
First medical teaching Bone
(MK) Ok, Thank you very much Eliya.
It took a long time to get the first one going, we done a lot of hard work trying to put it together.
Can I be heard clearly or is it just us who is getting ... bites of ...speak? Can you hear us clearly?
(EK) Yes, I hear you. I hear everything okay.
(MK) Ok. So, I try to start from somewhere in a way that ...on the health ... just one second, on the health side of the Keshe Foundation, we work the whole principle and the whole pattern of the work of the side of the foundation or the way I work on the health side is that,
is there a need for an organ?
Is there a need for a piece?
Is there a need for a function in the body?
And one of the main things to ask is that, is there a need for a bone structure
in the body of the Man?
Would the Man be able to function, the human body, or any entity, without a bone structure?
So, when you start asking that question,
then you start looking
what are the reasons for existence, or production,or creation,in the process of
the evolution,of that piece in the body,
in the structure?
As Eliya said,we start the life with some 270 odd bones, at the point of birth, and all inceptions when the bone structure starts coming together,and around adulthood we come to about 206 pieces plus odd pieces here and there.
But, why the body, merges joins, disposes of adds to 70 odd bones in the life cycle?
The other processes that, in the body of the man,what is the real purpose?
What is the real reason for the structure of the bone?
You can call it different things,
you can call it the bone marrow,
you can call it the spongy part,
you can call it the rib bone, the hip bone, the bone for the skull and everything else.
The main process before you start anything,is to ask, as I said,
"is there any need for the bone structure?"
And then, go back into the operation of the brain and understand why the physical part of the brain has decided to create such a bone.
So, what this means is that,
what is the function,
why can't we live, can't we survive,
can't function with the full intelligence,
without the bone?
The bone structure of the man is no different than the bone structure of a fish.
The only difference is that, as we were
created in the same kind of process,
the fin, the tail fin, has split in two
halves, we call it two legs, and the side fins has become the arms and the fingers.
And if you look at the rest, the head of the fish has moved slightly higher, we call it the neck, but the rest is exactly
the same as a fish,as same as with any other animals.
Why did, in the process of the evolution,
man, or body, of entity of the fish decided to make different bones?
And how this process started?
To me, to the work which I do, in the health side of the Foundation, there is no need for a bone, for a Man, the Soul to exist.
But, when you allow the Emotional part to exist, and Emotional part has connected itself to a leech part, which is the physical part, compromises have been made.
So, what does this mean?
This means I'm prepared to receive energy if the leech part, which is the physical part, can support the life cycle, which means, ok, I need lung to support it, my life, so, I have to protect it.
So, there comes a rib cage.
And then, it comes into the process of
why the heart sits next to the lung;
why heart and lung sit on the upper part of the body?
Why don't we have our lungs in our toes and in our feet?
Why the bone marrow and the lymph, and the heart and the lung all work through one pump, which we call the heart?
Where did the compromise come,
why the process has started?
The whole entity of Man does not need the bone structure.
But, in trying to get different functions
and usages to maximum use from what can support the energy side for the Emotional part of the brain, has been used to the full capacity. And it's been the best efficient way it can be done.
The point is that, when, at the point of inception, when the first cells are made,
when the main structure starts, who decides, or where in the structure of the life, decides, that there is going to be
a conversion, or absorption, ... or transfer of energy into Calcium that becomes the bone?
So... when the fetus is created, there are no bones in it.
What does decide, who decides, what combination decides that, first of all,
the Calcium sequence comes in, then, the pattern of the production of
the bones come in, in what sequence,
and then, what apparatus is needed for this thing to survive on its own, to regenerate on its own.
So, the point comes in that,
does the DNA carry the information for production of the bones?
Or does RNA informs the DNA, this is what you got to do, and the DNA sets up the procedure for physicality to come in?
Then, if one understands this process,
then you can understand the structure of the bone for each part of the body of the man, or any animal.
Bone is a physicality of the Man; it's
exclusivity of the Man on this planet.

So, what has led, what has caused,
what has generated the production of the bone?
The Calcium.
