















我們知道中國凱史基金會的跟隨者身邊都有大量的甘斯,去把口罩沾濕,帶著水,讓人們活起來,清洗或沾濕口罩(應該是內層)。你會看到人們好多了。去醫院有感染的人,試著說服醫生使用。 (2:33:04)


王琳,可以解釋一下你收到的無毒證明文件嗎。 (2:33:35)

王琳:好的,我們完成了MSDS風險報告,針對CO2裡面是什麼有什麼的測試,也做了一些動物飼養的測試,還有一項皮膚過敏測試則還在進行中。此外,我們委託中國製藥食品工廠生產水,證實我們的水是合格的,能符合能量飲料的所有相關規定。(註:當能量飲料? 王老吉?)







在印度你看到,沒有地位的人,這是我們在印度開會過程碰到的問題,印度的知識尋求者要參加會議進不了飯店,這對靈魂而言多荒唐的一件事,除了那些濫權之人,中國也一樣。 (2:41:09)

如你所知,中國的年節慶祝因為這樣,很多活動都取消,口罩銷售一空。每個人都搶購口罩。 但是,一切是能量轉移,口罩沒有太多用處的。除非你能以甘斯產生一道屏障才可望降低那個能量。(2:42:03)



Corona virus in Wu Han, China
More close up to look at how to deal with this virus
And, if one day, one day, the scientific world does not look at just who has it, but look at the common denominator of the emotion of who got it, who’s been infected. I’m sure, I’m sure, you’ll find 99% of all the ones who are infected, or catch the disease, more or less, are the same emotional strength of disease has done. (2:23:59)
This is in what in overall the responsibility of the government to make sure animal care to become pleasure comfort for the animals. That in turn, they don’t become the menace to men.
In the depth of the space will come across these energy packs, which affect only certain races, because the condition of the emotion fits for the energy level. Condition of the soul, not being happy with the presence of his existence will bring these to it.
The purpose of the teaching is to enlighten the men for the harm he’s done to himself. And for those who live within and around. In so many ways, we see these kinds of viruses continuously out of East Asia, where the animal husbandry is very long, where due to large population, everything is crammed, and no one is happy with it to be.
【Viruses are active in winter time】
When we see these viruses, usually we see them in wintertime. When the pressure and the emotion bears the condition of (catching) cold, and that is usually single-strength, which means connected to the emotion; that’s why the keshe foundation of gans technology interact rapidly. When you have double strengths, which means the totality of the both the physicality and the emotion. Very much what we see in the pigs. Usually because of these strengths come through higher temperature, warmer places, at the higher level of strength, and when you bring it to the cold environment, they become deadly as what we have seen with the African flu in northern Europe, and China,
【Gans technology is the only answer to virus.】
We understand the totality of the field interaction, this is one of the reasons why no antibiotics works. Because the virus is connected to the emotion, the world of medicine and pharmaceutics has no material, no medicine for emotion energy. this is why energy emotion is a dynamic field, and the gans technology is the only answer. And the only answer to viruses. (2:27:49)
Now we understand we have broken to the scientific knowledge of the universe, we know and we can apply simple technology, in reality, we do not need to go to the physical dimension, we need to solve the problem in the emotional damage.
Mankind is very lucky, he has not this strength of viruses, but single strength directly to the emotion. If we make it double strengths in the background of the single strength, will have the play we saw in Europe called the plague(?). Because it has the double strengths in the background of the single, and it’s so deadly.
【By gans, virus is resolvable, irrespective of its strength.】
Maybe it’s a warning to our governments to start thinking about the animal care in a human way, that they are happy in their existence, that we will not see any more the viruses, any virus, SARS, whatever name we put on it, thru’ the keshe foundation gans technology, is resolvable, irrespective of its strength.
We have antibiotics for everything else, now we have gans technology for the viruses. As I always said doctors from pharmaceuticals always failed to overcome viruses. Because they never understood the viruses are energy pack, which attach themselves to amino acids, and create such mayhem. Now we understand it’s the simplicity of the understanding the technology to create the condition for this transfer.
【CO2 used with a very low percentage, too much of it having reverse effect】
If you can, in so many ways, use different ganses just to release part of the energies of virus from the human body or the animal, you’ll find out it will not infect. We’ll see the reduction in temperature, we see rapid reduction within a few minutes, we are not talking hours and days, these energy transfers are from one bucket to another. immediately. Very simple.
  • You need the connection of the amino acids,
  • You need the connection of the emotion
  • You need the connection with the human body
And in so many ways, a little bit of physical connection thru’ CO2 will do wonders. But make sure percentage is low, that you don’t use too much, that the energy transfer comes to it. If you get your balance wrong, you might even give some energy to amino acid, that in return, will bring it(virus) back, and take it a slightly longer to overcome the infection, or energy transfer.
