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(first teaching talked about this topic)
Gans is the tool of filtering
Gans is the tool of universal mapping
At this moment of time due to the way the technology is working and expanding that we have come with the Authorities to the point that we have to bring standards into the structure of the Plasma.
What this means is the scientists at Governmental level and at Institutional level have start understanding the process, comprehending the changes that this technology's bringing. They have started putting the materials and the conditions Into test and seeing the results, very rapidly.
Now, as usual, as is their job, they're asking, "What's next? " We have to develop a standard for this.
So, we are working now with Governmental Institutes And in a coming time, we we'll ask for a lot of help from you Knowledge Seekers who are expert in these In this kind of things, or you have seen a way of doing it in an easier way to collaborate with Keshe Foundation, Ghana.
And then it goes with a standardization of finding new systems, new ways, to measure what we have developed.
What this means is that
we have developed the GaNS,
we have developed nano-materials,
we have developed the interaction of Plasma, Liquid-Plasma, the water which has no traces of the GaNS in it. But carries all the propriety of the material which is used.
So, now we have come to redefine a lot of understanding about the technology. What we had to do, in the past few weeks, working with scientists at Governmental level to bring the situation under the understanding of the totality.
When we call a measurement, what it is. We had to explain a lot of things, in the new way which gradually will filter down, and people will understand. We call the GaNS production of the liquid-Plasma.
How do we create it?
What does it do?
How is it achieved?
For example, if you put ...cup of GaNS, and then put water on it, mix it with the water. We all have seen it. The water moves up and the GaNS settles. What does it do? How does this happen?
In fact, if you look at it it's a filtering system. We are used to the filtering by the water going in through the filter and come out, the other way, clean. But with the GaNS, because of its property, it's totally opposite. You can put a GaNS on the top and as the water goes through, it filters the water. So, the GaNS process for production of the liquid-Plasma We call it 'a filtering' now, because it's easier way for the water goes through.
This layer it's not solid, it's not like you put a chalk and Calcium, whatever, in the solid filters now. You get now, a mixture of the GaNS filter.
This has changed a lot of understanding for the scientists.
It's a filtering process. And, in that filtering process it goes through bacteria change as much as anything else, which could be in the water.
Now, we are learning more and more about this filtering and now, we can quantify it. We have to start quantifying it.
We have seen the American company who took the GaNS of Gold as a nano-structure in the presentation months ago. How they have mixed the solid GaNS of Gold in other sediments as a layer of filtering.
So, we created a new system, we have created a liquid filtering. Or in a state of 'non solid-state'.
This has giving us a new way, easier to be able to explain the process to the scientists. Now, this has pushed us to the next level.
What we saw in TEPCO, in situation with the testing and then implementation of it. This thing keeps in going, the more water we get from it, the lower it goes. So, we have done with TEPCO two years ago, to dry the GaNS. So, now we can use a dry GaNS as a filter. We can literally put it there as cement.
But now, we can measure it.
So many milligram of GaNS has such a strength, has such properties.
The other thing, now we are facing with the scientists is, for the first time we have to explain the strength of our GaNS in a totally different way than we are used to.
Very much what now we look is the expansion to the knowledge of the Space Technology.
In the present time we call it GPS positioning. But if you look at the aircraft industry, the air tunnels, they give you position. Altitude, the hight, in three dimension. Where we know exactly where the air craft, in what position on Earth, at what height.
This has become necessary to be adapted for the Plasma Technology.
But, if we look into understanding of this.
This allows us to map up the Universe.
To map up the strength in Galaxies.
To map up positions within the Solar System.
The way we say, "I'll meet you at" such a service station on the motorway from that city to that city, now we should be able to map up, position in the Solar system, that we can meet.
Considering that we understand the magnetic field gravitational field positioning. The motion of the fields, the motion of the Plasma of the Solar system and the rest of it.
This is where, now we've been asked to work within the Governmental structure, within the scientific organization, to bring a standard to bring understanding that we can quantify, How much GaNS do we need for such a job? Can we replace it with such a strength, from Copper instead of Zinc? That we get approximately the same. We are talking now to understand the level of the absorption.
How much of it gets absorbed, and what it does when it moves on?
What it changes to position of the strength after giving? It goes for example, from what our body does, it takes Cobalt, it gets other materials, it gets Cesium, it goes through the body, when it gives it's radiation and it becomes non-usable.
The body has made itself a measurement tool that the Radioactive material in the body of this element is not strong enough to be absorbed by the body or has any effect in it's operation. So, the body rejects it to go out, that there is a place for a new one. So, the knowledge we need to learn, is what our body does already. We have a point of reference.
How does body measure that Radioactive material in our limbs, in our'sub stations' of the brain, the glands, decide that it's not effective anymore, that it needs replacement? So, the body has built a measurement system for itself. We never knew this.
How we can develop technologies, that we see the effectiveness level of any material that gives us, and after as, is a radiating material and absorbing? After this level it cannot behave like, let's say Copper. So, automatically we have to find a way to replace it.
It's more or less what we call 'sale by date'. We call it sale or change by the strength. These are the new challenges, which now that we have come to legal registration of the different materials is baffling the scientists.
In a very short time we will call for World scientists to gather in Accra to start standardizing. Because, all of you are producing these GaNS'es for different applications but we have no measure.
Do you need one spoon of sugar, or two?
How much sweeter you want it?
The process is very rapid now that the legal frame and the organizations around the World are getting to understand with our work with the scientific standardizing organizations in Ghana has started.
We have had a meeting in past few weeks with number of scientists 10-15 and a group from different legislation part, that understanding is there, we have to do something with it, now. These are the realities we are facing now that we're becoming Nationally and Internationally organised to develop technologies.
As I've said, "In the coming years, there'll be more people employed because of this technology, than man could ever imagine." We are facing it, now it's a everyday situation for us that it's not the technology's rejected, "We have to resist it" or whatever.
Now it's become..."It's on the table, people are using it, we see the change. Let's measure it. Let's bring some sorts of standardization World wide."
In the coming weeks FDA World wide, will gather in Ghana. In something we have to do it, and it's getting slowly, slowly planned. Standardization by the standard boards around the World is organized, getting organized, they are calling people, scientists in,
So, the step for us now has become, as a new technology, we need new measurements, new tools.
A three dimensional, maybe a six dimension. The way we do in nuclear reactors we used to do, we work on eight dimensions. When I used to work as a nuclear physicist in design of the nuclear reactors. We used to work in eight dimensions sometimes. The heat comes into it, the pressure comes into it, the transfer of fields from the others comes into it, these are all variables.
Now, after 30 years on I'm facing with the same situation with the Plasma technology. Because I understand it, I can see how this can be done.
We got the situation now with the flight test, in Arizona. In Arizona, now they can increase and decrease directionally, the field span.
How do we measure it?
How do we expand it that one side takes pressure and the other sides create a shielding?
    創作者 妙妙貓 的頭像

    Keshe台灣凱史知識尋求資料館 - 繁體中文 (非官方組織 /官方資料)

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