a common man amongst common people. He never wanted to be known. He saw the betrayal by his own disciples and he saw the abuse of the people who did it.
But, he knew what he did wrong, that he received this condition. The crossing was for his Soul to be elevated, to understand his physical misconduct.
And I've said many times: “Not in my time, not under my watch. I would never go on the cross.”
The cross is not the physicality of it. It's there for you to become the judge of your own conduct.
Does theology exist within the structure of the Plasma?Or is Plasma, its conduct, the theology of the existence? The answer is yes.
Steven: I got that one (laugh) Thank you.
Mr. Keshe: Your welcome. Any other question?