Where does the information come in,
for lymph, which is within the womb of the mother, as different form, in the blood form, to become as part
of the lymph of the child, and then that information transfers the lymph in its density, gravitational, magnetic field structure into a bone of the hip and a bone of the skull and the rest?
So, if you look at this way, then you'll find out, you look at the whole structure of the Man, the bone, the muscles, the attachments,and the process in a totally different way in a much simpler way, and in a way that you can interact with the bone structure.
You're born in some part of the world,
where you are supposed to be short,
due to the climate; or to have a broader hip bone because of the way of living and the condition.
Then you move to another part of the world where the structure ofthe bone is different, and, if a child is born from a marriage or mixture of these two different types of bone,
what decides the new formation?
What kind of bone?
What kind of structure of the bone?
And how this bone comes together to be?As a Plasma, then as a Matter, then in what formation of the Matter.
Then it comes to one point.
The structure of the bone is decided by the Emotional part of the brain, to guarantee the survival of the physical part that can guarantee the survival
of the Emotional part.
So, in every part of the human body, for every operations.
We see a gland.
We see the thyroid gland,
we see glands over the kidneys,
but why not, why we don't see any
glands, for operation of the bones?
Why the brain has decided that the operation of the bone will be controlled by the Emotional side directly over the physical part?
So, bone structure has an importance
in the most important existent part that is so vital, that the brain has never decided to divide itself as a gland, specifically for the bones.
It is so important, that the brain, the Emotional part, directly over its physical part, controls everything to do with the bone, because without it, the Emotional part would not exist.
And, it's the only place where the Emotional part has decided to control everything.
The bone structure is the most
important, vital part of existence.
And why the brain has done such a decision that to be there?
It has put everything in one safe, in a hard safe. It's very much like you put your most important documents in a safe and you lock it up.
You buy a fireproof safe and
you buy a bulletproof safe.
This is exactly what Emotional part
of the body has done over the evolution.
The bones are the safes of the body.
The bone marrow.
If the body gets attacked and germs or viruses or anything attacks the physical part, where is it made?
Where is your defence technology?
Where is your defence protection?
Bone marrow in the safe, where there is the less possibility of damage.
Where does your conversion and production of the red blood cells and white blood cells, are done?
Without them,
the heart cannot operate,
the physicality part cannot operate,
the Emotional part dies.
Operation is kept in the safe,
where, does the whole structure of the operation of the control of all the systems, chemically needed, majority is
produced in, and kept in the safe in the bone structure.
So, when you are the boss and your life depends on what's in the safe, you don't give the key to somebody else to control it.
If the world of medicine understand this connection, then they will understand how easily through the Emotional part
they can control all the diseases through
the bone and the structure of the bone, the bone marrow, red blood cells and the rest.
This is how you divide it, you call it the skull, you call it the hip bone, you call it the rib bone.
In operation, there is no difference
between any of the bones.
All the bones produce in a very minute way, or very large quantities or effectively, in a powerful way, the same kind of material which are needed in the vicinity which they are working on ...or, they are responsible for, to protect.
Then, when you do this, you create channels of supply, and channels of disposal.
When Eliya shows the structure of the bone, with all these soft bones and curvature bones, and holes and different
strands inside the bone, there is a reason for every single one of these strands.
There is a reason for every one of the cavities in the sponge.
They are not random.
If you understand the nano-technology, you will understand the structure of the bone to be nano-layers, the small gravitational fields in the different holes, different conditions, which they create, they absorb, they create the condition to
absorb or gravitate different materials to
a different strength to become part of the lymph, part of the blood, part of the cells which are produced within their bone marrow.
I've said this before in different talks. Eliya showed a bone, and it shows the gravitational line from the hip down to the knee.
If you understand what this line of the contact means you will understand why your body creates a bone with a high density in certain places, and then soft inside, because the hard side and the soft side, they create a balanced field,
which, for example, absorbs surplus Phosphor from the lymph, or the gravitational magnetic field of the Phosphor.
Then, that …plus the Calcium, which is converted from the lymph into
Calcium due to the vibration of the bone,
gets added to what?
