(1) The operational protocol and opening hours of the Universal advanced system
(2) is that some sort of "re-birth" of ancient culture?
Jeanette: Good morning, Mr. Keshe, this is Jeanette, I am talking to represent the Spanish speaking group, one member has a question for you “once you have the machine, how is going to be the protocol, depending on each of the cases of the patients that are being treated. How would you manage that? And do you need to maintain the treatments Saturdays and Sundays? (1:36:00)
Keshe: the protocols will be set thru’ the doctors. The opening hours are set by the people who bought the machine, the protocol of how to use it, and what it needs will be set by the operating manual.
All the charges, the opening hours, and whatever else, depends on the people who bought the system. And how they want to operate it. You can run the machine 24 hours a day. You got to realize on a 8 hours shift on the 24 hours shift, maximum patient can use the machine is 12. So 10 patients per day, 14 hours per day, they do a maximum. (1:38:20)
We know that in the coming time, these machines and the analysis, which mankind suffer from will change quite a lot, and in so many ways, you will find out a lot of people will not use these machines just because they are sick, they use machines, as I said to tune their physicality.
This is one of the things which will come very advanced.
We use these machines for feeding.
We use these machines for creating material.
We use these machines also for soft applications.
The protocol for each one will be set up, everything else is in the hand of the operator.
The beauty with it is that in the coming months, the back up medical team will set up, which is now in the progress, things have to be done for it. Is that 24 hours a day, there is team of medical people, specializing more and more as they learn themselves thru’ cases, sitting in the background supporting the doctors case by case.
Even now, as I’m talking to you, the progress in china is on-going, and I see notes are coming out, videos are coming up. the video was played 14 minutes ago, there’s a central operating system, doctors will be advised, because we monitor everything, nobody can just buy the machine and go in it. As I’ve said it’s got fingerprint, and we have another additional unit added to it. This is not something we just put out, everything controlled, every data, everything of every patient worldwide will go into the database. (1:40:40)
Lets say we estimate 2000 machines will be delivered next year (2020). And in these 2000 machines, every patient if you say 5 patient per machine, every quarter, there will be 20 patient a year, then you will have a huge data bank, which gives us full spectrum of the operation, and everything else.
But there is a team behind it. Team of doctors, teams of physiotherapists. This is all paid for thru’ that 30% charge of the system usage by patient. (1:41:12)
The structure is to find all applications, and see the best ways to use it. The best results will come up. We are not just selling a unit We are selling a lifestyle, a technology We are selling a way the mankind will live
As I’ve said before these systems on board to ship, or on planet, moon does not work worth dollar, you cannot buy dollars on planet moon, or mars. Worth no money.
So we have to learn all of it.
Unfortunately human being has made such funny thing of the money thing, this only way we can develop it and extend it. Don’t forget we are not looking at this knowledge, we are looking at the man’s collective knowledge. Or past centuries, thousands of years, they can convert into an application thru the plasma technology.
Rick: (someone) ask about is this process of an ancient culture called second birth, or re-birth?
Keshe: I don’t know. I see it’s a microwave to re-heat.
Rick: you mentioned it takes you back to the state of being in the womb, so it’s sort of from that state, I guess.
Keshe: when you go back the 3rd time, you come from the rebirth of the rebirth? When you go back the Monday morning and rebirth the Tuesday afternoon,
This is..huh(chuckle)…new technology, actually is not a new technology, this is the knowledge which we know in the universe.
A larger scale of operation of this, as I’ve said, what it becomes to feed the people in the space, and take banana and the chips, and the rest of it, you can imagine how much you’ll be tracking for a thousand years trip? (1:43:25)
As somebody has said before, NASA has no choice, but to look. And we call it a new name for it instead of NASA. We call it PASA, which means the plasma national aviation, because the plasma technology will take over. Doesn’t belong to one nation. It belongs to all of us.
It’s not the re-birth, how are you gonna have a re-birth on the moon an Jupiter, and planet zeus. I think something mankind would understand it, in a very short time when going to space, especially if it stays in the physical body, these machines become essential. Part of essential of the life. You deliver to extract any space field energy, viruses that might attach to your body.
Rick: should not actually build right into the structure of the spaceship, it should automatically sort of compensate? Or does it have to be on an individual tailored for the spaces?
Keshe: it’s both way. You got to realize, hopefully, the gravitational lift system, which will show in the beautiful city of Tehran will show that we create a new environment inside the craft. It’s like, no matter what happen in the space of the solar system, earth create its own environment, and it controls its own destiny of what is created inside of it.
The spaceship set up in the same way.
You will understand very soon.
Going back to the magrav system,
Going back to the star formation,
Going back to the plasma system,
The new systems which you will come out of the space technology which is amalgamation of whatever we thought. We’ll show you create this specific condition for the human life, not every type of life can exist within the spacecraft. (1:45:45)