











【改造發生在RNA (如這次的新冠疫苗?)】





Eating in the universe (final)
How can the teeth of the Man rub against the Soul of the seed makes no noise?

The whole part of these teachings, especially with the Soul is to take what has been put in the Soul of the Man out of fear and punishment, out the equation.

Then you think logically, you... take a logical procedure anywhere in the Universe.

There is one thing and I ask all of you all the time, you come here to, to learn, to understand the work of the Universe.

Do not judge and do not allow anybody to judge.

Take from it what is according to your understanding, what you're at Peace at.
Because, then if you are not at Peace with,
you steal from some of the other part of your Life.

We have to be correct, and the whole purpose of this teaching is, Not to take offense, not to take position, but to understand the Science.

Would you like to manifest yourself in the shape of a cow that somebody eats you? Or say, "No, I wanna go as a seed and I get eaten." or you make yourself a big plant with a lot of thorn and you sit there nobody can touch you.

But, you don't know the animals are creative,
when they evolve and they make a thing that you whatever thorns can not touch them.

This is all, all we're trying to understand.

There is no judgment, it's understanding the reality, the, what is there.

If you rub two stones together they make a noise. 
If you rub stars and a planet, they make a noise,
we call it the noise of the Earth with the Sun

And what do you think does when the Soul of this... the tooth of the Man, rubs against the Soul of the seed, makes no noise does it makes sense?

Or is it just justifies, "I don't want to hear this part."

But, if taking the step that we understand more that we can take from the energy of the Universe without harming no one, then we are matured.

Everything has to fit
not just where we want it to.
The process is simple.
It's us who's gotta be truthful to us, and nobody else.

In the Space you don't die of hunger. You know where to find the food, not to find your own demise.

And it's not to finding justification do I eat less with eating meat, they've still got cells, So does, the grain has the Souls.

So it goes back to the same, we are talking individual system, it's to understand to find another way to find nourishment to confirm existence.

Rick: I think earlier about, during the act of eating, when the teeth are crushing these,
basically you're crushing the cells, crushing the Souls and it's, you know there's chaos and turmoil going on inside our mouths in terms of the

if you were that piece of wheat or piece of meat it doesn't really matter, It's a bunch of crushing and gnashing of teeth going on. ... 

you mentioned being aware of that, what if we were aware of that in the moment, so that we could feel, and bring to life actually those entities, so that when in the act of eating, and it going down our throat and so on, we could feel that aliveness, and feel it in our heart at the same time so that, when it be, when we take it into ourselves,

we can essentially bless it and elevate those Souls, so that when they are transformed, transmuted, die, they don't die in effect, they are transformed, the energy is transformed because, becomes part of us if we elevate them so that they become part of us to help elevate ourselves so that we can elevate others.

Wouldn't that be more of a, a proper way to ...
stop that cycle of destruction and turn it
into something that's an elevating process?

Man as I said, if you go back to the teachings of before, We will lose many men into Space, we'll lose more Men in deep Space that we ever lost in any other battle on this Planet.

The reason is, because, 
first of all we make a lot of mistakes.
Secondly is, that habit of taking and possessing and owning and eating.

Don't forget it sits in our RNA. Huh?
It sits in our DNA, we still look at it
it's delicious to have.
Shall I taste it?
And then something rings a bell,
"I'm not that anymore, I have evolved, but still there, it's in.... I...

They say, what is in the RNA from from the first Man it's still there, you think you're gonna get rid of it?

Being able to control it to being able to be on top of it, is much harder than actually getting involved in it, because at the end you eat something which is a virus, "pchhgk", you're done.

In a way, most of the teaching is… helping you to be able to stay, to survive the environment of the Universe.

By deafening yourself, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And trying to justify it, make it worse.

But in a way we have come, it takes time,
we're going through a transition.
We were not aware of.
Now we are aware of, you can not justify.

Try to understand the work of the GANS.
Try to understand the position a Plasma.

We said all the time,
"The weaker gets fed by the stronger."

