























艾莉亞醫生讓我們看六邊形以及 #皮膚構造上不同鑽石形狀。
































因為皮膚是大腦結構的一部分,同樣的事會發生: 情感面無法供給身體面,所以三度燒傷發生時,(可能)會發生(死亡)。



















past a certain% of skin burn leads to death

The 25th medical teaching

The texture of the skin and the colour of the hair showed our emotion, showed our feeling, because – that’s what Dr Eliya originally explained

🌷The skin is part of the brain structure.

So what we have done is changed it partially the way we wanted according to what we wanted.(1:12:21)

Some men and some women even change the texture of their skin in only

a certain part of their body according

to the environment they’re in. The pigmentation changes colour, the hair changes.

In so many ways now there is research that you can even, through the emotional part, the working of the heart, you can even grow hair within a matter of a few weeks, even build men.(1:14:14)

Because, when you enter through the

blood, which touches the emotion and is in the right order of strength, you change the skin texture and hair growth.

And this is why sometimes when people

get an emotional shock, we see part of

the hair on the head becomes white, or

patterns on the skin change colour. 

It’s the desire to be and desire to reach.

We see emotion in the skin in a lot in the Blacks who, through the pressure of the society or the hierarchy, or desire to

be different emotionally, start getting lighter pigmentation of the skin.

And this structure is very very clear.

In Africa where the white race has been masters of slavery at the time, we see in Black families in which the whole family, all the children, are black, one child turns up to be blue-eyed and white

skinned, totally white.

And the first time I saw it in Africa, I saw a child in a doorway sticking his head out, and I asked the lady with me, ‘How come he's there? Are they looking after that child?(1:16:11)

’‘No,’ she says, ‘here it happens, because generations past there was a White man with Black woman relationship, and now after generations we still see odd whites coming up.

But in some cases the child tries to be the same as the family, so we see sometimes darker skin pigmentation on the skin, or you see the children in the family try to be like the white one, and you see splotches of white on the skin.

I saw this in the Congo quite some time

ago, because the Congolese have quite

a lot of contact with the Belgians and

people from the Northern Hemisphere.

And you see these things, not very regular, but you see them in specific areas.

So why suddenly these things happen that we change colour and add to the colour?

Where we see the colour of the skin, it is the expression of the emotion and, at the same time, the structure of what we want to be.

🌷The structure of the skin is very much a sealed vacuum condition creation between containing what you’ve done the GANSes as a solid matter with the gas outside.

It’s very much the skin of Man as the upper atmosphere of the planet that we call the human body.

Dr Eliya showed us hexagonal shapes and different diamond shapes on the skin.

🌷Skin's diamond structure🌷

In fact, if you go back to part of the Knowledge Seeker Workshop, I think number 54, 55 and in other ones, I have explained how you have hexagonal shaped clouds in upper northern layers of Saturn and a lot of gaseous planets because of the three dimensional three layers of GANS, the rotation, and the current flow between the plasmas creates hexagonal diamond structures because of the linkage in the energy in, as we said, ‘straight-line formation’.(1:20:00)

If you go back into the Teaching of

crystal production or diamond structure,

I explained that in specific conditions, the spherical shape of the plasma through the forces of the environment

and itself internally, according to the plasma current flow, dictates a straight-line flow of forces.

And that straight-line flow of forces we see at the boundary of the hexagonal clouds of the Northern Hemisphere.

The same thing happens in the skin of Man.

The skin has three layers of different GANSes of different densities and different plasmatic-gravitational-magnetic flow.

So this hexagonal structure is due to

three GANS layers of different densities,

plasmatic-gravitational-magnetic field strength densities, that lead to the creation of the shape of the skin.

And there is no other reason for it,

because we’ve seen a replication of it

in the strength of the plasma of the

star systems and planetary systems.

When you look in time from a distance, on the boundary of the atmosphere of certain solar systems, you still see the hexagonal structure the same as Saturn.(1:22:00)

It’s a normal way matter changes and converts from one structure of the density of the GANS to another.

And in fact, in the three layers and the

current flow between the three layers,

which we’ve seen Dr Eliya going through

in-depth in explaining it, it shows the

current flow in a plasmatic gravitational

condition in three densities of GANSes

that lead to the structure of the upper layer which is what we call ‘the atom skin’.

🌷The skin is a barrier point

There is no difference between the skin of Man in the outer layer and the upper atmosphere of the planet or a solar system.

It is the barrier point.

(✓)If you enter it the right way you can penetrate.

(✓)If you don’t enter it the right way it creates a resistance, so it bounces you off.

It’s the same thing as we see with the skin of Man.

It’s a containment, and this containment has perfected itself over millions of years to a tightly-packed structure of GANS materials.

There are exact similarities.

But at the same time, as the skin has to

have a decision-making of its own and, at the same time, has to have a control in respect to central control of the brain.

That’s why, as Dr Eliya explained, in every square inch you have up to twenty

blood vessels coming to it. Because it’s part of the emotional part, it dictates the survival guarantee of the existence of the emotional part of the body and itself makes decisions.

🌷past a certain% of skin burn leads to death.🌷

In so many ways, up to now the world of medicine doesn’t understand why up to and past a certain percentage of skin burn leads to death. 1:24:00

It’s because, on the same structure as emotion and the physical part and the soul connect to each other and, as one decides that it does not have enough to give, 

as I explained in another brain structure section, that when the physicality and the emotional part separate or interact

in opposite directions such that a separation takes place, that physical death comes.

As the skin is part of the brain structure, the same thing happens:the emotional part cannot support the physical part,

and that’s why after a third degree burn death occurs.

Because the emotional part containment cannot support the physical part and the

separation of the two occurs, because the neuro system of the emotional

part of the body of the containment is in the skin.

🌷Skin and kidney🌷

The same way that Dr Eliya explained that we see the same structure

as with the kidney.

And, if you go back to the section when we spoke about the kidney, we spoke about why the kidney has that structure, and the structure is the same as is extracting emotional energy from the blood vessels that come back to it, and it releases it as urine, as an energy level.

The same structure happens with the skin.

The skin is another kidney work that

extracts what the body does not need at the emotional level and, as with the water, adds it up to release it.

That’s why your odour changes according to your emotion.

That’s why you can smell the odour in conjunction with the sweat.

1:26:22 Odour is gas in a GANS-state diamond structure.

So your skin, as it is responsible for the emotional part with the release of the same thing, is a kidney inside out.

But at the same time, due to the release of fields out, it absorbs a huge amount of energy in from its environment.

And that’s why I always say eighty percent of the energy we absorb comes

from the environment. As much as you release skin and sweat, which is part of

the interaction of the release, it has to come back in.

Sweating is like the magnetical field forces.

And when you release so much field out, the gravitational field forces attract energy back in in replacement.

And it creates a charge difference externally and internally on what you squeeze in.

To be continued

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