

史蒂芬: 甘斯生產過程加入空氣起泡器是否效果更好? 

凱史: 我們大量生產時會用,想這樣做,但我們不用空氣起泡的方式,而是以二氧化碳廢氣的方式,想辦法讓碳更多。不是CO2轉成甘斯,雖然有些很快,很有效。











(√) 特別在住家四周,
(√) 旅行坐飛機,噴灑在座位,你不知道剛剛誰坐過,空氣中瀰漫著什麼。




Steven: does adding an air bubbler with a pump to the gans production yield better result? 

Keshe: we do that in mass production, trying to do, but we don't do an air bubbler, we do a CO2 exhaust, we make more availability of the carbon. 

It's not the CO2 converts into gans, some of it does immediately it's effective. 

But essentially this is a well known procedure in the farming. In northern Europe countries like Holland, where they grow tomatoes indoors, the tomatoes greenhouses are furnished with a very big gas furnace, it's unusual, you see why is there such big gas burner in the greenhouse they switch on a couple of times a day even in the middle of the summer, especially at night. When they control the light system, they let the heat out, but push the CO2 exhaust into the building. This increase the harvest and the growth of the plants.

In a way, the greenhouses are visited have a very effective production. They use extensively in the gas production. 

If you do a CO2 exhaust 5 years, if you can, in a way, connect with your big ballon in the back of your exhaust and it slowly reduces in your CO2 gas production. You'll see a better production. It's the availability of CO2 in one of our labs, they just, which is put just a small pump flowing air in from outside the lab inside. They double the production, simply by just blowing air in. 

It's the availability which counts.
(√) If you live in the cities, you make your gans in the balcony, you produce like crazy amount a day. 
(√) If you live in the rural areas, and do your CO2 in the rooms, it's very little.

【1c1L trapping the viruses】
But, don't forget, there is a huge understanding that those of you who produces this 1c1L, you create an attraction point for viruses, because you absorb whatever virus in the air, and you're trapping it, you don't pass these to your body. But, you become and gradually become immune to it. 

So if you live in China, your 1c1L cup 100% would absorb part of the corona virus.

But, in a way, become non-effective, because it becomes non-effective when you consume it, you become immune to the thing. That's why it works on the other hand, very effective for these kind of things.

【around the house】
When you do have infection of these viruses, put a few cups around the house. It doesn't need to go into your body. It's in the air dust. That's what we do. We spray the house, spray the furniture, put it like trap-mouse around the house. 

Make a few, especially if you're around the house.

【Travel, go outside】
You travel on the planes you just spray. Spray the chairs, the seats, you don't know who was there and what's in the air.

You disinfect yourself, these droplets, when they touch the bit of viruses, there's always virus on skin of the man, which they attach themselves to it. 

(√) You disinfect it. 
(√) Just trap it in its position.
(√) Effectively you disarm even the planes for others who might come in and get it in the future.

Any other questions? (2:23:09)


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