


伊莉莎白: 早安 凱史先生,早先你提到病毒。它們會找類似或匹配的細胞?(2:42:19)








































Lavender essential oil and certain gans (didn’t disclose) against the flu
Elizabeth: Good morning Mr Keshe. ... When you were talking about the viruses, and they find similar or matching cells.. (2:42:19)
I was wondering if ...I've, I seem to notice that when people believe that they will catch the flu from someone else, they do. Is that belief enough to create a matching energy, to invite the flu cell in to ourselves?
Keshe: I don't understand, can you repeat please?
Elizabeth: Sure ... When we have a belief, that we will catch the flu? Does that create enough of a matching Field to therefore catch that flu? Like I... I know some people...
Keshe: Yes. Yes in a way. It's like the way you wish to have a breast cancer, you get a breast cancer, because you don't want to have a repetition of the pain of what your mother brought you through to a child.
Elizabeth: Okay. That's...
Keshe: Is the short term, short fuse, yes. 'toong' done. In a way yes. ...Caroline is brilliant at this thing. It's, it's one of the pleasures of living with this woman. I call her, 'this woman', because I don't know, sometimes she's different things, but sometimes she's a angel. She carries an amazing thing with her all the time, it's called, 'oil of lavender'. The minute we get any sign of flu, cold, a little bit on the nose, a little bit on the gum, and the thing disappears. You could be dying of it, within seconds it's not there.
And ... you know, we just, she's a dictionary of herbs and oils and things we just go,
"What do we need for this?" Even the children suffer somewhere at home, go,
"Mom, what do I need for this?"
"Go there and get this and do this and that." And she founds a balance in the world of herbs, in equality of the Man, in the balance of the Physicality of the Man.
And you do, if you get it, that's, that's how you handle it, but... Does it mean that, I was thinking about it couple of days ago, because, as I said, we are very busy with this... what we call, ... 'transaction into International market', and one of our colleagues who arrived has a very, very, very bad flu, cold,
and I said, "Caroline, he's arrived with a very bad flu, we are going get",
she walks in with this bottle of lavender,
she says, "Little bit under your nose, spread it on your gum"
and the guy never complained about anything.
And, I thought about it,
"Does lavender carry the strength of the Soul, of balance of the Man?" That it reaches every one of us, or most of us?
Or is it a germ killer?
But it's a virus, so it's a Field level. It's us we wish for it, and it's that which changes it for it. And is it the beauty of it?
I don't know how many of you have ever seen... massive fields of lavender when it's in a full bloom? Is one of the most beautiful sights you can ever imagine. (2:45:42)
So much wealth, so much... coming from one tree, one plant, one creature?
Caroline: It definitely works and it's magic.
Elizabeth: But it also, the belief that you’re going to catch that flu?
Keshe: Does lavender passes your belief?
Elizabeth: Exact. Okay
Keshe:Then you don't have it.
Elizabeth: Yeah, okay, perfect.
Keshe: It's a virus, but it's Fields.
Or does the lavender enriches the bacteria or the cell Amino Acid, that there is no home for the ... virus to take hold of? Or do we destroy certain levels, that is of the strength of the virus? It'll be fantastic to know what this does.
I enjoyed, we had the pleasure this,I always say, when we see beautiful things like this ..."Your Soul Loves you so much, that it allows you to see the beauty of Creation." (2:47:12)
Few years ago, we were driving down to central France, and we had this pleasure of seeing these huge fields of lavender. The pleasure of looking at it kills any virus, God knows using it.
Azar: Mr Keshe, I have, I have 120 of the essential oil, and then, even for coffee, you don't need to take coffee, you can take peppermint, every time you get tired, you take peppermint under your nose, and is beautiful.
Keshe: I have a water which does this. If I tell you, you all make it tomorrow. And then the pharmaceutical goes bankrupt.
Azar: Yeah but essential oil is a beautiful thing.
Keshe: Yeah, but you have a essential oil in one of the GANSes.
Azar: Which one?
Keshe: Uh-Hm.
Azar: We need the secret.
Keshe: No, it's not secret. You can make a mistake with it too. One of the... one of the essential things to understand, and in many teachings I teach, but it's not heard. It's the balance Field, common denominator in the Life of the Man. And nobody listens.
That in Space, in a time of need,
It’s your salvation,
it's your rescue,
it’s what you need.
Even satisfies hunger, even brings heat in the body of the Man, that you don't feel cold. Let alone germs and viruses. You know how to use it, you can see... I can take a picture of you, one second with tumors from top to toe, next second, total clarity.
But don't forget what I told you,"I will never show a magic." You have to understand it to achieve it.
One of the GANSes which is made, has that effect. And it feeds you, it warms you, shelters you, protects you, and disinfects you and whatever you like, it does for you.
Elizabeth: Can I dare to guess which one? Is it the GANS of...
Keshe: Oh, you can guess as much as you like.
Elizabeth: ... the Gans of Gold? Mono-atomic Gold? Well, I'm sure we'll all be trying to figure out which one it is. Thank you so much.
Keshe: [Laughing]
Jalai: It is, it in the teaching 2015 , November.
Keshe: I don't know what I had for lunch, let alone the November 2015
Jalai: Let them go there and seek for it.
We all know which GANS it is, less counts which teaching. It sits within the Soul of the Man. Does not need a GANS, does not need anything else.
The only thing is you ... missed the teaching of last week, it was in there. Any other question?

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