Now, this raises a very, very, special question.
If you go back to the World of physics, there is a intriguing question. Very, very intriguing question.
We call this, let's add one more, then we know what we're talking about. We make it six Protons, six Electrons, this is a Carbon. With it there are some six, another creature I call them, 'backups', we call them 'Neutrons', to space gap balance.
But the intriguing question is, "Which one of these, which four of these Protons has sacrificed its strength for the Life of the others to survive?"
What does this mean?
If you done Nuclear physics, or you done any physics, you know we have bands, what we call 'bands', where you have the center, the Nucleus which is collective number of Electrons and Protons, and then we have Electrons, which are on the peripheries.
And they travel, they rotate, around themselves, and around the Nucleus. Two stay in the first ring, the other four in the outer ring. But, in the center we still have those six Protons.
The intriguing question is one thing.
This structure has a Soul of itself, because all the Fields collaborate with the Field force in the center, that they can find their position.
So, in an Atom, in the center of the Carbon, we have a Principle Field source, that monitors, controls and shares everything. And then the point of interest in the world of science is, we say, this Proton -
we call him number 1
If number 1 is here,
and let's say this is the Electron of number 1.
but what about ...number 4?
This is number 4 Electron.
This is number 4 Proton.
Let's say we found the matching partners.
But, this brings the world of science into another dilemma.
And that is, this guy with this Guy, number 1's, they need to give up less energy, but need the bigger Magnetical Field force to keep the distance from the center, not to be swallowed in by the bigger.
But, this one with this one needs lesser energy.
But, bigger Magnetical Field to keep the separation to be outer.
So, if we look the center Nucleus though his Soul has come to an agreement, an arrangement that all these Electrons keep in position.
But, there is a bigger 'but' in the whole thing, is that now this guy in the outside ring, needs to share energy with this guy and energy with this guy. Energy with this guy, energy with this guy, that they can all find their position and, all be able to work towards keeping the whole structure of the Atom together. Where, when it was individual here as a single Hydrogen, it didn't need that much, it was a direct connection
Now, there are many more directions, many more connections, but at the same time, don't forget, this electron had a Soul, so did this.
So, did the Proton which shares with them ,so the collective energy Fields of all the Protons with Electrons. In this state of single it manifested itself as one entity.
Now is not one entity, but is a collective Field of the entities. Which, in fact, the central Soul or the central Field has a say in respect to all its movement.
Here, as a Atom, single Hydrogen Atom it was easy, it manifested itself as a Hydrogen. But, here as a collective structure with different Field structure, he has manifested itself as part of the Carbon.
I hope you see the point. Is the Wish, the strength of the Soul of the center, which has allowed this Electron to manifest itself at this point. Where at this point it's still a Electron, but in a different strength dimension.
This is the Soul of the Man and in different point it delivers itself as a physical manifestation of Hydrogen or a Carbon.
Now you understand. If you could deeper understand the whole knowledge, it's the Soul of the Man who decides where and how to manifest itself and position itself. Because, this Electron on the first ring, has totally different capacity and the strength, than the one on the second ring, and then go further.
But the interesting thing is, is the Field-Strength of the Soul of the two, which dictates the position of the small one to show what it's going to manifest itself as.
The Soul of the Physicality, which the Electron gives to the whole body of the Atom, is connected to the Soul of the center itself, which is the Proton which is the controller of the positioning.
So, the Physicality has it's own Soul, but is connected through the strength, to the Soul of the Totality, to the center.
So, this is our Physicality, this is our Wish.
This is where we would like to be, to be shown as a Hydrogen or a Atom, that it manifests as a Carbon.
To have a jumper or not to have, or what it gives to be collectively the others to become, that we are as one.
So, if you understood the whole understanding in the whole teaching. Then you understand, your Wish which has given you the Physicality, has a access and is part of connection to your Soul. Because, if this changes, this has to move in a condition, that it becomes part of another, Because, it wants to give the other 5 a condition to live. and it manifests itself as a Carbon.
Has two directions, you manifest yourself as what you want to be, where you want to be, even though you are the same.
But the same time you're always connected to the Essence of the Creation of yourself.
If you extend this knowledge to a further point, to understand Proton, needs an Electron not only to confirm its existence but to confirm becomes very, very simple. it has a connection and he can decide through the length of the Fields.
There is no handshake, there is no Physicality.
So, it's the Sun and the Earth.
Because, through the confirmation of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, we confirm the existence of the Sun. But, it's still the Soul of the Planet has a connection with the Soul of the Sun.
So is the physicality of the Man, with the Soul of the Man and cannot be any different. Even though, every part of the Soul of the Man, in physical part has its own Soul.
This is why in all the teachings I explained,
- every cell has a Soul.
- Every cell has a Emotion.
Now we understand, my Wish of the physical appearance, is my command. Because with the Wish, I'm in excess, I have access, I can change the position of myself to become as part of the linking of a Carbon , to manifest myself as a Carbon. That allows another entities of Souls to have Life, or I can be on my own.
But in that Field, I still interact with the other Souls, which they exist in the Atom structure.
Now you understand. very simply, we can explain everything, in the world of science to the work of the Man
Then the Soul of this Atom gives pleasure to the Soul of the others, to create the molecule of whatever you want.
Change the name to the Sun, to the Man, to the Soul of the Man, to the Field-Strength of the center in connection to manifest itself in another, that it creates a Physicality.
So, that physical part has a Soul connection with the Soul of it's own bigger entity, bigger Field. So is the physical Soul of the Man in every cell, that collectively in a need, in comfort of the existence, transfers its knowledge to the Soul of the Man.
That the Soul of the Man collectively in, touches with a mother Soul. That the mother Soul receives, confirms, transfer it into the Physicality and you get the children.
We all know this, but we've never been educated.
(to be continued)