
Why the soul has the 2nd cycle?
March 21 begins the 2nd cycle?

And my prayers are simple.
Today, we delivered a new technology that will be in every household in every corner of this planet in one form or another. And in the coming weeks, we deliver more of the same technologies, that in totality, mankind will become kind to himself and a new life shadows. (1:28:06)
In so many ways, where humanity to become change. I have put the whole cycle of creation.
On one picture the screen is according to your understanding and your intellect, that you will interpret this picture to the cycle of life, to the creation of the soul, to the conduct of the physicality that the Soul of the Man is responsible and for the Soul of the Man to be responsible in respect to the others.
「And understand one thing and I made this very clear, when you're asked when you are given and then you intrude in what you have given, then you stand your own balance of the soul. 」
You call it a balance or punishment, there is no punishment, you will be brought to the position that you accept the position what you have given and what you have accepted and you cannot change it I'll try to include with it as your soul will bring you to the position for the second cycle of suffering as you have now learned, you do not touch, what is not yours and is given, weighted you shall pay through the balance of your soul, with your own pain, physically, or your position in the direction of your soul,
you do not need to be Hitler to kill so many to find no position you can do with a single soul of yours, the misconduct of itself.
In so many ways, mankind has to become mature, to stand responsible for his own conduct and understand from now on.
Now that we have made and we are facilitating a comfortable life or man, man becomes responsible for the conduct of his physicality and soul to become one.
And in this process, man needs to mature man needs to grow into the second cycle.
And in that process of second cycle, means elevation of the soul, spreading the love of the Creator among the creatures of the universe, and not to belong to one nation, and not belong to one planet, but belong to one universe.
And in that process, all documents of today that we become nationalists, religionists, and whatever politicians, with a school of thoughts, we all become one in one direction, to work and strive to achieve peace.
First, for our souls,
secondly, for the soul of humanity and the planet, and the universe, mankind soon we'll face is creator and inner process, the creation will become easy for him to understand.
My wish is that all your knowledge seekers, and all those who listen and hear the voice of the Creator, will come together to bring peace to humanity.
In so many ways, my wish, is my command. As a creator, I wish the man reaches the point of maturity of peace, and the revolution of innovation of his soul. 1:32:28
Try to strive to understand the work of your soul through your physicality. And don't call it I happened to be there. And he happened, you happen to be there because your soul has brought you to be there.
If you look at the magnets, when you put in the set, the magnet has physical and you see it moving to find his position. But the fact is the field forces of the others, which is force that physicality to be in that position.
So you understand that when you enter a room and you serve, and you enter a room and you give you enter environment, and you devote your life to serve, the other souls have seen the same and approach you to be there. Your physicality is just a manifestation to show where you are, in essence, the fields do their work, and they decide hope. I hope today's teaching brings you more enlightenment.
And those of you who were waiting to see your own soul. Now you understand the presence of your physicality, be in the shop, be in the operating table, be as a president sponsoring him wanting to elevate your soul, and at the same time, to bring the Collective Soul of the creation and the creator to understanding of equality, peace and balance.
Use my knowledge and technology to bring peace
First of all, to your soul,
secondly, to the rest of the creators beloved's
in so many ways, understand one simple thing, doesn't matter if you're a strength of the physicality or a strength of the Soul. It all has to be respected and more have a life to live. The coordinated time the place and the position till the soul and the physicality of the soul both decide where and how they want to move. And how they want to elevate themselves will take position, position of the new position.
As I said, we walk your adequate needs we teach you and if he needs we give you every tool to evolve, to understand and to mature 1:35:02
I hope today, which is for some of you already, into next day, also the past day will become the beginning of the new cycle. We will celebrate 21st of March together for the creation and the presence of the new cycle of life, for all souls of humanity to elevate to a new level, and become detached from the dimension of physicality, as they say, many of you, and many of your forefathers have been waiting for the day of promise today.
And it's about to arrive in the promises to your own soul and the dimension of the existence and totality, the change will come doesn't matter how man celebrates or cries, because the end will be what will be good for totality of the creation and the Creator.
My Love and Peace goes to all your souls, I hope, you'll find the path between your physicality and your soul with a new teaching a new technologies, which allows you to elevate to that position in so many ways.
Maybe mankind is ready to enter the Universal Community in 2020. And will it bring peace and prosperity?
Let's see how collectively the Soul of the Man will accommodate change.
And I wish you safe journey in this journey of your soul. And with your physicality. And to understand the changes has to come as it has to be so rapid. Otherwise, they'll take too long to implement.
Thank you very much. And I hope you understood the essence of the teaching and not the pictures and physicality of the pictures. Would you like to go to a break? And then we go back to the teacher.