About Wu Han coronavirus
To be able to handles the viruses, we need to, in a way to make some conclusion, what does this mean? Is that in the current form, current condition, viruses are very simple. (2:04:46)
In a scientific way, when we look at the solar system, when we have sun, and when we have transit system, in the world of science, understanding the field, these fields are connected to each other, in many ways. But they are connected thru’ the matching strengths to each other. Doesn’t matter in which way it could be.
So, what they tell us very clearly, these are energy packs, which are created by emotion, coming from the emotion of the animal. And interesting enough, we transfer thru’ our lung systems, thru’ our breathing, which are the emotional part of the human body. We don’t see these viruses are attached or attack muscles tissues, or whatever else.
【Who will get viruses?】
In so many ways, in the present system, it’s very easy to understand how these viruses can be handled. And in a very simple way, we can deplete them from it. As they say these viruses take holes, and move in within the structure of themselves, we who sit on the amino acids, becomes delivering energy which is not needed, and energy which needs to be consumed till the point of this specific condition.
And this is very in line with some people catches the viruses, and some people don’t. which means those who caught these viruses, they all have to have specific strength of common denominator energy level. We can come in touch with it, if the amino acids are in the lungs, it’s not of this strength matching of the virus, we don’t catch., which means, go back to what we said, this specific strength matching lost to amino acids, and this create this condition. And many people have that strength, and when the strength of the emotion of the animal, matches this strength of emotion of the man, the virus transfer it.
This is a vitally important position. When man travels into space, in the space, we will become homesick, will get viruses, attach to our emotion of missing home. You will get all sorts of these energy packs to our structure. And in the space condition, we need to understand more. This will be lot of research in the future to come in this level of understanding. (2:08:37)
【How can we help, and understand to help】, if you have lungs which get infected by this material, by this energy, it has to go to passage, or to the breathing now, so these are the air-amino acids connected disease, for what we call energy packs.
【the example of the Cup of life】
The most fundamental point for people in China, is cover their faces with the common face masks, at the same time, we see fever or the pneumonia, the proper source, proper way to transfer the energy of the viruses out of it, is to introduce another plasma into it, a gans state, because it’s energy pack. (2:10:00)
You remember the water with an orange, banana, when you create and put the material around the cup, you manage to transfer the energy of the orange or the banana to the cup. We create the condition of the energy field, that it could be transferred.
Many of you when you make this cup, you said you don’t taste, or feel anything. Because there is one vital element, the copy was too clean, there is no amino acid to create the condition of the transfer.
So what we learnt from this, for the knowledge seekers to go out to eliminate this, is the existence, the presence of amino acids gans we used, you create the condition that amino acid, or the field which is connected to the virus via the passage of transfer, you will find very rapidly the virus depletes itself fever, pneumonia, lung infection would change the condition of body of the man.
what gans to be used?
So one of the fundamental thing you have is use of the amino acids on your gans system, that you can create that link. The other point is as the existed emotional, there is a clear direction, is connected amino acid to the zinc, as it connects itself to the muscles or environmental muscle tissue of the lung is the presence and application of copper.
You got to remember the energy of the virus is more. So the total affect the gans of amino acids has to be weaker, that the virus that you can deplete the energy into it. Part of the energy of the virus itself, part of the energy of the virus in that amino acids, but none has the strength to carry on, and we see rapid reduction in temperature of fever, and cleaning the lungs. (2:13:07)
The way we suggest to our Chinese colleagues is very simple. You use these masks to breathe. Make mixture of amino acids of the Zinc, plus Cu (copper) and frequently spray above it(?). Either way as you breathe, you create the lungs, at the same time, you deplete, if there is any more virus link connection to your amino acid.
In a way you put a barrier between the one who carries it and your body, if it is not immune to it, or has the same strength. but putting the mask, you absorb either way. Very simple Very effective (2:14:07)
As the existence of the emotion of the animals, it cycle and appears itself in the lungs of the man. You need to create that condition, that by putting your head, with the gans, ……..ah….you can use small amount of CO2 for neuro connection.
You will find the rapid depletion. You can even used to spray the house, your hands, and make this water available across the cities. It should not take long in the way bring the energy in the control. And gradually as the surmount the application in the ganses which we create will reduce the totality, you will find the virus will be more or less eradicated.
This is how in the space technology of the future, we all do this. But you have to understand this is the man dimension, application, as of today. In the space, we don’t have water. So new technology needs to develop that comes into operation in the next few months.
What Chinese officials have to understand if you can create the condition of amino acids, mixture some ganses, you wll see effective reduction. In one or two days, there will be Chinese new year, Keshe china can do and give freely these ganses as much as you can as a gift. (amino acid +Zn +CuO+ CO2(small))
We have a very good news for you, keshe foundation has documentation to confirm these materials are non-poisonous and safe. We are positioned as non-toxicity of these materials. This is the place of the production we have. We paid lot of money to confirm it. So we can say what we have. Our production and our team are ready to deliver,
We all face this kind of viruses, created by ourselves, thru’ our emotional As I said the last 2 paragraphs of the report (the initial part of the teaching)is conclusion of the reality, of one man has done to other animals, and then it return the emotion back to us, but the emotion is so high, that we cannot handle, now we can imagine what we’ve done to the creatures apart. (2:20:00)
You’ve seen this in Africa with the fish, and I’m not so surprised that they said it’s in the fishing ground, or by the sea, down to the fish market, this could be quite correct, depending on the fisherman has done to the fish in the development. what we have done to these fish, that’s the emotion transfer to itself the virus to the man. Don’t necessarily come from the birds, or animals. The same is in the middle east. What man has done to the camels. That it has transferred its emotion for men to feel its pain.
This is what we have to educate ourselves, not to see how we come, but see how we cause it, what is behind us as human, in a way, we are harvesting our food with our own conduct. maybe it’s combination of different animals in activity and so that these viruses are collected energy of 2 or 3 animals together, what we’ve done wrong to them. They have come to us.
With This technology, we have to be open, very open mind to understand the totality and not to be captivated by the simplicity just define our own suffering. We have caused it. We are paying for it. Come from the whatever animal, it’s the emotion based.
The solution is so simple, but would it teach us something new. Or every now and then, we just jump from virus to virus because we harm others. The emotion is connected to the amino acids of the lives, so it’s connected to us. (2:23:23)