So, we have done this, we have measured this.
So, in reality, the conversion is in a gans state, maybe for the first time, we disclose today, with this very simple explanation, the ones who came on Noah's boat, they understood the rest, and is for us, and they spoke about it.
Was this animal or did this animal, what we call the shoe crab, came on Noah's boat, but it managed to convert itself, into a structure which fits into where it is and how it is.
And then, this gives us an insight in the future of mankind in the space. So, those in a very simple way, why I pick this up and Eliya is showing it, because I didn't want to discuss it yesterday but I thought now is a good point to bring it back on asset, to bring it back in today, is to understand the separation between the physicality and the emotional part.
You see, the physicality is embedded in the amino-acid, the five nitrogen and the rest which creates amino-acid and then is embedded in DNA through phosphor link and then, when the phosphor link picks up the information, the positioning, the energy which creates for itself, for its positioning in the structure, leading the structure of the DNA, creates a positioning and information in the RNA, which becomes part of the permanent structure of the man and with it, then it becomes part of the structure and the working operation between the emotional part and the physical part of the body.
This is very, very important for those who will understand what has been explained in the past 10 minutes in, the coming years. In time, man will understand, in reality, what has been locked into with the fingerprint of DNA here, with the 2 phosphors.
That's why you have the phosphor in the muscle tissues, in the amino-acid as it is, and as you remember, in the process of the bone structure, we always said,
- phosphor is produced in the inner structure of the bone, specifically for this reason and specifically for fingerprinting and matching to DNA in the structure, and then,
- you have the calcium, which is again created and held in the immune system in the structure of the inner part of the bone marrow and
these two always travel together.
And that's why Eliya explained to you what and how the calcium moves in the boundary, in these ways and those fibres, because amino-acid in this process, as a unit, energy unit like this, or as a defense system or immune system, come and works together, where calcium and phosphor guarantee the fingerprint of how much immune system what is needed, that in the next generation, when the generation, when the next generation is produced exactly the protection is set and is there for it to be, doesn't need to learn it again.
So, slowly, as I said, we start opening to understanding of the plasmatic condition, and here you see one of the examples of it.
There is the example of the shoe crab. It's an unusual looking animal. It carries a blue blood and they now breed it because of its blue blood and its soul, in its, what we call, emotional part, is very much, does not belong to this planet. Even if you look at its structure, it looks like a spaceship, with a tail.
And FDA has found this blue high-energy blood very effective in assessing work of the new medicine which is developed by pharmaceuticals.
And this is what I told in my talks in the past, that, in time, man will come across other creatures but we will never have offspring, because their amino-acid structure is different and stronger than ours. We can learn from it, but it is impossible to have physical interaction offspring.
Emotional interaction offspring which leads to the creation of offspring can be done, which I explain, in the future, and that is a possibility, and if you look, in so many ways, at the blood structure of the shoe crab, has a lot of similarities to the man, because it has chosen the environmental condition of this planet.
As I said, the emotional part has brought in and then it has adapted its physical side to it, to be able to survive, but, in reality, has never lost its origin that it had to live off cesium and copper and most probably this animal did'nt have cesium and copper.
It had a combination, as I explained, as a plasmatic, which is near to cesium and copper, so it has adopted what is available here which gives the gravitational magnetic field effect, in totality, of this entity, and we detect it, we recognize it, and we see it, because of its colour as to be the cesium and at the same time the interaction of copper with it.
You've seen this blue copper in your, some of the reactors, if you brought it near enough to it and made copper oxides.
So now you understand how easy and how close we are to the verge of the breakthrough into another dimension in the existence, but we have to understand our process and how we work first before we can go.
When you look at these structures, look at the totality and total magnetic field they produce I look at different pictures Eliya has, how they assemble the hydrogen and nitro-oxygen together, but in reality this structure is a sphere and it cannot be anything but a sphere because the fields are together.
What we've done today with the foundation, work has changed from matter into plasma and we start showing you the presence, the work of the plasma, in reality, in 3-dimension, not in the platform as a paper.
So again today, this is another departure from what has been, there is nothing wrong with the structure, which has been built up chemically or the pictures of the fibers which are shown, but now you have to understand in essence how it is created and what is done, and there we are, blue blood from crab, and it's there are the top scientists from, what do you call it, FDA, which they use this, because of its activeness and its energy.
We will see these kinds of interactions in the coming time, as we go to space. As much as this blue blood is interesting to us and different, our red blood is to the people of the space, but is keeping respect and the value of the life that is our essence and that's why, you see, colonization is not going from one village to another.
Without the understanding of the new technology and understanding of how it's done, we will and we are in the process of joining the universal community, but now we start showing the first signs of interaction.
I give the headphone back to Eliya......