Use Keshe technology to product home-use free energy (3)~2
Shared by Keshe knowledge seekers in China
Sun Xiuwen
(7) what on earth the nano layer is all about? How the gans is precisely produced?
When we are doing nano layer, basically we just freely put anything we want to make it, we have no idea about what is produced, which is what layer for what use. Even the gans produced we have no clear idea what exact gans it is.
But Chemistry is very strict and prudent. I don’t believe anything we randomly put in the nano box would absolutely produce CO2 gans and whatsoever. Dry it and measure the resistance, is it zero? CO2 is one C, and two O, anything less or mixed, it’s no longer CO2. Or if you put aluminum, how much should it be add in? 1g or 1 tael? Those varied kinds of ganses we’ve made are real ganses?
Mr. Keshe once said in making gans, the point is not in the metal itself, but on the nano layer.
Since we’ve been experimenting such a long time, it’s time to stop and think for a while. the followings are my thoughs:
(1) In producing nano layer, what is the meaning to put those materials?
Sodium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide, cola bottle thread, aluminum, what are these for?
First of all, strong alkaline of sodium hydroxide, which quickly corrodes the metal to forms an oxide layer. The function of the oxide layer can be seen in the following figure:
Keshe patent can enhance our understanding about what is oxide.
★Potassium hydroxide is mainly for producing the natural radioactivity of the potassium 40.
★Bottle thread is mainly for producing the nano layer of carbon (Graphene?) also it’s carrying the natural radioactivity of C14
★Aluminum is mainly for producing hydrogen by interaction of potassium hydroxide, to produce the nano layer of hydrogen on the newly formed oxide layer.
In the patent article from Mr. Keshe, he explained the CO2 gans together looking at CO2, CO, CH4, CH3, and CH202, the molecule of all these 4 have C, H, O in common.
Next, let’s see what nano layer we are making? nano layer of Carbon, nano layer of Hydrogen.
As to the nano layer of Oxide, Mr. Keshe has not mentioned. But, whether or not, the crystals of potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide won’t take a nano layer on the oxide layer in the melting process, we are not aware of up to now. I guess it should become the water. (Mr. Keshe told us to buy particle one)
Let’s go back to see what’s mentioned on the patent article:
The environment of these specific systems, and the electrodes which produce, one produce another one. Powerful but invisible electrode of the gravitational field and magnetical field can absorb CO2, from the edges of the water, not in the system. CO2 with moisture interact one another.
If it’s not so, how come the liquid deep in the electrode can bring the CO2 from the air in the liquid, and separate them as individual CO2 molecules?
There are two key points:
(1) An electrode able to produce powerful and invisible gravitational field and magnetical field
(2) Separate CO2 molecule individually
Why CO2 being absorbed? Isn’t it because we create the nano layer of carbon? And this nano layer is just the electrode which produce invisible gravitational field and magnetical field? to be able to separate the CO2?
In order to make white CO2 gans, now, when we produce nano copper, we only use sodium hydroxide, which produce white material, bottle thread, potassium and aluminum are useless, so there is no nano layer of hydrogen. Thus, there are no CH4, CH3, CH2O2 such things to be produced?
(I personally consider, the nano metal formula to attain correctly CO2 gans posses the magnetical-and-gravitational field of carbon itself, carbon in the CO2)
Reversely speaking, nano layer with hydrogen will produce magnetical-and-gravitational field of the hydrogen, can break the material which carry hydrogen in the environment. (e.g: water). So, in the process of making CO2 gans, it gets the H to become CH4, CH3, and CH2O2?
If we don’t understand in this way, why does CO2 become CH4, CH3, and CH2O2, H?
Mr. Keshe said, nano layer transformed to CO2 gans, just like what the botanical plants do. inhale CO2, exhale O.
In this case, CO2 becomes CH4 by abandoning 2 Oxygens, gain 4 hydogen. It’s alright with what is not needed, but what is got, 4 hydrogens, how to explain the way it get. Mr. Keshe once said, in the process of conversion, oxygen can be released.
Let’s read the original patent context, the other 2 processes can take place when CO2 being absorbed in the system, or thru’ the interaction with the water, together with starting CH4 to work with 2 oxygen molecules. In absorbing one molecule of CO2, and two water molecules, free radical CH3 and molecule energy of CH4 have been created in the system.
(please note: because it’s author’s translation from English to Chinese, now I translate back from Chinese to English, so, there must be some distortion)
In traditional chemistry, the assumption is based on eight photons of energy to actualize this conversion from CO2 to CH4. By new system, new technology, new material as catalyst, such energy is not needed. In fact, the plasmatic field of hydrogen becomes the glue of magnetical field.
Keshe technology is different from traditional thinking, which considered the consumption of 8 photons is necessary to make the conversion from CO2 to CH4.
What he used is magrav field, the conversion of gas into gans state must have absorbed lot of energy, in order to keep gas at constant temperature in the solid state. Otherwise, gans will scatter all around. The proof is: gans burning will release lot of energy; eat a little bit of gans can sustain one day vitality.
(please note: it’s author himself idea, not equal to Keshe teaching. Normally drinking upper layer of gans water is recommended, not up to eating.)
The principle of Gans battery (based on patent context)
This is in the similar situation, in the theoretical chemistry, it takes energy to start and convert. By hydrogen in the system, and its sister free radical, together with free magnetical oxygen, the way we can do is to pave a magnetical bridge.
In fact, it can release much more energy than 8 photons. In our system, such energy release is carried out by elements in the system, one another connected to such system, hydrogen and its sister free radical? My Goodness. The holes and gaps formed in the nano layer of hydrogen, becomes the field strength of radioactive isotope of hydrogen, tritrium?
(to be continued)