Ruthy in China enquire about CH3 with special shape
CO2 gans to work on one patient with lung cancer
(RW) Mr Keshe, this is Ruthy from China. (2:39:12)
(MK) Hi Ruthy, how are you? Thank you very much for your hard work. I'm aware of it...
(RW) Thank you so much for bring so beautiful technology and I want to more, contribute more to our people and to the foundation and I would love that.
And, I want to show you some beautiful pictures from June 19 of the GaNS, and of what I tried... I try to ask you How it became this colour and this shape, it's a little bit. It's beautiful but, it's it's hard to explain, So, we want you to do....
This is a GaNS of CH3, it's in a darker light and they just take this picture and my question is that, why the GaNS particles can form these kind of shapes? Maybe you can... (2:40:22)
(MK) You have to look at what is outside this, we've seen this..
(RW) Because ... he said... nothing. Because, at that time there's... You see, this picture was taken in 2014. I no matter what..
(MK) Let... Let me explain! Let me explain. This shows a clear connection of fields, but you have to see, is this from a cross-section of a plate? this is how the Solar System works. I've seen this before. It's the field interaction in the environment outside and central pressure inside. If you look at some of the center points, they have the same kind of a structure.
What we see, it's the, from inside out.
If you look at the edges the outside the ring it looks like flames. This is what we see on the surface of this. This is how the fields balance each other, some of these is one single Plasma. Most of them are single Plasma. If you mix GaNS'es…And, look at these kind of pictures and then start putting different GaNS'es around it, in the different shape or form, you see they change pattern.
This is... you have to look at, where it was done in what container in what cross-section, and what else was around it. There is something which we noticed, a lot of people are taking these, ... electronic data or pictures with a high-resolution. electronic microscopes or whatever. these machines carry huge current through them in a high level or low level, and they interact with your work. They are partially, dictating the shape, but it's beautiful,
I've seen this one this is very much, very much look like the operation of the center of the Solar System. You have a very center separation. these are all MaGrav positioning, and most of them are a single GaNS, attached and within. I
t's pulled inwards because of the gravitational field-forces, and then on that boundary of the bright light, is the magnetical which is done. (2:43:31)
Here, this ring here is the boundary, balance between Magnetical and Gravitational. This is totally Magnetical.
And then, you have to understand the ratio of the surface, here is different ratio than here, so if you go by ratio, mass of the surface, you find out you are giving much more, and in turn you receive higher fields in the center. This is the surface of the Earth, if you look at it where gravitational-magnetic mass is the same, is in balance. This is what we call, '1G'. and you can create it anywhere.
(RW) Yes! That's so beautiful...And I have some others,
Okay... this one is with Nano-Coated Copper and Copper, and this Copper come from the electricity wire. And maybe it's not so pure, but it's so different it's that, you see the GaNS, it's not particles, it's like crystallized. And ... you see the... at the beginning, it's like days, and...
(MK) You see, on top is Amino acid?
(RW) Yes! It's Amino acid, a lot of Amino acid...
(MK) the top is Amino acid, What is inside is mono-atomic Plasma. ...
I was showing in the Factory yesterday to our people, We have a number of tanks producing Copper connected to different power supply. And, I just change and they were all green and gorgeous like this, and then I just changed one of the power supplies, current and then suddenly within minutes the box became reddish. And then, texture changed, we could see flows of Amino acid and the rest of it. (2:46:26)
And, somebody walked in the office,
one of the guys said, "This is the water which I get from my ground water and it's fluff iron I've taken it to the research lab
and they say, it's "only Iron" in it.
he said,"Can you help me to get rid of this Iron in the water?",
and he came to me, “Hold on! I've been looking for this”
So, we set up a box, with the water he brought in, with Iron it. We are put a Zinc plate, and we put a nano-coated Copper plate, and I can produce blood out of the water, CH3 which has his own growth. (2:47:17)
Because now, these iron particles from the water well are part of the structure of the water, I don't need to put a nail inside. And we're looking to see, how much blood we can create, and what condition is needed to create the blood. because now, I don't need to put a nail in, it's in the structure.
So, would I create a thick blood, I don't know,
would I create a thin blood, I don't know,
but we'll see it, it's the first time we had the opportunity.
So, every experiment you do, look at the conditions and the environment. And see why, as we saw, couple of weeks ago, somebody was showing us a picture and they said, "Oh, there is a white material. We noticed the bottle next door had Zinc it, so you're producing two materials?"
Always learn, when you see a container even like this, now that you know, you past the world of matter, look beyond the bottle. Beyond this what... container? See, what else is sitting around, because their field interaction has the same, What's happening here?
If you have another bucket of Copper and Zinc next door, or a nano-coated Copper and ... non-nano coated Copper you are releasing certain availability of the Amino acid, which this container can absorb by it's strength. (2:48:47)
So, you produce a lot of Amino acid in one. But the shape stays at the low level, Copper Oxide. Try to look at the environment than the object. Then it gives you a very good idea of how the environment has created the object, what condition you see. (2:49:17)
What is this one?
(RW) This is the GaNS after they wash it. and then you see, it's always crystallized, there's no particles, no nano-particles.
(MK) Yes! This is a fast production of GaNS'es.
(RW) It's from this bowls?
(MK) Yeah it's a fast production, you have to see how fast they produced it. The production of the structure, dry GaNS behavior,
I've seen this before, we see it specially in CO2...containers. You see it like Calcium blocks or CO2 blocks at the end. Every condition ... you have to see how they put... the time it was created. What condition, what voltage, what current, what was around it ?
(RW)There's no current there's just a...
(MK) Yes, there is a current. You don't see it, but you connected the two plates somewhere or the wires. There is a current flow of the Plasma. (2:50:34)
( RW ) Okay.
(MK) Thank you very much for your support with the medical side.
(RW) Yeah, I want to announce and show you a case, that's also are in our yu nan team they announce a cure a patient with a lung cancer just only with a CO2 GaNS. So this is the examine report before they used the GaNS'es and even this lady had a try chemotherapy but it doesn't works.
And, they take her 1 or 2 months CO2 GaNS, CO2 water and also breathe the, breathe the air from the humidifier. Humidifier, and drank water, take a bath and just one or two months lady is recovered and she just show that the that the cancer decreased and there didn't feel pain and became normal. (2:51:58)
(MK) Yeah, you've got to realize a lot of people you just look at you say you produce or use the ... CO2,this is what I keep on explaining, is that when you produce CO2, because of the way you produce CO2, in some cases, you just don't produce CO2, depending on how you connected it, you produce certain amount of Zinc Oxide with it. And you find out CO2 works very effectively with the presence of Zinc Oxide, if the cancer is emotional.
It does the same. You satisfy the emotion. You change the environment. We've seen that before.
So, when you put a CO2 on it, or use of the CO2 you can add a little bit of Zinc on it if it is 'emotional cancer', in satisfying, elevating the emotion, the condition, the environment of the body changes that, that cancer cell cannot exist.
In some cases we see it a lot of these, especially in China we've seen results even 3-4 years ago. Reduction in tumor by 80%, 70% use of the CO2 patches.
But, ... you need to understand the other part of it. This, this what you show me yes quite possible, but behind it is somehow where the cancer was and what was the initial origin of it. If it's the emotional side, you satisfy it, you change the environment.