









我們看到新的版本。尤其是伊朗的婦女,中國的資料我們無從得知,是像卵巢與子宮的經痛,但是明明沒有月經。還有一例是一個男的前列腺或睾丸會痛。這是變異的第四個版本。(生殖系統) 。


【#現在病毒有五種變異 】







我們看到在伊朗,有人生病,失去丈夫,妻子,小孩,然後去參加喪禮的人(就可能感染),照顧病患的人;現在不只生病的本人死亡,他的家人帶有這個病毒,去慰問的人也都接近死亡的陰影。有一個案例,我們就看到52個人大量死亡,主要死於腎臟,肝臟和其他器官的衰竭。 (33:34)





【CuO +鹽+氨基酸,橫膈膜或肺部以下到腳趾,稀釋比例】
★接下去只適用在 #緊急狀況,我們知道很多人會面臨這種狀況,肺部以下到腳趾,只用在緊急狀況,從橫膈膜或肺部以下到腳趾。

●在專業醫生的諮詢下,我們的建議是飲用CuO +鹽+氨基酸的甘斯水,你倒入大容器去混和。
● 【覆蓋貼布】在疼痛之處,貼布裏頭的甘斯水用CuO +鹽+氨基酸。這很容易做。紙巾沾上甘斯水放入塑膠袋中就可使用。


有些事是我們想避免的,有一件好事我們可以報告的,過去兩個月中,一月,二月,到現在三月,凱史基金會的知識尋求者以及周邊的同好沒有傳出不幸。 (37:10)