The position of the Soul at the tip of your finger, if you go back to the teaching of the past I said, "If you look at a mint, has got many tips, because he absorbs so many,
so much energy from the environment. And at the same time gives back to its environment.

The finger of the Man, the tip of the fingers
of the Man are the first place, first points that they are weaker in mass, that they can absorb energy from the Universe.

That through it to elevate the Soul of the Physicality that the Soul of Physicality can feed in the interaction, the physical part and the Soul of the Man in conjunction of the balance.

The Soul of Physicality is in a very peculiar position, and this is why we... we... we can not go through the transition, how to feed ourselves.

Eating in the universe 
Tap into the universal energy 
Universal enhancement unit?

In one way, has to be answerable to the physical dimension of the Soul, and then it has to be answerable, connection to the Soul of the Man too.

This is where we call,
"Emotion of the thing comes."
it becomes the Emotion between the Physicality, and the Soul.

And then this way, as you learned, that the weaker always receives, that becomes the source of the food, source of energy, from the Universal Community.

From the Universal soup of the Plasma.
Nothing else. This is what we haven't realized. We can tap in, so easily, into the dimension of the strength of the Universe, knowing that by mass, by weight,
by whatever you call it, in the mass structure strength we are weaker, so we receive it.

We have never tapped into it.
Because we couldn't know, 
we didn't understand.

The easiest thing is, look at many, many, many pictures of given, by the people who raise their hand into the skies and they receive.

Why do we do that?

But, we have to understand -
How to tap into the Universal energy?

If you understand how to tap to Universal energy, we can not, we should not, we will never touch another Soul.

I have started the process of building
the first feeding stations. Where you, to you a feeding station, is mixing something in there,
and putting something there and getting a banana into the water…

This is not the way it is.

The new 'feeding stations', which we create for disasters, coming up very soon. You don't touch anything. You walk through and you get fed, but you have to understand what you're feeding. It's no use me giving you banana,
when you're allergic to banana. But the banana is there, if you need the material from it. The feeding stations which I have started developing and creating, and as you know, I don't do anything, I teach knowledge seekers,
that the knowledge spreads and it goes like a wild fire.

The new ... feeding stations, is designed, to feed the Soul of Physicality, not the Physicality, even though it looks that way.

And then you stay fresh, you are fed, you go out, as you walk through, it takes me one second to feed you.

Less than a millisecond. Why do we rest, why do we sleep? Because to recuperate what is not in balance, I give you all the balance you walk twenty hours a day.

And then, I was explaining this, past couple of days, past couple of weeks, we have developed, the development is complete, that you can walk in with as many cancer tumors,
through a system, within five seconds, you walk out, they can't find a single tumor.

This is not theory, this is understanding. I don't take his tumor out, I invite the Soul of the tumor, not to be where it is, not the condition which is accepted to exist, it flies zero-time communication, if you can communicate in zero-time, there is nothing
for a cell of cancer to be there.

If you have Alzheimer's, and you understand the Soul of the Man, why has decided not to listen and he calls it 'Alzheimer's', not to exist, and you can elevate the Soul of the Man in that point, he remembers the first word he said, in the womb of the mother.

This is what we got to understand.
And it's not gonna happen tomorrow, and the next week, it's taken me five years to teach you lot, to start even trying the GANS water,
and now you have to try the GANS of the Soul of the Man.

God help me how long it's gonna take me to get you through this? 
But, it has to be ingrained in the RNA, 
in the recording, 
not in the Physicality DNA. 
Because then RNA will not allow DNA to make the mistake of taking Life to feed itself.

Then you understand the difference between
the Soul and the Soul of Physicality.

Teachings are becoming very hard, because now we blamed everybody, this time, we have only to judge our Soul in respect to our Physicality.

And that's it. And we cannot blame because blaming does not bring elevation. Blaming brings demise. We have to destroy something
when we blame, to confirm something else exists, but if you understand we allow everything, nourishing, balance.

Any other question? 


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