【man’s soul operates in vertical physical condition, but horizontal soul condition】
Keshe: you are the creator, so it’s you can choose.
But you have to understand the cup of man has to be upright, not flat. The soul of the man works vertical, and operates in a vertical physical condition, but a horizontal soul condition. So you have to decide which and how you want to transform it.
And when they choose, especially when you set a cup of life has to position in a position, and a distance, according to the position of the soul of the universe, not the soul of the man.
You will find very soon.
Those who get the measurement right will see directly into the horizon of the universe.
You see the religious people, they shake as I’ve explained before, rock, to find the elevation of point interaction between the soul of the man, and the soul of the physicality. To get into the dimension of the universal community, universal dimension, the work is different. There is no vibration.
- Understanding the position
- Understanding the expansion of the fields.
If you look at the size of the man,
The position of the soul
The position of the heart
You will see the characteristics of generosity or the meanness of the man, the behavior.
When I see a man, I don’t look at the physicality. In an automatic way, I assess the 2 positions. And I know what man I’m dealing with. Because if you think of it in a very simple way, you would understand the way I have.
- The shape of the finger
- The shape of the toe
- The shape of the arm
Gives every knowledge you need to know about the person. the height of the neck and everything else gives you every indication of, in fact, what kind of person you are dealing with.
Mankind soon will understand this, because your physicality is so important to you. When I see the shape of the fingers of them, the way they do, the way they extend, give me what person I have in front of me.
When you see the space gap between the soul, and the way they bend, and they move, when they are with you, you feel the intention.
Caroline said it’s embarrassing with going out with you anywhere, you know exactly what they think, what they are, what they want to do. and you still stand there, play fool with them. (2:28:30)
If you understand this, now get a 1c1L, or cup of man,
- remember the height, the position,
- How you centralize it?
- Is it off-center?
How you made it will give every indication what your soul needs to receive to bring the balance into it.
I’ve given you a copy of yourself to be built by yourself with the basic structure of material of yourself.
When you have 1c1L, as I’ve said before, look at the shape here, it tells you a lot. Even if you look at it, you know about the health of yourself. But you are not knowledgeable. And it said:
“oh, look at this ring”
“look at that”,
“have you watched it centralized to the top?”
“isn’t this man selfishness? Self-centered? ”
“shouldn’t that not be there?”
- It tells your behavior,
- It tells who you are,
- It tells how you see yourself
- And you move this cup a few millimeter up and down, you see what happens to you.
When you make the cup (1c1L, or cup of man), you let them to bless it to give the soul do it, it’s there.
I’ve lived in China for 2 years, I haven’t seen this elusive mother yet. So I don’t know if she actually exists. But if you look at it, you’ve got to see what she makes with that cup.
Just those people who’ve been with me or around me, I always tell you to fist your finger and then open up, and with one look at your hand, I know what is your expectation of life, and me. It’s so simple. Because it carries everything which comes from the soul.
- I know your emotion,
- I know your everything, which you want from me not to know.
- I see in the hand.
- And I see in the soul.
And it tells me how much you are honest with yourself.
And how much you are prepared to understand.
If you look at a hand of a person, you know everything about a person. You know if she is a lover, she loves to be loved, she’s a betrayer, or she’s a cheat. She’s stealing or she’s giving. Or she’s a mother, who is good to have children with. The same with the man. Because you find the match in so many ways. You understand it.
One of the first things people ever come to me, without their knowing, I look at their hands, the way they stand, and the position of their fingers. I know their desire, walking miles away, what they expect.
Nothing is hidden, if you understand.
If you look at the position of a man, the neck, the heart, the brain, the soul of the man, you understand the man miles before they come in. but we always said we know the intention, but we do not interfere with the intention. Because there is a purpose in that intention.
In the universe, we don’t follow with the shape. We follow with the soul. You can give any shape to the physicality, because within understanding of that, you can change to any shape you like, if your partner allows you to.
Mankind will soon fall in love with the soul of the universal community. It’s the same as what you do here in the physical life of the man. But you’ll find out in the universe. You never lose your twin in love. Because he is made by the link in the dimension of the physical life of the man due to the food the man consumes, this changes.
In the universe, we are in the balanced field, never dies.
You’ve heard the terminology diamond forever, that exists in the universe when you fall in love. You can invite the love to any dimension you enter. Then you have to accept it to take shape in that dimension, if it loves to. (1:35:25)
【The story of Adam, Eve and the Apple】
This is what e call Adam, Eve and the apple. The apple is accepting the position of the condition of the physical confirmation. You put physicality to it. When you take a bite of that apple, it means the soul accept the condition in that position.
Try to understand a lot of things, which is been said in the man’s life. Then you understand how much true knowledge has been given to mankind over time, by those who been travelling in the universe. And they’ve changed it to things that man can understand it.
We said in English, “let me translate to you.” It means, I make it the way I like for you to understand it. Then you become a prophet, and then they come with the emotion that you understood. So now you translate the knowledge. But if you understand the terms of the language, you don’t need to.
Any other question? (2:37:11)