physicality is the point of manifestation of the confirmation of the existence of the Soul. So, you can manifest yourself anywhere in the Universe.
Baha’ullah, blessed his name, says right in his writing it's the last sentences in the Kitáb-I-Aqdas:
"The maturity of the Man will come when Man understands the mutation of elements."
It's not that you manage to change Gold to Silver. It means you can understand the change of your Emotion to your Soul, that the physicality can manifest itself.
When you look at it in a World language,
as a matter, you think of Gold, Silver and you can change one into another.
But in reality the writing of Baha’ullah,
blessed his name, is:
"The evolution of the essence of the Soul of the Man, with his Emotion."
Don't forget, many times, we say,
"You have the Soul, you have the Emotion of the Gold."
"When you hold your hand, it'll be Gold."
So, the mutation doesn't come from the change of elements. It comes from understanding the operation of the Soul of the Man. And this is important.
In so many ways, when you look at the life of Christ, blessed his name, it's the same.
They put him on the cross. They've chained down the physicality. But he walked out of the Soul, and created another physicality, because he understood the full mutation.
It's very hard for a lot of people to understand. But...if you look at it, it's the same process as you eat food. It converts into energy. Becomes the Calcium cell of your body, as a bone.
And then, when it's time comes, the Calcium the body takes back. And it goes back, and it gets rejected as a matter again.
It transmutes three times.
The matter to energy, becomes part of your body.
And then again as a physical part of your body.
Then it has to transmute back into the system.
To go back again, to become solid, to be rejected by the body.
This is the beauty of life, if the man understands the work of the Universe.
But, in so many ways: As we never looked at the reality, fallacy's taken over, and so we added more and more to it.
But, the video we saw yesterday, from Dr Rodrigo, explains the whole cycle of life in the Universe.
Those who are looking for a cure for Cancer, it means they haven't seen the
reality of the work of the creation.
As they say, it's an old say, it says,
"What you see in the pot I see in the clay and I see in the sand."
"You don't know what you gonna make.
Because it's the first time you play with the sand. That, if you become a pot.
But, I know which sand we need to have a pot. It's no use putting water with granules and hoping to make a pot, where you know which dust you have to take, that you can moisture it the right way, that it sticks, then becomes a pot.
In so many ways it's us who has to understand the process of the creation. Not the way it ends up with physicality.
But man has to understand that physicality is the point of manifestation of the confirmation of the existence of the Soul. So, you can manifest yourself anywhere in the Universe.
It's just depends if you want to be seen as a ten legged man on this Planet that you would be the odd one, they'll put you in a zoo say you are animal or you decide to be the shape of a Man, that you can work within the comforts, and live with the comfort of the life of the planet.
That's all it is there is no change, there is no time to waste to go back and not understand the whole process, and then
blame everybody else for it.
The police of the Universe is the emotion of the Man. And knowing that it always has to balance with the Soul.
And if you understand this you police yourself, and nothing can go wrong, and as you understand, in the coming time when Man goes to Space, Space will teach the Man one thing.
Stay correct, you live the life of the Universe. You take what is not there for you to take, you'll find out, the life will be very short. Because you put a spanner in the work, and somewhere it cracks.
Try, when you become the Man of the Space, one thing. Don't think, "I am gonna be correct." Live, "I am correct".
And you live a correct life.
The problem is, as I said many times. We have a very bad habit.
And I always referred to it, the most beautiful picture with a little young girl, black. Sitting with the most beautiful blonde, blue-eye, on a branch of a tree.
She says, "Can I lick you?"
"Do you taste like chocolate?"
Why do we need to lick to taste, where we can see the Soul?
That tasting, is the biggest problem for Mankind. Because, what would the animal from Planet Zeus, will taste like? And that, will start the whole rhythm of killing, to be able to taste.
What about if you ask,
"Can I have the fields of the Emotion, to know how it interacts with me?"
"That I can manifest myself, my Emotion, in respect to what you give me."
Then you find out, you don't need to consume.
This is the biggest problem.
And, how Mankind will pass this point,
will be the biggest test for Man.
Would you like to eat something else or do we rely on the Emotion of it, what it gives us? Pleasure, seeing.
Do we need the sight?
Or, do we feel the Soul, according to the Emotion of the entity?
That, I want you to see me as 16 arms and 20 things.
Because, I am very strange to you, and by you looking at me, you can take a lot of pleasures seeing something funny. So I make that, till you are happy.
But at the same time, to another one, I'll be human because, that way he feels safe, that I'm not endangering his life,
then he doesn't need to kill.
The process of the conversion of the Emotion, from the fields it receives from the Soul, is the biggest dilemma for the Mankind.
And many shall fail.
And those who fail to understand it,
will stay the citizen of this Planet.
There is no examination, it's the Man who tests himself. According to the strength of his Soul and the conversion of the Emotion to physicality of the position.
You come understand doesn't matter
how deep you try to say, "I'm good."
As again Baha’ullah said bless his name,
"We test the Gold with fire and we test Man with Gold."
The fire is understanding the condition of the environment and the Gold is knowing. if you stay still Gold, or you evaporate.
This is the reality, this is understanding,
how fast you can convert.
That not only we show that through the new technology, we have found a solution for what is the fear of the Man,
which, it causes his own death.
But, understanding the Truth about
the conversion, in the Space Technology.
So, as we say in English,
"With one bullet we kill two birds."
We teach the conversion of the Man, the fear of himself.
And the second way, we teach the
Space Technology which is to come.
I tell you one thing, NASA will shut half of NASA swimming pools. Because, now they understand all they need to do,
is just put some fields around it, and make some reactors and they'll be done.
What is important, in this conference, as you see, we have many people from many nationalities and different part of the world. Or part of the world they come from but they don't want to be connected to because now they are Canadian Americans, but they are originally from Australia but they came from Slovenia and everything else.
But, if you look at yourselves in this conference, you are exactly like the
breast of the woman. You have mutated to fit the environment you are in, and how you feel safe. Black, white, Chinese. Whatever you are, you have mutated.
So, it took you thousands of years to do it. We've shown you a system it does it in three months. And then, if you become expert in it, you can do it in few seconds.
Now that you know the path, it should be, become very easy.
It won't come by CO2,
it won't come by Zinc Oxide
it will not come by GANS of god knows what.
It comes by the Emotion of the Man how you energize that reactor.
As long as you don't carry the true essence of, "I create this for humanity, not for me in to be the first one." You'll never make it.
And somebody comes with a pure heart,
understanding that the evolution of the time, dictates the creation of new Space Science.
Then you all walk in's
It is very easy.
It is very easy to make a misjudgment
and don't understand.