















Gans has radiation?(4)~1
Radiation and Vitamins B's 

For the first time, we see radiation as ray, we see fields and energy without any harm. 

Then, I have to explain to these people in a very simple way, as I've told many times, when you go to doctor, doctor said you are pregnant, congratulations, next paper comes in front of you is please go and buy yourself some folic acid. During the cycle of your pregnancy, you take folic acid.

But, what is folic acid?
●Folic acid in the matter state is radiation. 
●Weak radiation. 
●But, at the level of cell division of the womb. Because the interaction of the egg and the sperm need a soft radiation that it can give the energy to. 

In the mother's womb, it becomes like what the present science understand the radiation. But, in fact it's energy, which all is more fields to be added from the womb to the cells the fetus. And that's how accelerated a life.

But, for the adults, when you got some problem, they give you B12, where folic acid is known as benign. So the strength of B12, means is of the HIGHER ORDER, the strength the radiation as man understand in physical dimension.

So, when you take B12, which enters the body, it changes by absorption in the lymph to the plasma and become part of life.

So, it's very hard to explain. And when you've understood by the nuclear physicist, that WE HAVE 2 TYPES OF RADIATION.
● one in a matter state
● one in a plasma state, which is the essence of the creation.

This has become evolution in science, which was discovered by Iranian nuclear physicist, that can't be spoken. 

We all become terrorists, 
but we become saviors of the life. We returned that back to Iran.

Life in the sub, small dimensions become part of the energy of the structure. And in the mass dimension, we see it as energy and radioactive energy, which create life. 

●When you say a material is radioactive, in a matter outside, you can measure it. 

●Inside is not radioactive, but it's the essence of the creation.

When somebody claimed ganses are radioactive, and dangerous, it means, it's illiterate in the knowledge of creation.

They create no harm.
They don't create any radioactive behavior.
These are the energies that your body pick up, in the packages which come from it….


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