


這代表,現在它們允許鏈接,但現在病毒進到這間隔縫隙的方式,它有地方住下來。為什麼我們看到它通常待在角落,因為這是間隔縫隙所在。錨定到一個點,更形接近而打開。到一個活動點, 我們看到它出現。因為那是它的進入點,當它進來,它找到可以築巢處它進到中間那一層就定居下來了。









現在進到嘴裡的皰疹累積變得更強,是一個更強的動力系統,皰疹從外面經由皮膚中間層移到大腦,一路獲得能量。遊戲改變了,遊戲改變的方式非常,非常有趣,因為通過皮膚相同的過程,這是人的嘴巴,這是腸子,你現在了解內臟有三層。皰疹往下移到胃,小腸,大腸的中間層,然後它到哪裡?..... 到另一站,再度分兩階段,內臟的動態層面,同樣的故事再來一遍。










【皰疹是人體所有疾病的全貌 herpes is the totality of the disease across the body of the man.】


  • Herpes (4)~2 herpes is the totality of the disease across the human body
  • main cause to Alzheimer's disease
What it means, now they allow the link up, but now the virus comes into this space gap. Now it's got a place to live. Why do we see it on the corners usually, because. this is where the space gap fixed to one point moves closer and open. To the points of flexibility, we see it coming up because that's a point where it can enter, and when it enters, it has found t⋯⋯he nest it enters into the middle layer and it stays there.
Now we see the existence, and how and the reason we see this energy pack which is equal to the energy pack of the amino acid of the two levels of the inner and outer (the mouth/lip). Becomes a nesting ground for the virus. 51:54
Don't forget is 6 layers, now it's not 3 layers. You have 3 layers of the skin and 3 layers of the inner tube. So in that position there is a gap, it sits in there, because the field strength matches the field strength of the virus. In that position, sitting in a middle section affects the salt content of the layer.
Usually on the skin side, because the lip side, the inside is fluid. You have carry a lot of fluid is continuously changing, so what happens, the change of the salt due to the energy creates blisters, and the salt burning, you see it as a blisters on the skin, then. Other infection sits in because of the energy level and you have all these, what we call the virus of herpes, we call it herpes.
So if we understood this, we go to the next step, that is why we see herpes of a given strength which appears only at the mouth. (54:09)
Now If the herpes moves inside is a different story. Now the condition here is different acidity of all the enzymes, and everything else in the mouth, it has to meet it to become a stronger that it can survive this position. You have a cut in the internal part, it goes in the gap after three layers of the skin, now it becomes a stronger. Now it becomes what we call number two (HSV2) at strength becomes now it has to handle the liquid inside the body of the man which is a composite, where their skin was a slightly different. (54:58)
【Lead to Alzheimer's】
But there is a big problem with the whole thing the skin, if you look at it, the skin of the man is part of the brain of the man. Now that the virus has entered the middle skin, immediately travels into the brain of the man, through the middle skin. But at the same time as the other side, which is the lip skin is connected to the internal, but works in a different dimension links up.
So what happened, the viruses through the middle layer of the skin of the man moves into the brain. Because it's made of the same as the same transformation and, when it moves into the brain, the strength of the virus,…..
if this is the brain,
and this is a part of the memory of the man has the strength, that it sits in that space.
And this is the reason we call it Alzheimer's, due to Herpes, In a way you put a jammer on it. You put the way you package. And you jump a frequency, this Herpes has a capability at their strength because it came through the middle section, through the membrane of the body of the man. It has a strength, that strength fits into the strength of the memory part and produces what we call Alzheimer's.
It has under strength as we grow older, our brain function changes, and under given the strength it matches total blockage, you know you send a message and they block you, this is what it does. Now we understand the whole process of Alzheimer's to Herpes.
It has taken me nearly 25 Years research to this. It's been one of the biggest dilemmas in the world of science. If you go back to the research papers which I brought with me to Belgium. when I came, herpes was part of It. I could not understand why this thing cannot be solved. But now we can understand more how this research will end up will bring a lot of shocking news to a lot of you. (57:56)
【Herpes rolled into a stronger dynamic system after gone into the mouth】
Now what we store here in the herpes which has gone into the mouth which has become stronger, because it's a stronger dynamic system, and it has gained energy, the way the herpes is from the outside moved through the middle skin to the brain of the man now. The game changes, the game changer is very, very interesting, because through the same process of the skin, this is the mouth of the man, this is your intestine, and you understood by now you have three layers of it. That herpes move down the middle layer of the stomach, the intestine, the bigger intestine, and where does it go…. to another point, which again has two phases, the phase of the dynamic dimension of the internal organ and the same story as before,
The skin of the man, this is the anus. This is how herpes moves from the mouth directly into the process into the genital. And the stronger, but two way happens, you have the reproduction of the woman or you have the reproduction of the man. look at it, again the same place they turn up is interface.
At the point of the same, the foreskin of the penis you have the same position. You change into the tube to go inside, so the interface comes again into operation, and we see herpes. On where were what we call genital. It can do the same but we might not see it in the mouth.
But the interesting part of the whole story is the body of the man carries bone structure, this bone structure, if I can take it out, this is your spinal cord, this is your hip and these are the rest of your parts, this is your head and the rest of it.
【Hip of the human body is the cup of the life you made】
Does this reminds you of anything you've done in the space technology? You remember the cup and the orange transferring the energy of the orange into the water of the cup. Now look what's in the cup. The cup is hip of the man. Up to now, doctors tried to sort out the problem of herpes to as they call it in the Interaction with the creams and everything else, it moves it cannot be done. because, with a new research which has published recently, we understand and this supports what we explained years ago, that now the hip of the man becomes the cup. The virus, what we call of the Herpes. Now sits in the hip of the man.
This is why doctors could not solve it. They keep on touching and doing things but it comes back. Because when this cup energy reaches a point, it releases the energy into the same layers well. I have flaring o the disease. Now we understand the full process of the herpes beat one or two is the same. it's, just in a different strength. Now we understand from the Alzheimer's all the way to genitals how we can do it.
【herpes is the totality of the disease across the human body】
This is why we have two different types. But in fact, one is the stronger one is weaker. The stronger travels through the intestine, because there's too much acids, and everything else which has to go and then it travels through. But there is one point which the world of science again has not understood. We. have not doctors. Have not looked that herpes appears inside the body of the man, too. Herpes appears in different locations internally at the entrance, at a point of the change of the same as the lips and the skin and stomach. It's different material now, we should look for signs of herpes in the opening of the stomach. Stomach and the small intestine. In small intestine, we'll begin intestine.
in general herpes is the totality of the disease across the body of the man.
This changes the game. Herpes with a new understanding of the plasma technology. Should be able to be managed. Should be able to be reversible. You have to understand, I excuse the world shoot (to be continued)



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