Gets added to your ... T-cells, B-cells.
If you look at all the amino, what do you call it, immune system ... cells which come out of the bone, they all have a Calcium link, and with it they have a Phosphor link.
The reason for Phosphor, look at the structure of the DNA.
The body, the Emotional side, wants to
guarantee that its information kept in its RNA, in conjunction with the existence of the DNA.
That's the reason, you see, you find that in the bone marrow.
At the same time, the Emotional side
wants to guarantee its existence and Calcium is important, so it makes all the time connections between the...immune system and the bone connection, which is the Calcium.
So, Eliya explained to you from the human side the physicality of the skeleton.
But, from real point of existence, the skeleton, especially the way it's built around the movements of the body of the Man, is literally, the most fundamental part, because it carries the Phosphor,
it carries the Calcium,
it carries the immune system,
so it can guarantee the reproduction and
conversion and adjustment into RNA and the DNA for the next generation.
So, the way we look at it, from the Space Technology, then we can replicate all the Plasmas which are created under different names within the bone marrow.
But, then, you don't need to fight, you don't need to move, you don't need to create a bone marrow.
You've reached the Emotional part of the brain, which knows what is wrong and what has been changed, and through it,
you reach the bone marrow. And, then, you guarantee the survival.
So, first of all, it has to be understood
that why, the bones are created for Man,
for the body of any animal.
We have got too, too technical to look at the physicality, but we have lost the whole understanding of the purpose of the bone.
Then, when you look at the bone in this way, you see why and how the Emotional part, has transferred the knowledge to the physical part, and the same time, the only piece of the whole human or any being on this planet which is...which has got a bone structure, is left with the boss, with the Emotional part.
So, when we start talking about
the structure of the bone,
we speak about the control system, in
conjunction with the brain operation, not a bone, skeleton that is there to hold the weight of the hip, or the weight of the human skull, or the shape of the bone,
because these are all physicality.
Every, every indentation, every crack,
every hole which is made in any part or within the structure of the bone
is total physicality.
Where the body in the brain has found
or have preferred to be, the easiest way to be done.
If you look at the blood vessels, which come from the bone, without those blood vessels; the immune system will not work, the lymph system would not work, because one pump, which is the heart, is sucking the residual leftover, the sewage work, from the body out, what is body's not needed, what the body does not need, and in this process
it sucks the food, the, what do you call,
the 'nourishment', the energy, through the walls of the intestine, into the lymph.
So, then, this pump, as it's sucking blood to circulate, the same circulation which goes through the section of the bone will suck the lymph through the bone structure, and in passing through the nano-layers, according to the need
of the body from the brain, which the information comes directly the necessary materials are produced, converted, added and sent out through the bone, into the blood cells, into the lymph, back to the body.
So, in a way, the bone structure is a conversion factory.
But, the whole operation is run on one conveyer belt; and that conveyer belt only works with one motor, the heart.
The chambers of the heart, the way the
the chambers of the heart are set.
Why you have, certain bone structure,
even for a short time, within the heart of the body of the Man?
There is a reason for everything.
Why, in some diseases we find that Calcium gets deposited within the fiber of the heart, which through the function of the heart leads to the internal bleeding of the heart and death.
You have to realize why the brain, why the bone takes the shapes, different shapes, but in fact, the function of all the bones are exactly the same.
But, they are like localized sections, as they protect, at the same time, they service and provide what is needed in the local area.
And then you have the master which is the back-up system, which is the main bone in the leg.
Whatever is needed extra, the back-up provides, and it keeps it in the store and it keeps providing.
But, the rest of the bones' structure,
be it the upper arm, be it the rib, be it the little bone on the tip of your finger,
operate exactly the same way and they
produce exactly the same kind of thing,
even it might not be visible to the physical eye.
So, the bone from the Space Technology is a conversion factory.
And then, when you understand this
conversion, how this conversion is done,
why it's done, how the process is done,
then it brings the whole Space Technology from nano-material from the GaNS point of view, from the energy production, all in order.