  • Setback in Iran in pushing the technology to the Iranian government
  • Iran hide the true death toll like China
  • New mutation of this virus and how to cope with
What we’ve seen since last week of teaching, it has opened a lot of people’s eyes into what and how they can save their lives. In many ways, we have learned in a very different structures that we are aware in China. But, now, we have seen in Iran, that is they tell us what people don’t know, we can’t get so deep into ⋯⋯people.
We have Chinese team who can tell us, that leadership in CPC called the others of Keshe Foundation who makes the gans water, “can you give us some of that water, please?” to protect themselves. Strange enough, in Iranian teaching on Monday, I’ve heard the same thing. It is a deja-vu, where the man in the highest position in the government can’t put the technology thru’ to be applied, we’ve been negotiating with him more than 3 weeks, he called: “can you bring the water for me privately to my house, I need it.”
This would be a very uncomfortable position literally. We give to the leader of the nation to speak to protect the nation, but they want to protect themselves for whatever reason they have. Even the water is given to this gentleman, he would not deliver to his nation.
The Iranian support team has 17000 persons, they help many many others, they come and go and leave, and any time we see at least 1,000, 2,000 people at least on line. They are helping each other. (25:37)
People in Italy are suffering as much as Germany, Australia, and England. And they are dying everywhere. We targeted at the China to go thru China, internationally, we saw president Xi getting the environment cleaned up by for himself to go to Wu Han city to show he is there to overcome. Still you see, miles distance away, they have to open the city, because people have no money literally. And the only thing which we know Chinese haven’t discussed, with the rest of the world, is that the virus has mutated. (26:45)
Strange enough, China has released the documents to show they have found the calcification in the upper spinal cord in the brain, we show that virus has mutated from lung to brain. To this effect, soon we’ll see new mutation, we have access to know people who get infected in Iran, we see new mutation.
【Version 3 mutation】
We see pain in the kidney, and solidification, or tightness in the stomach. It’s like you’ve eaten the wrong food, pressure stays constantly. This is the third strand of the virus. We see stomach pain, they gain tightness in the stomach, the intestine area, not the stomach itself.
【Version 4 mutation】
We see a new version of it. Especially in the Iranian women, we don’t have access to the Chinese, like menstruation pain in the ovary and in the womb, but you don’t have menstruation. We’ve seen one case now, man with prostate pain, or pain in testicles. This is the version four.
Extension to this, we’ve see one woman with bone pain, especially starting from the smallest toe,
【So we have seen now, more or less, five variation of the virus. 】
The strange thing is we don’t see that many lung infections as it goes originally.
With the new four strands, we don’t see any fever, we don’t see any fever, at all.
When we advised the people to take the new protocol, then, when the pain in the stomach, in the kidney, whatever, reduces, we see the infection, fever, and the pain, which goes with it. And then, as it carries on, 24hrs, 48 hrs later, when the fever goes, the tightness of the stomach goes to the kidney. (30:10)
In those who are infected by the kidney, we see very dark or very white urine. the white urine is seen in one case, which means the body releases a lot of calcium; which is part of this disease calcification. On the other hand, we see a massive structure in and around the kneels(?), the general weakness.
If you remember, most of the people who reports the initial stages of lung disease of this virus always talk about general tiredness, pains in arms and legs. This shows us at that time, that the virus has moved into what we have to see how it moves.
Now we have confirmation of it, it has moved into the bloodstream. It’ll be interesting to see, why suddenly the Chinese and the Iranians chose the path of keeping them out, because in China, the mutation was so fast, that everybody dies from heart attack, brain stroke, without the fever, but in fact they carry the virus. The Chinese government only put official figures on those who, they decided to call people died of the lung infection, this is an old story, we see the same in Iran. (31:52)
【death toll in Iran and China worse than we realize】
So in fact we estimated the death toll in China is over 10 million. (remarks: Mr. Keshe mentioned this three times, include this time in different recent teaching.), and will increase to 20 million. But, in the opening cities, now we see no signs of death, but the death piles up, due to changes of the virus. The virus does not infect, the virus takes over, taking sucking energy.
we put estimates of death in Iran, in general run about 200,000. This is considering that most of these cities have brought in freezers, containers to contain the corpses, it’s not enough. People in some places even refuse to go to funeral. Because at the funeral is where there’s a big problem we’ve seen in Iran.
【one sick, probably infect 52 people】
We’ve seen in iran, when people are sick, you lost your husband, your wife, your children, and then who go to the condolence at the funeral, the same person who look after the sickness; now not only the sickness has died, the family carries it, now everybody who go to the condolence has shake of death. In one case, we’ve seen 52 people, large numbers, have died of mainly of kidney, and liver, and other failures. (33:34)
【A number of new approaches】
In general, in the next few days, I’ll release a paper of the whole understanding of the corona virus. I’ve started 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning, In that process, you have to understand a number of new approaches.
  • ★First of all, when you spray, you spray from head to toe. At least twice a day.
  • ★Breathing, you can use use a pipe (the inhaler), breathe, or put a gans on it, putting around your nose and mouth, and breathe.
  • ★In drinking, you have to increase about half liter, or a liter a day. Because now it goes to the intestine now.
【CuO + salt + amino acids, diluting ratio】
★In case of emergency only, we know a number of people who are in that position, below the lungs to the toes, only in the case of emergency, from the diaphragm, or below the lungs to the toes,
  • and via the physicians, we advise to use of CuO + salt + amino acids to be mixed in the big container,
  • let’s say if you have 20, 30ml of gans in coca-cola bottle of it, let’s say, 300ml,
  • you shake it well.
  • put a plastic whatever, space gap between the gans and your skin,
  • you spray, and you put on the skin on the kidney, which is painful, liver, everywhere which you have on your toes, kneels, that the gans does not touch the body. But there is a film separation.
  • And then, you make a patch, with CuO + salt + amino acids, and you cover it from that. These are very easy to make. Put on the tissue and insert into the plastic bag and apply it.
【The easiest way for you to stay immune from catching it 】
●spray continuously 3-6 months, at least once a day.
●Drink at least 200ml.
These are the things we are trying to prevent, there is one good thing we can report, in the past 2 months, jan, feb, now we are in the march, we have no loses on the keshe foundation knowledge seekers, and the people we have supported. (37:10)
This is what I’ve told you all the time.
  • You are the last man standing
  • Then you are responsible for the soul of your children, your family, and your friends.
【Try to make many cups of one cup one life. 】
Shamefully, Iranian government official are sitting by and watch people dying one by one, but they do not release the technology to the nation. People are coming into the foundation asking for help. Iranian support team is stretching the limit. This has to become the job of the government. We can carry on. The knowledge seekers are working hard in Iran. (38:51)


    創作者 妙妙貓 的頭像

    Keshe台灣凱史知識尋求資料館 - 繁體中文 (非官方組織 /官方資料)

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