


























然後你了解到 #創造也必須來自輻射,在旅行過渡的點,我們稱為輻射。當它到達,成了甘斯的能量,或輻射的甘斯。









然後,在太空中,人類了解到一件事,沒有分裂與射線,人類無法存在。 (1:03:04)










所以人類會了解到宇宙中不同強度的不同場域。 (1:05:26)










你還有很多要學。 (1:08:42)


Gans has radiation?(4)~3

Without division and the rays, mankind will not exist.


But you come to one point, "the whole creation". Now you become man in the space, the whole created things, which carry the intelligence of life. Even the stone has a soul, do you remember?

Work thru the understanding of the difference between the radiation in the open span, or radiation within their own structure.

You need lower " the higher intensity of radiation" that they become lower and lower cells feeder. In that process, they grow and become bigger cells.

You don't come to this, if you don't start from this. And to go from this to this, you need plasma radiation, which means, you take from it, and you grow, the plasma fields allow it.

When you say you take B9, and increase the division of the cells of the child, it's perfect. It doesn't divide it. It creates the radiation field that you can absorb it and grow. We convert into life.

This is why many of you, when you test, for example, with the plants, which are dying, and saved and come to life. Because this is what you did, you provide it with a little.

When a child is born, you can't give him a steak and chips, he can't digest, it's too big. The stomach isn't ready for it. What we do, we give the love of God, the milk of the mother, small dosages, which entered, you see plants grow, because it's step by step.

If you go in part of KF medical teaching, you have a habit of how many mg, or ml of ganses, this and this I need. This is what you perceive.

The way I work is HOW MANY DROPS. 

One drop of gans works millions times better than 30 ml of gans. But you don't see it. Man has to have something big to be. 

In the cases I called to save life. I used drops. Because if you give in ml, it's too much, the stomach can't digest it. In spoon feed, you introduce small amount of plasmatic fields, as in a way of containing the process to give life. You can't give the sick body the steak to eat, but they accept this a food.

This is the knowledge in the hands of the creator, not in the hands of those who think it's normal, the ignorance of the knowledge makes them big, but they know nothing about the creation.

Because in the space, it's the difference between the controlling and containing in your life, or you leaving or sharing, you raise your field with the rest of the universal community as food.

When you lose control of the energies within your soul, which means, you become free food (?). Because you are available, there is no soul. 

When energy has a soul, you can't touch. This becomes killing, murder, and destruction. But when you lose, you decide I open my skin, I don't want to have anything with me, then your life, your energy created becomes the energy of the universe.

This is the difference.

This is where mankind has to understand, 

● which you don't touch, 

● which is given to extend and it's yours with the pleasure and gift of the creator of it.

Let me explain to you something very simple.

In the process of the creation, the fields are the same, it's the condition of the environment which dictates what fields will create. 

It's the same with the love of God. The creator radiates and as they interact, create different, the strength of love of the creator from the beginning to the end. 

It's the same.

It's interaction with the division with other environments, who needs the creation of the unicos, and universe, and totality, which covers itself in it. 

Then you understand even the creation has to come from the radiation, and, at the point of travel transition, we call it the radiation. When it arrives, it becomes the energy of the gans, or, the gans of radiation.

● in this way, it works in one dimension

● in this way, it works in spherical condition and its energy is even the same.

It becomes harmless

It becomes essence of life.

In a way, the ganses themselves carry energy of radiation, but the dispersement in the sphere of life creates useful and acceptable a life-meaning-energy. 

And in this process, every field we receive from the cosmos and the food we eat, we receive within it. Ray from the creator, depending on 

how has been divided, 

how has been manipulated by other fields within.

Then, in the space, mankind becomes aware of one thing, without the division and the rays, mankind will not exist. (1:03:04)

Then, this opens a new dimension for man to understand.

As we said you have different rays of gamma, alpha, and B12, whatever you call it. 

Now that you have come to this point, it said the beauty of God is 99, I've said the beauty of God in space is 999999. Let me explain to you where the other 99 will come, and you have to understand mix of it is incalculable. 

You receive gamma rays, X-rays, is a physical matter, and then you convert it, that's for your physicality. 

Now you understand the creator as higher order, release its fields, which is in the match the strength of your soul.

Then you understand not only you've been fed by the radiation, but you've been fed thru your soul by radiation, which is above you. This is how your soul is fed, how could it feed your physicality dimension without feeding the soul?

So mankind will come to understand more and more about these fields. Now that he becomes the passenger of the universe.

In a way, B12 for physicality and division B-love is increased in the knowledge of the creator to feed the soul. 

When you receive B of devotion, it means it's only from him to you. It's so high, that no one can see and absorb. Because it's not that level to receive.

So mankind will come to understand more different fields of different strengths in the universe. (1:05:26)

Very much you will come to understand, joy has the same field as for you as the other one. Maybe it's B22, where the B of devotion, let's say, 100, the maximum. When you say devotion, it means the totality. 

(√)When it comes from the creator, it means equality of the knowledge and the strength.

(√)When it comes to love, is you take what you think you need. I make it available, means you don't take all of it. Because you are not aware of the totality of it.

Like mother's love, she can't love only one, the one is here, he takes as much as he likes, because mother has other children has to love. One can't have everything, that the others suffer. But, mother can give the same strength to all and love the same.

Mankind has to understand the totality of it, there are no fuel tankers, there are no expressed deliveries from the creator. They are all available at all times in all dimensions of the creator's for you to recognize what you can take, and what you can convert to get what you need.

So, when you travel the depths of space, as we taught many times, everybody knows this colour of soul means danger, this colour of soul means energy available, this colour of soul means I'm short of something. Then you look, you said "you take what you need from me for you to be equal to me, that, in a way, you shine and equal as me.

As we start opening the knowledge of the space, mankind has to understand its totality.

There are no fuel tanker s, and there are no express deliveries from the creator, they are all available at all times in every corner of dimension of the creation for you to recognise what you can take, and what you can convert to get what you need.

◎ What do I need to take B12, not much of it from B22, 

◎ ok, I need 12 of it, but, what am I gonna do with the other 10? 

◎ I let 9 go. 

But, it's division somewhere. 

But B1 is somewhere. I need it. I need to know where it is.

It's needed in the back of the prostate, one of the sperms that creates the right condition for the egg and the sperm to meet.

You need a lot to learn. 

You need a lot to learn. (1:08:42)

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