This is why, if you have listened to the
workshops, and talks I've given before
I always say NASA spends billions
to go and search into Space and sends different things up in different Space Agencies to find out what happens in Space.
In Keshe Foundation, we treat the body of the Man as a Galaxy; everything is in it.
Whatever you want to know about Deep Space is within the deep structure
of the body of the Man.
They have spent billions, and we do very little, but we achieve much more information, in a much faster and easier way, and we have shown and we show how this is, and the way it is done.
There is no difference, if you want to
understand the working of the bone,
just go back in the workshop that was
done yesterday by Knowledge Seekers.
The nano-layers inside the Copper,
or outside the Copper, is exactly the same structure as the nano-layers inside the bone of the Man.
So, you, to understand the function of the bone, you have to understand the function of the Nano materials.
You have to understand the function
of the Gravitational Magnetic field within the Nano materials.
Why you put a Copper, nano-coated, with Zinc, coated metal, and you continuously produce CO2?
What does Copper have to do with Zinc,
what does it have to do with the CO2?
Because, in the nano-layers of
the Copper, which was produced, conditions are created which balances, equals to Copper Oxide or Calcium CO3. In nano-layers, absorption and extraction.
Now convert the same knowledge
into the pores, in the holes, in the strands of the nano-layer of the bone.
And then you understand how, in the same structure, you extract Phosphor from the lymph, why you extract all the necessary Amino Acids from the lymph and once they come to the bone marrow, they become, what do you call them, T-cells and B-cells.
The conversion is done due to all these
porosities and the holes in nanostructure
and in the total structure of the bone.
So, you want Phosphor, there is no
Phosphor coming through the lymph
going through the holes and just appearing in the bone marrow.
The energy of the Phosphor which is
sucked through the walls of the,... or transferred through the walls of the intestine, which is within the lymph structure, once matches the Gravitational Magnetic field within the nano-porosity layers of the bone, manifests itself as a Phosphor in the bone marrow. Or, it sucks in to come to become the bone marrow;... as the lymph is going through the holes of the bone.
Then, you understand there is not a way to handle the structure of the bone in the physicality, the way it was explained by Eliya.
You have arm bones,
you have finger bones,
these are all to guarantee two things:
First of all, that energy, and you can move to a position that the energy can be absorbed by the lungs that the Emotional side can exist,
and secondly, the bones are there to
make sure the function and holding, that if you take all the bones, the finger doesn't drop off, that it can not lift the foot, that it goes in the mouth, that it can guarantee the physical part of the body to survive that it can guarantee as a pay-off for the energy to be absorbed by the Emotional part.
Then, the whole picture of the bone structure changes from scientific point of view, from Space point of view.
Do other creatures have bones and, what do you call it, cartilages in their body, in Space?
There are structures which support
these things but not Calcium.
But, why do we do this, why do our
body chooses this way of conversion
and we say they have nerves in it, as Eliya was saying there are nerves
within the system of the bone structure.
Bones are created through Emotions.
Bones, the structure of the bones has a direct effect in the Emotional part
of the body of the Man, because if you have to be short to guarantee the survival, because the opposite sex, which is the chooser, likes it short,
so, in the structure of the culture, structure of the envIronment, the Emotional part instructs the physical part in this area, we stay short, because this way we can guarantee to be chosen to pass on the information and the gene guarantee pool.
Every structure of the bone, every shape of the finger of the bone, is directly connected to the need and demand of the Emotional part.
And if the world of science understands
this, then, one will understand
why, in the old age, we become frail and we have problems with our bones.
This is all because, in so many ways, the body doesn't want to exist, after a point.
And the Emotional part guarantees that
through the bone, through the red cells,
through the white cells, through the
immune system which is kept in the safe.
A lot of reasons man dies or man chooses to die, or the body chooses to finish with the physical part, is that the Emotional part, does not see any reason to be connected to live, and the physical part, which is controlled through the bone marrow, does the job, trying to end it, in one way or another.
Once the Man finds the purpose for life, in a way of no greed, but being pleasure to be alive, Man will live like any other creatures in the Universe, six, seven hundred, thousand years, two thousand years, the way Man does in this world.
