We know certain GaNSes, kill all the bacterias and parasites, and the rest. That's not a problem. We know how the biggest problem with us is desalination, which means taking the salt out. That process is. doesn't take long to do and this is important for the countries like ... even, Saudi Arabia, Emirates. They spend a fortune for desalination and cleaning up the water. Where with this technology we can add a few drops of water, into the water we change the water. 197:55 - 197:58
This is important because if you create a condition of interaction of the waters to clean the water, there are no waste and there's a lot of gain in every aspect to collect the minerals and the rest of it, and, this process teaches us a lot. But we can use water, in respect to another water to create a plasma condition of water, to create water. 198:23 - 198:25
This is the secret about this. It's no different than when you put a copper plate, nano-coated, and a zinc plate and you create CO2. If you find a right combination of mixture of the water, with what you have created as a nano, GaNS of the water, because you've done, a lot of you have done this. and put them, in front of each other, in a given condition, even in the salt water or even natural water, you should see the tank floating up. 198:58 - 199:05
The principal never changes, its us which loses the sight of the ball. This is a secret. You want to create water, high quality water, look what you've done with a copper plate and a Zink plate.
You create the environment of carbon which in interaction brought you CO2. Look at the gravitational field, the strength of the water and the GaNS water. What you should see, the rise of the sea level. The rise of the water in your container.
Last time you locked into the carbon fields in the water. Now if you've done it cleverly you lock into H2O and look at the structure of the amino acid. CUHO, COHNC or CONHSC It's got different combination.
So, now that you create a magnetic field of the water, because there are two waters, look what you do with the Zinc. You put a nano coated Zinc and a normal Zinc. What do you get, you get a GaNS of Zinc. In combination with the oxygen in the water, you get ZnO2, ZnO.
★Why don't you repeat the same with a GaNS of water?
★You go and get the sea water make a GaNS of water and a water and put it in the water. You should see the level of the water rising. ★That's how you produce it.
★This is how the sea produces, extracts.
This is what we see here. Somewhere, in this box he has managed between the containers to create a gravitational-magnetic field. He shows us the box is emptying the water. I wonder if it touches the side of the box what else he collects that he hasn't noticed.
Because, now you have taken the hydrogen out of the bond, because the oxygen was in the water. You have taken the iron... oxygen out of the bond, now you have one C and N floating somewhere Is the box, if you rub it and test it, contains out of Nitrogen?
Or do you find monoatomic Carbon on the side of the wall? What do you find if you`re cleaning it with a tissue? A black dark material on it and its always dirty. It's not dirty its the Carbon! And in combination in how you change the condition of the centralization of Nitrogen you add the energy from the Nitrogen Carbon bond with the Hydrogen, in a specific way to creation of the water.
You released the Oxygen and Hydrogen and every 2 molecule you allowed the energy of the Nitrogen to be added to a second Hydrogen, then you have in your H2O. Then your Nitrogen releases, it becomes a Carbon and you have 2 molecules of hydrogen, extra use.
So you create a Hydrogen bond with your Nitrogen and the Oxygen. So, you should see the level of water rising in your container. But if you nano-coat the container you work in the atomic condition in a magnetic field Plasma condition. So if you clean it and you see blackness, its the Carbon you have produced.
This is to understand the science behind it than just by accidentally creating it. Somewhere in his position he has a CH3 or what you call it, a nano-coated GaNS of water and water somewhere, which is not there, and that creates a condition of H2O. And its an extraction from the above, it's not condensation. You've done it!
Try to use water with it and don't be afraid, it doesn't have to be in the empty box you can do the same test in a water box. Seal it and see. Mark the container and see if they rise'd in the level. You get a more efficient... You produce more water that way.
GaNS of water and a water
★Zinc plate and a Zinc gave you Zinc oxide.
★Copper, nano-copper gave you Copper oxide.
★Water and a nano-water will give you oxide of a Hydrogen which is water.
Very simple if you understand it.
You can create tons of water without actually ever having a rain.
Any other input?