euthanasia and suicide (2)~2
And, as I've said, 21st of March, this process will be set to start with the new life, new cycle, new way. And I keep saying because I've said before it takes one soul to change and that soul will be created to bring that change, but has to have the pure love and not tainted.
And that way, you'll be brought up as a perfect example that the others will follow our lives through.
In so many ways, euthanasia in the dimension of the soul does not exist.
And when you commit suicide or any shape of suicide, the soul has not received all to be mature to be able to live in full potential in this new dimension.
In a way, you let a soul half-cooked, not complete. And, that cannot be done.
That's why suicide and euthanasia are forbidden. It's your responsibility in the dimension of physicality to give all to the soul, in that soul, has a full and complete strength of its fields to be able to survive in the universe.
In a way, when you commit suicide or you go through this process of euthanasia, you leave the soul half ready to take its position and that's why it's forbidden. Everything in the dimension of the soul has to reach its full maturity that it can take its responsibility and position.
We don't look at euthanasia and suicide in a physical dimension. We look at what it does to the soul of the man, when the soul is freed from the cage, not fully trained. And it doesn't carry everything.
In a way, in a nuclear physics, we talk about nuclear decay, "nothing is lost, it's converted." This is exactly the same.
But, in the plasmatic field of the soul of the man, it becomes more elevated, when it receives the whole energy of the soul of the physicality, what we will leave behind. In so many ways, in the matter state, with each one of their own soul, with no coherence field putting it together.
That's why the man, after the departure of the soul dis-intergrate.
Because it has lost its central control,
it has lost its soul of physicality.
And, with it, what it was leeching to which is the soul of the man.
If you could create a condition that you allow the soul of the physicality to still have touch to be able to have a coherent interaction with the soul of the matter state.
What we see as body of the man, the man even in the state of death will be alive, will be functioning to stay alive.
This is the reason why we die, and the body dis-integrate. Because it loses the central control, the soul, the soul of the physicality which has given everything to the soul to depart.
Now, you have everything without the glue, the glue of the soul, physical body of the man is the soul of the physicality and interaction between the soul of physicality and the soul of the man, which creates the emotion, what we call gravity, what we call magnetic field.
This is what it is.
You need to confirm the existence.
Now, you have the soul of the physicality in the soul of the man in their interaction.
(√)One creates the atmosphere, which is the physicality of the man.
(√)One creates the gravity, which is the emotion
and this gives the dimension to the existence of the physical dimension.
But, when both fields are collectively collected together, there's nothing to create the magnetosphere to hold it together. The whole structure dis-integrate. That's why when we die, we find nothing after a while, because now the control has gone.
The glue has itself let go is like being in a pressure tank, as long as the pressure is there, it holds everything together. The minute you release the pressure, everything explodes now. The soul of the man in the dimension of physicality, soul of physicality, when it gives energy to the point of the man, there's nothing to create that magnetosphere, we call the body of the man.(29:30)
That's why euthanasia is forbidden.
That's why suicide is forbidden.
You deprive your creator from totality.
In so many ways, with a new technology, you don't need to do.
You need to elevate the soul of the man.
You need to elevate the soul of the physicality of the man.
And then, let it decide if it wants to manifest itself with what we see the condition that it wants to separate itself.
Barbara: Thank you very much, Mr. Keshe, Blessings.
Keshe: You are welcome.
remarks: simply for knowledge sharing, please read with discretion