


































euthanasia and suicide (2)~1

Barbara: This is Barbara from Canada, hello, Mr. Keshe, first of all I just want to say thank you for all what you're doing for humanity, and all you have endured all this time. And from Canada much love.

This is a question that's been on my heart for some time. Your teaching a while back ago, you talked about suicide as an universal sin. Now, I've talked to number of people, and because of what's going on, a lot of people are having a lot of questions.

And they're kind of thing that is legal here in Canada is "assisted suicide", they can choose the end of life, and it's legal. It's basically for people that are terminally ill and there's basically no hope.

So, this is something that's kind of resting on my soul, knowing you have given in the information that suicide is an universal sin.

So, how does this follow into that? And I know that we have plan for the universal enhancement unit, which will help people with that. I would like to give people hope, and you know, when I'm talking to people and they're talking about these things, because I work in the health field, I want to be able to give some sort of assurance or warning about this, thank you.

#Keshe: Thank you very much. If I'm correct, you are a nurse.

There are two ways to look at it.

This euthanasia with permission of governments does not give the right to the physical structure of euthanasia by the man himself, just because it's been put in the legal papers.

There are no legal papers snd governments in the universe, and not for the soul of the man.

This is something that man has to come to terms with, and bring all dimensions to the point of acceptance.

The reality is all of us in the dimension of physicality, we will leave the physical dimension by choice, by accident. Now, knowing that we can extend it, or we can change it and appear when we need, this will give a new dimension of existence of man.

In a way, we have to suffer within the physical body; from now on, we don't need to.

We have the knowledge, and 
we are gaining the knowledge, and
we are producing the structure and systems that allow you to bring the energy of physicality into the soul, and then re-manifest yourself in the dimension of position and time as you choose. 

But, does it mean if you are paraplegic with a disease in the physicality of the man? When you interact through your soul and you manifest yourself in a different dimension. Would they carry the same disease in another position? 

In reality, no!

So, we don't see euthanasia in any shape or form acceptable, as man now has the knowledge to be able to do elevation of the soul, which brings the dimension of physicality within it. And then can manifest itself in a perfect condition.

But, the reality is when man does such thing, the book of the soul of the physicality has to be clean and clear,
not a way to escape
not a way to hide
not a way to find a shortcut
that would not happen.

You got to realise those who are in coma, or any other disease in the physical dimension, still have a soul of physicality, which pose Imperfection in operation. Its interaction with the environment gives this effect.

So, in reality, the soul of the physicality hss to be in line with the soul of the man, that it can re-construct itself to the perfection. That doesn't mean you can come back cured with any/or without any disease that's possible. Depends on what the soul of the man decides and what perfection the soul of the physicality has reached.

In so many ways, just because the body of the man is in tangle of his physical life, doesn't mean the soul of the man is the same position, and not the same with the soul of the physicality, it has chosen out of time and position.

With the new knowledge, there's no need for euthanasia, as the soul of the physicality elevation can lead to the elevation of the soul of the man, vice versa.(21:46)

I was talking to one of the knowledge seekers in the past few days in the same manner.

The soul of the physicality has the right to terminate its work with the physical dimension, but, has not got the right to terminate with the soul of the man. At the point of natural death, all the energies of the soul of the physical man adds to the soul of the man, which allows it to depart.

When we get old, as we talked before, we gradually transfer the soul of the physicality to the soul of the man. And, the point, when balance reaches the soul of the man feel energy exceeds the physicality, it can break through the barrier, what we call the cage, through the circulation of the blood.

That's why we age.
That's why we get older.

As I've explained before, we give more and more to the soul to find its freedom. With that, the physicality suffers. We call it "aged".

With the new knowledge, we don't need to go through this process. As we can elevate the soul of the man, that it can elevate the soul of the physicality at the same time. We can elevate the soul of the physicality itself, that in the process, physical death does not occur. We can live for thousands of years.

This is how I've been here.
This is the process of life I live through.
We walk from one city and appear in another.
I've explained before. Time and life in essence and the demise of it is man made, not the process of the work of the soul.

In that process, we walk from one village to another without anybody knowing as a new traveller. We take a position in the soul of the man, and we live through it.

Mankind gradually will be told this.

to be continued

remarks: simply for knowledge sharing, please read with discretion


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