There is no difference between a tree,
which lives two thousand, three thousand years in the jungle, and the man.
Why not man, can't man live that long?
It's just that we have chosen and that fingerprint is imbedded in the structure of the bone.

So, from Creation point of view, the way the structure of the body of the Man is,
bone is the most important part of the body exists.
Even though you cut the limbs off or the arms off, you will find out that you still have immune system.
What happen to people who had part amputations or full amputations of arms and legs; they still live, they still have the life, they still create... the blood red cells and white cells.
Where do they get it from?
The responsibility gets passed on to
the work of exactly the other bones in the body which do the same thing.
So, the physicality, in the position of
the bone, goes back to the Emotion.
And every bone in the body, produces
and has the capability to produce the full DNA structure replication of the RNA.
As we've seen, people are born without
hands, without arms and legs and and they still have a full heart operation, they still get all the diseases the other people get.
So, where does the bone marrow come
from? Where does the immune system
come from, that we say that it's dependent on the main bone on the leg.
Because, the Emotional part guarantees existence, allows the other bones within the body to do the same operation and carry on with the same thing.
Then, you see in a lot of diseases, like cancers, certain cancers immediately
show themselves in certain positions as a secondary cancer on the bones of the body.
Then you understand, that has an Emotional effect.
And that's why in so many things we call as a bone cancer, we see for a specific position for a specific diseases, what do you call it, the bone cancer shows itself.
So, as Space Scientist, as the Space Knowledge and Health,
we look at the bone, in its totality of operation, not in numbers and the shape.
So, in the next stage, when we talk
health in respect to bone, we speak about how to create gravitational magnetic fields within the bone structure
that can be accepted, or change the
gravitational magnetic field of the nano-layers within the bone structure,
which can lead to production of what
is needed to boost immune system,
or to boost T-cells,
or the red blood cells.
Then, the approach to health is become totally different, it moves from the physical interaction to Plasma and to Plasmatic interaction and then, this way is much, much easier, to solve a lot of problems for the health's part side.
So, you explain the bone as a physical
part, and these are the holes, these are where the blood cells come, this is where the yellow bone marrow is;
from the Space Technology point of view
health side, we look at what cavity
leads to production of certain Gravitational Magnetic fields that converts the Plasma within the lymph,
to the Matter needed for the survival
and production of the bone marrow, of the red blood cells.
Ask always a single question;
How come nothing comes into the bone from blood cells?
From blood point of view, from a different way, but this container continuously supplies everything out.
Because, when you look at the structure of the bone, the structure of the bone is a big sieve. And in that sieve, as the lymphs pass through, according to the position of the lymph, according to the Gravitational Magnetic field of the envIronment, as the lymph goes through, the material needed is converted and produced.
And then, you receive red blood cells in the bone marrow.
There is no factory, nobody sitting inside
the bone marrow and producing red cells, now is the blood of, what do you call it, white cells.
And now, this is the lymph, and now this is something else.
So, the bone structure is a total Gravitational Magnetic field in the nano-layers, exactly like Copper wires we've shown in the energy production and when you put different
energies together, different Gravitational Magnetic fields together, in a specific way, which the brain in the Emotional part decides in totality of its work, then, you understand the work of the bone.
This goes back to a lot of people saying
that man uses 5%, 10% or 15% of the brain.
And then, when you look at the brain,
why it is so big and no part of it is rotten,
because if you use 15% of it, the
other 85% should be rotting away because it's not used.
All these parts of the brain which, physical parts, which appears to man is not used, is continuously monitoring most part of it, the operation, the production, and the running of the bone structure.
Major part, major part of the brain,
the physical part, is for development of the frequencies, what do you call it, to convert, of the whole structure, of the porosity, of the size, of the strands, of the movement of every single bone
in the body of the man
without the bone,
the Emotional side cannot exist.
Maybe, for the first time, all those
people who come up with this nonsense
that the body, the brain is not doing anything functionally and the thing is just there, understand that the major part of the operation of the brain, the working of the brain, goes into look after, reproduce a precise size, shape, position, strength,
strand within every single bone of the man.
