阿曼(盧): 我是阿曼盧克西.
凱史: 宇宙議會的成員,來自亞美尼亞語言區。
阿曼(盧): 凱史先生,有個類似的狀況,如果你知道的話。不是什麼大師,是另一個印度人,自稱70年沒吃過東西進食過,80多歲,人們以很多方式測試他,發現他累積一種黑色像柏油的東西,在上顎的頂端。這是他獲得能量的地方。
你知道相關的道理嗎? 我看到有點類似性。(2:15:33)
阿曼(盧): 這有點證實一位十五歲的小沙彌,好長一段時間沒吃東西,他跑去找他媽媽說:「我要六年不吃飯更接近佛陀,想從他那裏得到最直接的教誨。」他正是那樣移動坐姿,當攝影團隊拍攝,縮時攝影,他頻繁地稍稍移動,但一直在位子上,時間長達70多個小時。至少證明他沒喝任何東西,也長時間沒吃東西。
凱史: 產生水分是最容易的部分。
所以現在甘斯的強度在氨基酸裡,给你有形的能量。 所以當你喝當中的水,你有那個感覺,與滋味,吃到有形的橘子。
『 #不可殺害。』正是這個意思。
Gaining energy without eating
(AL) I am Armen Luksien...
(MK) Member of the Universal Council, from Armenian language.
(AL) Mr Keshe I see similarity here. ... If you know, not the guru, but another Indian man, who was, he was saying
he was not eating for 70 some years,
he was 80 some, and they've tested
him in many ways, and what they have found that he was accumulating a black,
tar like stuff, at the top of the palate.
And this, is where he was getting his energy. Do you know anything about
that? I am seeing similarity.
(MK) No, the thing is, you know if
you look it that way, in a simple way.
He's changed the position of the liver,
to the energy source. What you call a 'black hole', where there is a Centre of all energies, He take you can do it, I can teach you in matter of 2, 3 days, you won't eat.
It's very easy.
You sit, You teach yourself, if I sit
with the slight move to the side, I don't feel, thirsty anymore, so you know, this position is for water.
You have to look for it, it's like pendulum. If I move this way, I feel like banana. So you get everything you need from the environment, as a banana.
So, that's all, it works.
You have to create the image of the Emotion, and the body, through breathing, will absorb the energy you need. That's all, it works.
I would like to have a hot curry madras with rice. So I move to the position, that I feel it, I get it. And then I receive the energy, I don't need to eat.
(AL) This kind of confirms, the Buddha boy, 15 years old, who was not eating for a long time, he actually went to his mother and said,
"I'm going to stop eating for 6 years,
and ... then I want be close to Buddha,
and I want to get my teachings directly from him".
And that's exactly what he was doing movement wise. ... When they took video, fast video, he was slightly moving, every so often. But he would be stationary sitting there, and they filmed him continuously for I think some, 70 some hours. To prove that at least he wasn't drinking anything. He was not eating for a long time, but he wasn't drinking ...
(MK) The creation of the water is the easiest part.
The move, is just how you move it, how you adjust yourself. Even, you can move your stomach, in position where
puts the pressure on the diaphragm,
then it brings different things of it.
You go back, I have done this in the teachings several times.
First guy who did it, was Alekz, and some other people. They put an orange,
and Alekz put everything else in and he got himself drunk.
You put, as I said in the other teaching,
Amino Acid, and the other side of
the bottle had Zinc Oxide, and some CH3. You remember? The Zinc and the Copper, gave you the Amino Acid.
Now this.
You were looking at the plates, but
in fact, the fields does the same thing, now you have placed it. These 2 bring, these 2 bring, different kind of Amino Acid to the water.
The process doesn't start, till the Amino Acid on the surface is done. Otherwise it's a water. Once the Amino Acid layer is established, this chap, as a orange,
is an Amino Acid too.
Now, you create a link between the water and the orange.
Now, because in that process, you pick
up some of the strength of the Zinc, when you drink the water it gives you the Emotion of drinking, eating an orange. You added the Copper to it, GANS.
So, now the strength of the GANS, which is in the Amino Acid, gives you the physical energy.
So, when you drink the water, you are getting the Emotion, the feeling, the taste, the physical structure of the orange.
But, you forgot about something else.
The biggest water tank of all, is the Human body, you already carry all that.
So, you don't need to destroy the orange, or kill an animal, where what it has free to give you,
will feed you.
"Thou shalt not kill."
That's exactly what it is.
You don't need to kill. I want to give you the taste of how it tastes, that you can enjoy my presence, then you give me what I need. You never asked the orange, "What did you get from me?"
Because is taking something, in giving something.
So, in so many ways, you were looking
in a container, and a water, where the container and the water, and all the content with the Emotion, is the body of the man.
But it's delicious to chew, huh? Because, chewing confirms the existence on this Planet.
Another question?
Disclaimer: simply for knowledge sharing, please read with discernment, condition varies from person to person, please consult with doctor in using gans.
Updated 2021/3/14