










當你有脂肪肝或脂肪細胞時,看骨骼和骨髓的功能(找答案),沒有別的地方了。因為那是脂肪的來源。那是蛋白質生產和身體囤積的地方。 可能有一天派得上用場。











You are living the body of the man in a plasmatic condition. (3)~3
The creation of emotion is extension of your amino acids bone marrow

But, in principle, all of us fit within the creation bracket of the magnetic field, which is amino acids of the man. Everything else is sn attachment to it and esch attachment is limited to what it is.

I've said before, the body of the man has every element on this planet, because he has used it for a purpose over there to make yourself more efficient.

We find in the body of the man the most rare earth material we never heard existed. But, within the body of life, we exist on this planet is being added or been connected to amino acids somewhere.

Where's the conversion has to pass the amino acids?
when you look at the bone marrow
when you look at the bone structure
In your bone marrow, everything is decided to be produced. 
On top of the bone, the sponge part, now dictates, this is now the common denominator.

They gain the same, you look the fluffiness, it has a certain gap,
the same
the same

You remember the way it came in with the different size of holes, now different size holes goes out,
(√)this becomes red cells
(√)this becomes your immune system and the rest of it.

Then, we understand the totality of the creation and all these are nano-materials, which controls what the strength goes through them, and what they need to add by the field strength to go. Because their own structure is decided by the bone marrow, when it was created, pre-set.

When you have a chemo, you block this,
or you change this,
so, you don't receive.

This is why we said people who have hip operation, they create what is known fatty liver, and fatty heart, because now, this is gone.

There's the other part of the bone, which is on the other end in the knee. Now, all these don't have the processing, and it has to come out as amino acids, getting sucked out.

This produce has to be used by the body of the man, store things. So, it's created one they might be used, so, deposit around the heart and the liver.

When you have a fatty liver or fatty cells, look at the function of the bone and the bone marrow, nowhere else. Because that's where the fat come from. That's where the protein was produced and the body stores. It might need it one day. 

We see fatty liver, fatty heart, fatty kidney with mainly people who had a hip operation, but the top of the bone of the femur has been cut, that's the reason, it has nowhere to go. But the body continuously produces on its strength, so comes has not got the right filtering to go out. So when it does as the raw material comes out, they haven't touched the physical part of the bone, they just took the top off.(28:59)

It extrudes coming in and extrudes going out, according to the field strength. There's a part of the bone, which has no holes, it's just like your strings, which play the vibration for what to come in this part.

Now, we understand the technology, the frequency on that bandwidth, this is what your own body plays, play a frequency for what come in. Now you're adding the frequency from outside, which interfere with what comes in. Then, you see the effects of it thru the bone marrow, depends what the frequency will tune into your body. And its usually done in a bone marrow in a bone structure conversion.

Very seldom we see the interaction, unless they create a massive vibration within the cell structure of the plasms of the tissues.

It's the same with the virus, but that comes the entirety of the structure of the cells.

I carry the knowledge of the universe, and been seen in many different ways, never been to a medical school and never touch anything in that dimension. 

I create it, I know how, and understand the way.

If you interested the same thing how the emotion is created. The creation of emotion is extension of your amino acids bone marrow, but, there it gets converted to another dimension.

Any other question?



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