Because, without the bone, there is no immune system, there is no blood cells, and the red blood cells are necessary for the heart, for the lungs, to be able to transfer energy from the lung into the man.
So, it is so vital for the brain controls
itself without to somewhere else, because the Emotional side,
as Eliya said,
within the bone, the red blood cells are created.
And as they are passed along, the Emotional part of the body dies, or cannot function correctly.
Then you understand why even the Emotional side has protected the bone,
we call the skull, for itself.
Then, the whole structure, the whole
understanding of the world of health
changes in respect to the working of the bone.
Every bone structure is a depository bank for certain need of the body at the point of the need.
So, the brain knows what it needs,
when it needs it, and it has to guarantee
its own survival, so the operation, a major part operation of the brain, runs on a daily basis, every second
in looking after, changing, allocating, converting, extracting, supplying
the bone material to the bone, and the material from the bone
for rest of the body.
Now the world of health.
The world of the bone structure looks totally different, and this is why in the Keshe Foundation, in the health side, what they say, or they tell us, we do magic.
So we just use water.
Because if you can, send the right energy package, which is getting absorbed and transferred through the intestines, to the lymph, to go through the bone marrow, you control the boss.
You control the base,
you control the intestine,
so you can affect the rest of the chain work.
They tell us, that you only use water and air, because you never understood the essence of the Creation, and the Creation of the Man.
Through the water, we decide what goes
through the bone structure, to become your immune system, which in a way, affects your own Emotions, that affects your health.
Then, the rest of the things, we do around the body, is just physicality adjustment.
When I can control the energy level
which goes through your lung,
through the air you breathe
through the cups we provide,
then, I can give enough to the Emotional side, that it makes the right connection,
information to the lymph, at the point of passing through the bone to create the right immune system,
the right insulin,
the right material
for rest of the body to live a perfect life.
So, the physicians, the doctors who go
and try to find different antibiotics, and different materials to change this disease and that disease, start to understand.
The production, the conversion, the strength of every fibre within the bone,
is decided within the intestine, when you pass the energy through the wall of the intestine.
Then, you understand you do not need
to feed food to the Man.
Because through the same Plasma
condition you transfer the right Plasma in the right position, by literally the water is a package gimmick, to be able to transfer this Plasmatic energy into the body to join the lymph.
So, in most of the time, the people who have used the heath technology of the Keshe Foundation,
I have always tell them, when you breathe from the cups, the minute the air from the cup has touched your lips, the information and the energy is transferred.
it is the same thing with when you drink the water, because, by the time you drink the water, the whole energy has passed through, instead of going
through intestine, through your body, through your ... the mouth, already has joined your lymph operation.
So, the bone structure needed to guarantee the survival of the Emotional part, and it's so fundamental that as I said, the boss has decided, I keep the control. The functions which are not important but they are auxiliary, the body has decided to allocate the glands in the different parts of the body because it's too busy.
But, the work of the brain is so important
for it to be responsible for the whole bone structure.
And now you understand very easily why, in so many ways, our Emotion decides
the shape of our bone,
the size of our bone,
the way we produce cells,
the way we protect our cells,
the way we decide the length of the life.
So, when next time you look at the bone, just don't look at the physicality is there, because it carries the gravity,
or it is there to protect the heart.
It is there because the brain has decided
this is where I needed to guarantee my survival, and if it needs four legs,I put it, make it the donkey,if it needs to swim in the sea, I don't need to give it legs, it's too hard to swim with two legs, to swim, I joined two legs together, I call it the fin in the end.
I always say: stand in front of the mirror, and look at yourself;
you see a fish with a split tail,
you call it two legs.
And you see two fins, side fins changed;
otherwise there is no difference.
And the same principle of working of the bone,
it's the same for a fish, for a man, for a donkey, or any creatures which is dependent on the survival of the life,
through bone structure. Otherwise, you'll be an amoeba and a single cell, you don't need bone structure, but you still have the intelligence.
Now any questions?