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(2)The structure of the bone is decided by the Emotional part of the brain to guarantee the survival of the physical part 

(3)Bone is a physicality of the Man; exclusivity of the Man on this planet.

1st medical teaching (1)

(MK) And one of the main things to ask is that,

is there a need for a bone structure in the body of the Man?

Would the Man be able to function, the human body,

or any entity, without a bone structure? So, when you start asking that question, then you start looking

what are the reasons for existence, or production,

or creation,in the process of the evolution, of that piece in the body, in the structure?

As Eliya said, we start the life with some 270 odd bones, at the point of birth, and all inceptions when the bone structure starts coming together, and around adulthood we come to about 206 pieces plus odd pieces here and there. But, why the body, merges joins, disposes of adds to 70 odd bones in the life cycle?

The other processes that, in the body of the man,

what is the real purpose?

What is the real reason for the structure of the bone? You can call it different things, you can call it the bone marrow, you can call it the spongy part, you can call it the rib bone, the hip bone, the bone for the skull and everything else.

The main process before you start anything, is to ask, as I said,"is there any need for the bone,the bone structure?"

And then, go back into the operation of the brain

and understand why the physical part of the brain has decided to create such a bone.

So, what this means is that,

what is the function,

why can't we live, can't we survive, can't function

with the full intelligence, without the bone?

The bone structure of the man is no different than the bone structure of a fish.

The only difference is that, as we were created in the same kind of process, the fin, the tail fin, has split in two halves, we call it two legs, and the side fins has become the arms and the fingers.

And if you look at the rest, the head of the fish has moved slightly higher, we call it the neck, but the rest is exactly the same as a fish, as same as with any other animals.

Why did, in the process of the evolution, man, or body, of entity, of the fish decided to make different bones? And how this process started?

To me, to the work which I do, in the health side of the Foundation, there is no need for a bone, for a Man, the Soul to exist.

But, when you allow the Emotional part to exist, and Emotional part has connected itself to a leech part,

which is the physical part, compromises have been made.

So, what does this mean?

This means I'm prepared to receive energy if the leech part, which is the physical part, can support the life cycle, which means

ok, I need lung to support it, my life,

so, I have to protect it.

So, there comes a rib cage.

And then, it comes into the process of why the heart sits next to the lung;

why heart and lung sit on the upper part of the body? Why don't we have our lungs in our toes and in our feet?

Why the bone marrow and the lymph, and the heart and the lung all work through one pump, which we call the heart?

Where did the compromise come, why the process has started? The whole entity of Man does not need the bone structure.

But, in trying to get different functions and usages to maximum use from what can support the energy side for the Emotional part of the brain, has been used to the full capacity. And it's been the best efficient way it can be done.

The point is that, when, at the point of inception,

when the first cells are made,

when the main structure starts,

who decides, or where in the structure of the life, decides, that there is going to be a conversion, or absorption, ... or transfer of energy into Calcium

that becomes the bone?

So... when the fetus is created, there are no bones in it.

What does decide, who decides, what combination decides that, first of all, the Calcium sequence comes in, then, the pattern of the production of the bones come in, in what sequence, and then, what apparatus is needed for this thing to survive on its own, to regenerate on its own.

So, the point comes in that, does the DNA carry the information for production of the bones?

Or does RNA informs the DNA, this is what you got to do, and the DNA sets up the procedure for physicality to come in?

Then, if one understands this process, then you can understand the structure of the bone for each part of the body of the man, or any animal.

Bone is a physicality of the Man; it's exclusivity of the Man on this planet.

So, what has led, what has caused, what has generated the production of the bone?

The Calcium.

Where does the information come in, for lymph, which is within the womb of the mother, as different form, in the blood form, to become as part of the lymph of the child, and then that information

transfers the lymph in its density, gravitational,

magnetic field structure into a bone of the hip and

a bone of the skull and the rest?

So, if you look at this way, then you'll find out, you look at the whole structure of the Man, the bone, the muscles, the attachments, and the process in a totally different way in a much simpler way, and in a way that you can interact with the bone structure.

You're born in some part of the world, where you are supposed to be short, due to the climate; or to have a broader hip bone because of the way of living and the condition.

Then you move to another part of the world where the structure of the bone is different, and, if a child is born from a marriage or mixture of these two different types of bone, What decides the new formation? What kind of bone? What kind of structure of the bone? And how this bone comes together to be?

As a Plasma, then as a Matter, then in what formation of the Matter.

Then it comes to one point.

The structure of the bone is decided by the Emotional part of the brain, to guarantee the survival of the physical part that can guarantee the survival of the Emotional part.

To be continued 

Simply for knowledge sharing, please read with discretion, it shouldn't replace traditional medical knowledge 

    創作者 妙妙貓 的頭像

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