你去追蹤一些戒菸戒很久的人,一段時間,比方3〜6年後,他們會生不同的病。因為肺吸入的能量被嵌入香菸焦油的過濾。你(戒菸想)改變,現在身體得重新開機設定。有時要花上25年之久。很少人能長時間抽菸,想要戒菸,而沒有反作用力地全身而退。 (2:40:07)
The air we breathe is a cocktail of different strength Oxygen.
(GR) Yeah, my name is Giuseppe Rossi.
I am an Italian doctor. I do Quantistic Medicine, so I am already a Holistic doctor, and a magician, maybe according to others' situation.
I want just to comment a little bit and ask you your opinion about this because, there is a kind of, might seem like a culture shock.
Your talking for example, about changing the lung shape, and so to change the Emotion, the character of a person. Is true?
(MK) Yeah!
(GR) Okay! So, I say, I see this as ...
when we change the lung, we change the rhythm of the lung,
we change the piezoelectric situation,
we change the message of the ...maybe the carrying wave of the body in a
sense, that gives the rhythm to the body.
And since the lung is full of Neurons,
and the heart is full of, it has 20,000 almost Neurons, the heart.
And those has plexus and ganglion, so
and there is certainly a deep connection,
nervous connection between lung and heart, as we know, so if we change
the shape of a lung, we can change the entire rhythm of that person?
Maybe, he can slow down his anxiety
or what else for example, but I just want, I ask your comment about this, because also another short question.
Sometimes, I used to advise my patients
for cardiac problem or tiredness to use just 1 drop of peroxide, oxygen peroxide, peroxide, in water. In half glass of water and 1 drop and this makes a chain of events.
So that, this Oxygen is free inside of the
liquid and also electrons go around.
In that network, classic physics. I wonder why this new physics, how, can read this experiment, It's a Russian experiment. which is...
(MK) You see, the… you call it Oxygen.
... As I say in many of the teachings.
The air we breathe is a cocktail of different strength Oxygen.
The air I breathe now. It's created by the Oxygen from the leaf of this flower. Which is totally different Oxygen
than the leaf of this plant. It's totally different than the ones which made by the trees outside.
So, Oxygen to common man, is Oxygen.
But Oxygen, to the Plasma physics, if you understand it, is not 16.
You look at this.
Whatever it is Oxygen.
I look at the spectrum of the energies
which this element covers.
One plant creates this strength.
The other plant creates the other strength.
So, when you give one of a specific strength. You give enough that it can satisfy part of this.
Because you targeted a specific higher strength. So, the higher strength always gives to the lower.
So, that's why you see the step to step changes, in different part of the body of the Man. We need the Oxygen from this plant coming from South America.
Oxygen creates the Oxygen.
I'll breathe the air, I breathe today.
Most probably the Oxygen part was created somewhere in South America.
Or most probably somewhere in another part of China.
It's a cocktail.
And your body took the Oxygen 200. You used 10 of it, it became 190. My body now needs 190. What you rejected as part, I didn't.
So, when you give a high order, according to the Plasma structure.
Because, once it goes in the body of
the Man, it doesn't behave as water, It behaves as a Plasma of the water.
So, it's a higher order.
It gives to all the lower orders, that they need to receive, according to the Science of Plasma.
You always give from the higher
to the lower.
And then, when you give the one which takes up is the higher in magnetical, lower in gravitation. That's how it works.
So, that's why the outside you give, it works. Because it's a Hydrogen, concentrated in a certain strength. Now, the minute it enters my body, it's not Oxygen anymore. It's a Plasma of the Oxygen. The minute you shut your mouth, now you're not in a Matter-State. Now you're in the zone of the Earth.
You're coming from outside, you want to come into the Earth you gotta go past the, what do you call it, all the barriers
which NASA never passed. So, this is the barrier.
This point, now is my condition, not your water. Not the Oxygen. I take from it what I like. And it's got a high order, I take it.
Why do we breathe a lot, when we're tired? Why do we yawn? The yawning is a condition that we need a lot of energy from the Oxygen. That we take a variety of. When you breathe calmly it's the same.
But, when you change the lung, different elements of different Oxygens. It's like what I said, "You take the lung out and you change it." and you… Now the expansion dictates different
incomes, different... it shrinks differently
This is what I said to a lot of people
who smoke for 30/40 years and they say, "I'm gonna to quit." You quit, you die. Because, your body has got used
to a certain way, of the certain elements.
You follow the people who stop
quitting smoking after really long time. After 3 to 6 years, they show different sign of diseases. Because, the lung inhaling the energy, was keyed to that kind of filtering of the liquid of the tar
of the cigarette.
You change it, now the body has to reset. Sometimes it takes 25 years. Very few people walk away with their long time smoking, with no damage.
So that's why your Hydrogen Peroxide works, you deliver, you give me the water. The minute it passes me, it's a Plasma and I need the full spectrum, you give me. Instead of me going exercising, you give it to me in a shot. So, I take it, that the way it does, it works.
Somebody: And it needs to be CO2 water or ...
(MK) Yes, yes, CO2 water works much faster, very, very fast.
We see, especially when it comes, you see when a lot of people. I was telling earlier on and in the practice of the doctors you...
We tell you when you give the Zinc Oxide, give it at night before you go to sleep. It does wonders.
Why? Because at night the physicality is at rest. You elevate the Emotion, when you wake up, the Emotion dictates what
the physicality needs, what's short of.
You feed the Emotion, the Emotion fix
the physicality. You wake up from.
"Oh! The Zinc works."
Yes, because I gave to the Soul to the Emotion and the Emotion has fixed the physicality. It is not the other way.
When you give a Cu, when you get the CO2 you fix the physicality part. And the best time comes when the physicality has rest, you can repair through the Soul.
The CO2 repairs the physicality through
the Soul and it works perfect. Because then he knows what it needs, to be done.
Any other question?
Disclaimer: please read with discernment, condition varies from person to person. Updated 2021/3/13