凱史:鹽...讓我換個方式說,酸與鹼; 酸是物質的層面,鹼是能量的層面,人類從未搞懂這一點。當你有酸,你分裂,你把能量放進去改變化學反應,我們在生命中所看到的。
#鹽 #慣性等離子體層面的重力
如果你產生條件符合一顆原子的外衣,你把它剝下來,現在是3 (註記:什麼三?三層皮膚的三層?凱史當場沒有多做解釋….).我們稱為『甘斯』。因為那是為什麼我們用液態來顯示它的顯化。那是它作用的方式。你放了多少水,有多少場壓,或者這對人是全新的。否則再過5年,孩子們會告訴你,就像我們在談的酸性,有多酸,強度如何。酸性。現在我們必須學會鹼性有多強?或鹽度有多強?我們能多快剝離那顆原子,都是一樣的,但裡頭有個中心點,有一個能量來源。(2:23:08)
酸度是磁力的,而重力是鹼性的。但是,當你扯掉衣服,裏頭有能量,它是一顆蘋果,一顆橘子,你剝掉皮,看到它的美麗,就是這樣。你把同樣的蘋果放在酸性裡,外皮脫落,仍可看到同樣的蘋果。但這一次完全不同,全是能量。 正如我們在波斯語所說的『從頭到尾』(2:33:13)
#酸是是磁力的 #鹼與鹽是你拿取重力
why the salt is so important for in gans making
Rick: Mr. Keshe, we have an outstanding question from Bente, regarding the salt, the salt factor. I wonder if you could just address that in some way. And her main question is so …he is laughing, (2:26:43)
The main question is she is wondering why the salt is so important for in making gans, and making….
Keshe: the salt…let me rephrase it, acidic and alkaline; acidic is the dimension of the matter, alkaline is the dimension of the energy, mankind has never understood that. When you have acidity, you divide, you put energy in it, to change it chemical reaction. What we see in the dimension of the life.
In the salty environment, you take the energy, so you take the energy of the skin, you manifest the soul, the center. That’s the difference. It’s like you take a bullet, and it shoots as if ballistic ball, that split too many pieces. Because it got energy into it. And it comes to many pieces. This is the matter, this is the acidic. (2:28:29)
Alkaline is…you take the same ball, but you take the ball away, you release the gas inside it, now they’re free, it’s the same gas without control. And that’s the difference between acidic and alkaline. The level of alkaline shows how much, and what material which is at that strength, which operates itself in the plasma condition.
In the body of the man, our body is not acidic, it’s totally alkaline. Blood, lymph, eyes, brain, and the level of the alkaline decides what matter in the gans of that state appears in the body of the man. Be the kidney, be the liver, be the brain, if you take a part, let us say, the liver is full of iron or zinc, and I take it out, I put whatever on it, no zinc, no copper, come from it. Because it’s in the plasma condition. If I introduce a condition of the inertia to it, which is acidic confirmed within it, you will see copper dropping from it. That’s all. So different level of alkaline in the presence of different fields allows creation of different ganses. That’s all. You have different temperatures for cooking, you have different combinations of acids to get something,
Now mankind has to learn the work of the “salt”. What we call “gravity”. It’s a gravity in the dimension of the plasma of the inertia. That’s all. Simple. Now you put different names to it, you call it sodium cholorid, or you call it potassium salt, it’s all understanding one is creation of gravity, when you put, you strip. If I get my hand on your shirt, and I pull and take your shirt off, that’s all. So I can see the physicality. Now it’s energy which is in it. That’s what the alkaline condition doesn’t mind, man never understood. You always put something on it, we always split it.
If you create the condition which matches the clothing of an atom, you take it off, now is 3. We call it the “gans”. Because that’s why we use liquid to show manifestation of it. This is how it works. How much water you do it, how much field pressure is, or is new to man. Otherwise in 5 years of time, the children will tell you, like we talked about acidic, how much acidic how it’s strong. Acidic, Now we have to learn how the strong the alkaline is or the salt is. How fast we can strip that atom, and it’s always the same, but inside it has a center, has an energy source. (2:23:08)
Do you want to blow the ball into pieces, and release energy or just take the ball off, and that’s it. Very simple. It’s again using too many terminologies for the same thing.