You might have some success with the amino acids, and the copper. Because in that process, you might have transferred some energies across, because in your amino acids, when you are producing CuO, you might have some end, in the process, you might have created some CO2. But, to be safe, the recipe is this.
We know keshe foundation knowledge seekers in China hold tons of these materials, go and wet the masks, and take the water and let people breed, wash, or wet their masks. And you will see them recover. Go to the hospitals when they are infected and just let doctors use. (2:33:04)
We have the certification that the material is non-poisonous and this gives us security to do.
【China current status】
Wang lin, you’d like to explain the non-poisonous certification, please, that you have received. (2:33:35)
Wang lin: yes, we have done the MSDS risk report, they’ve done the CO2 test of the content, to show what is inside, and some test for feeding the animals, or the skin allergy test, which is still on going. Also, we have water produced by the Chinese pharmaceutical and food factory, which confirmed our water is qualified, complying with all the regulations of the energy drinks.
【Take few drops of gans water on the tongue】
Keshe: so, we can distribute these water, or on the back-up of what we have, to support the Chinese keshe foundation to support your nation? We’ve heard the report from Brazil, I’ve noticed in the international keshe family said that the virus has arrived in Brazil, there is no difference that you have competent team in Brazil who make these things, they can support you in this way.
★You can take a drop, you don’t need the huge amount, you can take a few drops a day on your tongue to keep yourself from it.
★You can wear the mask of it to keep yourself immune.
★You can bring some of the water, which is produced by Keshe foundation.
It’s just transfer the energy.
Go back to the teaching, when you have infection in the lungs, the structure of the human body is the pipes go down near enough where your stomach is. and in the process, where the infection or the viruses stay in the lung, you drink the water which is set for it. You transfer the energy across to it. And this is connected to the brain of the man, psychosomatic, you do the same, when you wet your hair, you breed a drink, you deplete as many cells as possible that allow you to recuperate very fast.
No one should die in China of this disease of this virus. If the supporters of the keshe foundation China are able to spread this material across China as fast as possible, you all make ganses, those who know the technology never did for the sake of your nation, set up boxes and spread it, get ready, it’s you who have to save your nation.
It’s your responsibility as knowledge seekers to take out to the streets, to the hospitals, let the doctors test, show them it’s just water. And let them do and see how they recover. We can bring this under control before Chinese new year. It depends on you.
We know there is a keshe foundation team in infected area, they all tested the water yesterday, we have tried to receive the material for the purpose few days ago. They can use it directly to the hospital, we provide the certification of the waters to keep you safe within the structure of the legal frame of the nation, they have informed the universities in China for his collaborator with us, and try to find the channels through the governments.
This has to be sorted out by the president Xi, We see huge huge problem in China, as a nation come to these things would suffer more. I compare the governing structure of the China, where very much with the class system in india. There is no difference, work exactly the same, given different name.
In india, you see, those who have no class, have no places, this is one of the problems we have in India for the conference, Keshe knowledge seekers in India are not allowed to enter the hotels, what a ridiculous thing for the soul of the man, who make this class, except those who abuse it. And we see the same thing in the governing structure in China. (2:41:09)
The whole nation is celebrating the new year, people lives in the fear of life. There is a problem in the administration of the Chinese government. It has to be sorted at the level that the nation stays calm. (2:41:38)
As you understand all the parties of the new year have been cancelled, there is no single mask to be sold anywhere in China. Everybody bought the mask. But, it’s the energy transfer, and the mask has not that much use. Unless you can create the barrier to ganses, that you can drop the energy. (2:42:03)
People live in China long enough see these level of blockage as one of the main causes, and the problems in understanding works and wastes, it’s piling up to the point, that sooner or later, it has to be addressed.
This disease is one of the administration of Chinese government should be easy to avoid this, and could understand the technology. the scientists are sitting on the top of the structure of the Chinese government without blocking everything, because they are the so called specialists, they see themselves not finding the cures, but better not to put it out, because does not give me credibility. (2:43:06)



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