
(6:42) 很簡單。

















強化了碳14。 人體的胺基酸,其中的氮在同樣的等級,與碳本身互動,我們知道人體在宇宙條件下能產生生命的條件。(12:34)







without emotion, human body cannot operate 
ksw540(1) prologue 

It’s very simple.
You have a physical body, which is your neural system connected, without the neural system, doesn’t matter there’s blood, the system doesn’t’work. But the neural system in conjunction with the blood gives the dimension of physicality. 

But the whole dimension of the control of the body of the man, is a feel control, which is the emotion. 

Nervous system connects with the physical part. 
The emotion, in the dynamic field creates that interaction, which how each one, connect to the structure and to the soul. 

In a way, our physical body, created out of interaction of the blood flow and neural system. CANNOT OPERATE IF THERE IS NO EMOTION. If the line of creation of emotion is touched and disturbed, or it does not, in a way, collaborate with the totality of the fields of the body of the man. 

Then you understand how emotion is important. 
At the same time, each side of the man creates magnetic field of emotion in its own half, because our body is in two halves. But the neural systems connection, it comes from the other side. 

The 2 sides of the emotion and the physicality have to coordinate, has to be one for the physicality to work perfectly. At the same times, in the 2 halves of emotion sides to interact with each other, they interact with the soul of the man. 

In a way, in trying to communicate the left side of the emotion to the right side of the emotion. As its field dimension, it interacts with the field dimension, which is the soul of the man itself. 

Now you understand how your soul is connected to your emotion. (8:56)

And how you have emotion the same in the soul of the man. That’s the only way he can interacts. If he posses the same, if it’s the same value, strength, then you understand how our soul is dictated by the interaction of our emotion. 

How man’s life in space can be controlled, can be, in a way, manipulated; by the field strength of the emotion of the physicality, or emotion of the soul, because that is what it gives, the dimension of the manifestation at the end of the transmutation, when you arrive.

You arrive with the field of the soul interacts with the environment, but has no control over the physicality side. So, that emotion comes gives the dimension, in dimension of physicality. So your emotion in your soul by extending to the physicality dictates the interaction of physicality with this environment. (10:10)

Other point as I mentioned last week was 
What we see as a nitrogen, which is N14, 
What we see as a carbon, C14, 
Is the link of the amino acids, dimension of the physicality to the soul of the man to the cosmic race, to the universe. 

At the point of life, when we separate the energy pack from the physicality, the soul of the man finds his way to that carbon 14 for connection, to where to go to. It’s not accidental to find this way. 
It’s already pre-destined to go.

Where the carbon 14 energy level as the nitrogen in the amino acids has no interaction anymore, it’s a physical dimension energy. In a matter state of the gravitational-and-magnetic field, and the inertia of the planet. 

Then you understand your soul at the point of departure, thru’ the connection of cosmic rays, thru’ the carbon 14 where you receive the energies from to elevate the soul. Find its path to the point where it finds its position. 

In a way, you travel back to where you came in, but with the new position of the balance of the fields of your soul. 

As I always said 80% of the food of the man, energy of the man, comes from the environment not only with gravitational-and-magnetic fields of this planet, partially connected to the universal cosmic rays, which we absorb. 

Now we understand where we’ve got it from.
We go back to, to what links up what strengthens up to the carbon 14. And the amino acids of the body of the man, which is the nitrogen on the same level, which is in interaction with the carbon itself, as we know in the body of the man, in a cosmic condition, creates the condition of life. (12:34)
Not only on this planet, but the position of the soul of the man in another dimension. When the physicality cannot nourish, cannot give anymore to the whole structure. 

We’ll soon put 2nd disclaimer, about the theology and religions, 
As bahara said, independent investigation of the truth, 

We deny the truth, but it’s upon us, it’s with us, is there a room for the theory of life of creator, we call it theology? Or now we know the facts, we live by the rules of what we know, up to now. Now we know how to connect with the universe, connect to our creator, how the whole process comes. 
Do we need intermediaries? or have an intermediary, in whatever condition we change, we go to the planet, 

Now you understand how the emotion of the man thru’ the amino acids connection to the universal energy thru’ carbon 14, converts itself back to feed, to connect to the physicality of the man in carbon 12, and amino acids, 

To be continued 
Simply for knowledge sharing, please read with discretion, especially in the stage of transmutation.

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