(感謝 #Aviram/ #PlasmaLaurentides)
大多數塑膠是由CH鍵,也就是碳氫化合物做成的高分子聚合物。我們在做CO2甘斯的過程,就已經知道奈米銅板與簡單的鋅板互動,會從空氣中吸取碳(C )。
現在每種塑膠都有一種特定的碳(C); 所以我們必須產生一個跟這個塑膠CH鏈結對應的甘斯。
要做到這一點,你必須做出你想移除之塑膠的甘斯,就能立即清理這個地球。 順便說一下,我們之前用可口可樂瓶子所做的宇宙實驗,就看到瓶頸溶解;所以我們已經做到能打開CH的鏈結,我們現在必須以更簡潔的方式做到。在可樂瓶的實驗中,我們把氫萃取出產生氘與氚;碳也被釋放出來,因為跟它綁在一起的夥伴不見了,這就是瓶頸會消失的原因。
Recycling Plastic
Most plastics are polymeres made from CH-bonds, hydro-carbons in other words. We know already from our GaNS-CO2 production that the nano-coated copper plate in interaction with the simple zinc plate attracts the carbon (C) from the atmosphere.
Now each plastic has a particular C; so we have to create a GaNS that matches this particular C-H bond of the plastic.
There is a way to create the field that is capable to extract the C out of the C-H bonds which will ‘disintegrate’ the plastic and release massive amounts of C and H into the atmosphere. One side effect will be huge amounts of water will be created in the wake of it (see red ellipse), which could become a problem of rising sea water levels, but could also become a blessing if we channel the H2O production into areas that need water so plants can grow.
The cleaning up of the huge plastic islands floating in our oceans can be done on a large scale with an airplane or satellite flying over the floating plastic masses and a submarine floating under it. Both create the interaction by carrying different concentrations of the GaNS in order to open the particular C-H bond.
To do this you have to create the GaNS of the plastic you want to remove and you will be able to clean up the planet in no time. By the way in our experiments with the coca-cola bottle-universe we saw already that the bottle neck dissolved; so we have done the opening of the C-H bonds already; we have to do it now in a more concise way. In the cola bottle experiment we took the H out to create H2 or H3; and then the C was liberated as well because it’s bonding partner was gone; that’s how the bottle neck disappeared. The liberated C got deposited as the graphene part of the nano-coating on the electrodes inside the bottle. We only have to open one of the bonds and the whole structure will fall apart.
We have already the knowledge of making a GaNS of any element in the Universe. You can make the GaNS of plastic by mixing 50g of caustic in hot water and pour it over some plastic pieces that you want to break apart; let it sit and do it’s job for 24hrs.
In the future we could produce water bottles based on this technology with an embedded bond that will dissolve on it’s own after a certain period of time. Then we can fabricate and use water bottles without having the pollution by it!
But there is one problem: some of the C-bonds are in the strength of the amino acids; that puts them very close to the structure of the life forms – and we do not want to dissolve the fishes and sea plants together with the plastic trash! More to learn 😉