Acidity is magnetical, and gravity is alkaline. But when you pull you strip the clothing, ,now you have the energy inside, it’s an apple, it’s an orange, you peel off, you see the beauty of it, that’s all. You put the same apple in acid, this skin comes off, you still see the same apple. But this time it’s totally different, it’s all energy. As we said in Farsi, “from the beginning to the end” (2:33:13)
The knowledge is so simple, we have made it complicated to be very intelligent, we are all intelligent. Then it’s so simple. The problem is my knowledge is so simple, and written in such simple language, that man cannot believe that it’s so simple, and this guy for centuries have fooled us, they called it upside down technology in China. But this is the inside out, this is the reality that we’ve been fooled up to now.
Now we understand the totality of it, now we are in May 2019, when we went to the Belgium company owned by the king of the Belgium, when they understood what I’ve delivered, after the research of the university of Brussels confirming the technology is correct, is the guy who sat in front of me, with my associating with Keshe Foundation, he said, you have to write your paper in much more complex. You know it’s just too simple. I said, I write the paper that everybody can understand.
So there is nothing salt or acid, try to understand. Acidity is when you give the energy, magnetical. Alkaline and salt is when you take it up the gravity, you got to understand the energy of the hydrogen, which creates, releases itself. So it’s acidic. You have always associated with the gravity of oxygen, then you attack, or you can attach to target, with the alkaline is you are heavier element, look what it is.
You have hydrogen, which is acidic, which means, it gives you a lot.
You have a carbon, which is 6 times heavier.
So of course it attracts, compares to acidity, this alkaline is gravity, that’s all.
NaCl, look at it, the numbers, and look at everything else. Magnesium, potassium, or whatever, it’s heavier field pull. So when you are heavier, you can strip from everything below.
If you understand like sulpheric acid, why sulphric acid is so devastating, what this way, should be very easy, it locks itself to higher element, but it has an arrow in it of energy, which is hydrogen. So it does damage at the higher level, up to that level. Very simple. (2:37:04)
Look at the structure of the man, how many salts are in our body? In what salinity, it creates a spectrum of conditions for creation of the cell, in our body, we don’t have an atom of zinc, sitting here is a plasma of it, so it covers a bigger dimension of environment. When you make ganses, everything you see is one molecule atomic gans, you want to see one atom, or two molecules of copper, go to university, as for electronic, microscope, you might see some. But now we open it, we see it. That’s what it’s very simple. (2:38:05)
The knowledge is so simple, they make it so complicated. So we believe it, now we understand. Just because you come down the road, one way system, and you suddenly find out you are going the wrong way, do you carry on? You turn around, you take a side road, and you go the right way. Even though in that path, we might have learnt something some chops, while you are going down, you’ve been looking all the time.
Knowledge is sweet, it’s just we got to understand it, there is no difference between the salts, if you have a salt, you have a difference of salt, you have different gravities. You have different salinity, you create a bigger spectrum for different positions. Salinity gives a positioning, the content of the salt gives you a structure in that salinity of strength. Very simple. (2:39:21)
How I answered the question of salt now, …………
Rick: well, we have to get an answer from Bente, we probably will have next week, so. I’ll let you know how it goes…she will definitely be listening to every word, and try to distill the best of it.
Keshe: when we made the structure of the brain in Beretta, we started with one element, and then we added different salts, and then we start seeing layers of structure. And different salinity gives a slightly different structure. You give me a skull of the man, I make the man for you who was carrying the skull.
Rick: but we have a saying on earth, someone is the salt of the land, or the salt of the earth. Or sometimes you know ….
Keshe: when it suits us, it is the guy the salt of the earth. Am I correct? Is make me so humble…
Rick: yeah, there is the idea that the salt of the earth, then I think maybe it’s also the salt of the soul, in a way. So maybe there’s two ends of that…
Keshe: maybe the soul needs the salt to contain it
Rick: is that the critical part of the manifestation where the manifestation comes from, through the salt essentially,…you mentioned the blood containing the structure around the cranium of the brain, or inside the cranium of the brain, that is like a shell that feeds the soul when in the blood is again the salt of the blood. What’s important about it, in a way….
Keshe: yeah, it’s the feel of the strength of it, that’s what it can contain. You got to understand what the body of the man, as a blood, or the physical dimension, cannot contain. Leaks out at a higher order field. and in interaction with the environment, we call it the “aura” . And in reflection what soul of the man absorbs the interaction of the balance of the two fields, give the color not as said, you can see the color for it. It’s not what just goes out, is the balance of in-and-out. (2:42:34)
Any other question?