
where is the position of wish.jpg











我們以某種方式彼此相連,但 #我們如何定位自己是個重大的工作,從來沒有人教我們這一件事。





















Merry X’mas
My wish is my command(4)~2
Where is the position of the wish?
I wish to have a jumper, and the mother not knowingly, buys the jumper which I need, because I feel cold, I didn't even wished through because" I don't like to suffer in the cold," and my Wish came True. So, it means I have found a new language, I have found a new line of communication, that, "Why don't I strengthen it, why don't I sit and Wish that I achieve Peace through my work and reach many more."
If you stand still, you'll understand one point. As Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, my Wish has come True. Because, you are there and doesn't matter what name you give to your physical body, your Soul doesn't have a name but has a strength, which fuels the Essence of the Emotion which ,"I can, and I felt what Peace can bring."
So, I have touched you and if I manage to touch you through my Soul, so can you, to touch the others to reach the elevation of the Soul, of the others to the level of the Peace which you received. (1:55:08)
That collectively, we create a new dimension of Soul for Humanity, that we bring the change about. But, some people say, "How do we understand in respect to the Emotion and the Physicality?" It's the connection which we have to understand, Is, how we decide to be connected to our Soul through our Emotion.
Many of us, once we are educated in this, a new cycle of understanding and education, will find, we only utter words of Peace, Love, changing everything towards it, and we don't think about what might happen, time becomes irrelevant, because there is plenty of time, because my wish is there to be.
As I said many times,"I work much more than I used to do when I was younger, and I was very successful, in my life." Which means, when you have to work harder it means you haven't achieved what you're looking for and what you're trying to achieve, and that is Peace. Because it's worth it, another thirty years, another hundred years. 。
If we can put a solid concrete basis, that the Man understands the work of his Soul, and then understanding that, without the fear of punishment, allows itself to elevate to a new dimension, then it's worth living. You worth being here to be able to give more strength to become the supporting point for the others.
  • But what is the Emotion?
  • How do we create Wish and what the Wish is?
  • Where is the position of the wish?
As we said, “We have to understand in a physical dimension the reality about Life, Creation. We're all connected in one way or another, but how we position ourselves, is a mighty job, because we have never been taught.
What is interesting, I'll go back into physics, because I'm a nuclear physicist, physics to me is, is my, maybe the first nature, I understand physics totally, and I can explain everything in the World of physics, in what it goes even world of reality of Life.
  • we have to understand positioning,
  • we have to understand collective and singular cell, Soul cell, and then collectively what it means, in where we are.
There is something which is important for us to understand. Going back to the beginning of the teaching, we all said, "Unified Field Theory."
Everything comes from Fields and
  • when the two fields interact, they create a Plasma.
  • When this Plasma, two of them come together, they create Physics.
This is a Field, this is the Plasma,
  • this is now tangibility two Plasmas have to interact. We call this an 'Atom'.
  • When an Atom comes together, two of them, then we achieve what we call 'Chemistry'.
  • then we have a number of Atoms, that the Field interaction has to create a new dimension of positioning, we call it, 'Biology'.
  • And then, in the further steps, as we go further to add more interaction of more Fields, that they create a Field of non tangibles, direction, non dimension, we create the 'Soul of the Man', or the 'Soul of the Entity'.
But, in all conditions, was this created, they all individually have their own Field-Strength of their Souls. Even though they still collectively give to be of their own Entity, but collectively give to have a central operation, that they can all operate.
In the World of physics, we usually end up at this point, and, this become a dead end. Up to now, because now is an Atom, it's a Matter Entity.
All we done, in all our teaching, we have gone back from this ( remarks: plasma, atoms cluster back to original field interaction), to this. So we have completed the cycle of life. Where we can take molecules, separate them and put them back at Plasma, and in Plasma we create Fields, which now we decide what this Field is going to be in any point, to show its manifestation.
We have become a master of the game.
Now we understand every cell has a Soul.
And collective the cell create their own condition to be interactive, and when you achieve that, then comes the second group which has its own Soul again, and then we understand now this Soul has to communicate with this Soul. Because, they have to position collectively in respect to each other. Totality.
I asked a single question from one of the leading Nuclear physicist in the World, at the University, and that was very simple, very logical to me. But apparently, through the whole physics World of him, into nightmare and I was told later on,
"You ask questions which has never been asked and cannot be answered."
The question was very simple. In the Nuclear industry we talk about this. Division of a Neutron into a Proton and a Electron. So, we make what is known as Hydrogen Atom.
This guy sits there, and it's twin brother, or half brother sits here. But, one thing is for fact, through that both brothers have the central Field center of themselves, and they have their own Soul. Because, they have their own center which dictates their existence.
But, this theory stands correct, up to here. My question has been, which I know the answer, but they could not answer me.
When we pass this point, now we have many, many, Souls, and we have many, many, little Souls.
These are the Protons, and these are the Electrons. We know each Proton and Electron has its own Soul, but the intriguing question is;
  • "Which Proton belongs to this Electron?"
  • "Which one of the five came from here, and it's part of this structure?"
  • "Is this Proton the matching Electron of this, or is this Proton the matching Electron of this?"
Because, this has a direct link with this, the same as if it's this.
But, at the same time we have to remember, each one of these has its own Soul.
"The Protons collectively accommodate each other, but which one of the Electrons is a twin sister of the Proton? Which Proton?"
Then I was told, "This a random matter, they all become something."
And I said to my professors,
"The World of Nuclear physics stops here, because you can not answer me."
"You cannot force your lack of knowledge, for me to accept to be the truth."
Now, this raises a very, very, special question.
If you go back to the World of physics, there is a intriguing question. Very, very intriguing question.
We call this, let's add one more, then we know what we're talking about. We make it six Protons, six Electrons, this is a Carbon. With it there are some six, another creature I call them, 'backups', we call them 'Neutrons', to space gap balance.
To be continued
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